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[Accepted] Hymir's Unathi Application

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BYOND Key: Hymir

Character Names: Cuffs, Mike Michaelson, Archon, Fiximus, Clover Wood, and Michael Crawford.

Species you are applying to play: Unathi

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Green

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I wish to play this race to help further expand my knowledge upon the world of Aurora Station whilst also enabling me to roleplay new and exciting facets of the world. The Unathi's very feudalistic society is interesting to me. Well, to be frank the Ouerean society and it's more accepting attitude is much more preferable but the very idea excites me. The idea of the Sk'ath faith was also very interesting, and I found myself enamored when reading the Religion page supplement. The acceptance of cloning, and the view that one is ripped from the Spirit realm and put back into their bodies was something I found to be rather creative, in terms of writing that is. Both the Warrior Code and the Military structure were also good reads. I found more enjoyment in the Warrior Code, as such honor and structure was a real spotlight that made the feudalistic society aspect more apparent. I want to be these people. I want to walk a mile in their figurative shoes. Moreover, I've not seen many Unathi on the server, and I'd like to bring what I have to the table, for the sake of entertainment of others and good ol' fashioned roleplay all around!

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: For starters, their society is a callback to the human societies of old. Feudalism, women as a subjugated class of society, strong beliefs in faith and traditionalism. It's far different from what one thinks of when considering a "normal" human. Then there's the people of Ouerean. More accepting, fighting back against the Hegemony, more individualistic in nature. It's rather interesting to read, and provides a great political landscape. I can envision such engagements. There of course is stating the obvious, that being that they're non-humans. However, this doesn't make them exactly too alien in nature. Their social cues, sexual dimorphism, and body structure is different, but it is close enough to be recognizable and comparable to other species and/or people we've seen in our day to day activities. For me, what makes them different is their culture, and their biological structure, but it's what makes them similar that makes them interesting.


Character Name: Sar'kai Arkata

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs:

Sar'kai was hatched on April 6th, 2432 on the planet Moghes, but raised in Ouerean society. His mother remained at home and made sure all of her children were well cared for, whilst his father was local entrepreneur and held high expectations of his children. Born with 3 sisters, Sar'kai was deemed to be the one to carry forward his family's legacy, although this belief in traditionalism in the family began to slightly change over time due to frequent interactions between Skrell and Humans. Sar'kai, unlike his siblings, found joy around a local Sk'ath church. The faith brought comfort to Sar'kai in times of frustration or when he feared of his future. As he grew older, Sar'kai found his devotion to faith to be very devout, and sought out a desire to be closer to his faith. As he grew to adolescence, Sar'kai came under the teachings of this priest. Although he had concerns of his father's stance on it, his father approved the notion, seeing the path of the faithful as a way to truly honor his family.

Sar'kai remained under the tutelage of the priest all the way to adulthood. During this time, he also became a man of the clergy, working as an aquatic farmer near his childhood home. However, for the people of Ouerea, strife was homeward bound. On July 7th, Ouerea was ceded back into the hegemony. While this brought some joy to some in Sar'kai's family, many people came to the church Sar'kai attended and worked alongside, seeking the advice and approval of their ancestors. Sar'kai heard varying responses. Some of fear, some of pride in the Hegemony, but it all lead to one conclusion: This victory wouldn't last, and there'd be bigger issues down the line. As the tension built, Sar'kai began to feel that to truly help the people in Ouerea in a meaningful way, he must not look to the land he walks upon, but to the stars. He sought the assistance of the Hephaestus Industries, and left his life behind on Ouerea. Now, he seeks to spread the word of the strife on Ouerea, and ask for aid, for the good of all.

What do you like about this character?: When I read the lore bits and bobs, I took a liking to the faith bit. This character is a way for me to really encapsulate that and enact upon it, allowing me to see the interactions of others between both my character and theirs. I'd like to see how people approach this religion, and how it can have an impact on others. Moreover, I just like the Sk'ath faith in general. Their take on ancestral worship is entertaining.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?: I'd say I'm proficient in roleplay. I spent 5+ years doing roleplay on a Terraria server (weird, I know), I do a lot of tabletop, and I've been on Aurora actively for a few months, with overall involvement being roughly a year and a half, maybe more.

Notes: None to my knowledge, but I'd like to see what people think of this. Constructive feedback and whatnot! Cheers, and I love you all.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello! Thank your for your application. I'd like to go over it with some preliminary questions to test the waters before going in depth.


Character Name: Sar'kai Arkata

Good name on the first try!


Sar'kai was hatched on April 6th, 2432 on the planet Moghes, but raised in Ouerean society.

When did his family make the trip? Were they one of the very early colonists? Did they move to escape the war as the violence spilled out across Moghes? Did they move as refugees, or pilgrims?? What circumstances lead the Clan to make the trip to a whole new world?


His mother remained at home and made sure all of her children were well cared for, whilst his father was local entrepreneur and held high expectations of his children.

What exactly did his father do? Being a local entrepreneur, he sounds like a locally important individual. Did he work as a guildmaster? The aesthetic of the Clan can be very important in establishing the character you are presenting. It is harder to know what expectations he has placed on him if we don't see where his father is coming from.


Sar'kai, unlike his siblings, found joy around a local Sk'ath church. The faith brought comfort to Sar'kai in times of frustration or when he feared of his future.


This is phrased as if the rest of his family are either atheists or of another religion. What faith does his family follow?


This victory wouldn't last, and there'd be bigger issues down the line. As the tension built, Sar'kai began to feel that to truly help the people in Ouerea in a meaningful way, he must not look to the land he walks upon, but to the stars. He sought the assistance of the Hephaestus Industries, and left his life behind on Ouerea. Now, he seeks to spread the word of the strife on Ouerea, and ask for aid, for the good of all.

Hephaestus Industries? I think it would be difficult for you to play a character employed by a rival corporation - do you mean here that he was picked up by NanoTrasen?


Hello! Thank your for your application. I'd like to go over it with some preliminary questions to test the waters before going in depth.


Character Name: Sar'kai Arkata

Good name on the first try!


Sar'kai was hatched on April 6th, 2432 on the planet Moghes, but raised in Ouerean society.

When did his family make the trip? Were they one of the very early colonists? Did they move to escape the war as the violence spilled out across Moghes? Did they move as refugees, or pilgrims?? What circumstances lead the Clan to make the trip to a whole new world?


His mother remained at home and made sure all of her children were well cared for, whilst his father was local entrepreneur and held high expectations of his children.

What exactly did his father do? Being a local entrepreneur, he sounds like a locally important individual. Did he work as a guildmaster? The aesthetic of the Clan can be very important in establishing the character you are presenting. It is harder to know what expectations he has placed on him if we don't see where his father is coming from.


Sar'kai, unlike his siblings, found joy around a local Sk'ath church. The faith brought comfort to Sar'kai in times of frustration or when he feared of his future.


This is phrased as if the rest of his family are either atheists or of another religion. What faith does his family follow?


This victory wouldn't last, and there'd be bigger issues down the line. As the tension built, Sar'kai began to feel that to truly help the people in Ouerea in a meaningful way, he must not look to the land he walks upon, but to the stars. He sought the assistance of the Hephaestus Industries, and left his life behind on Ouerea. Now, he seeks to spread the word of the strife on Ouerea, and ask for aid, for the good of all.

Hephaestus Industries? I think it would be difficult for you to play a character employed by a rival corporation - do you mean here that he was picked up by NanoTrasen?

Answer One: Sar'kai's family would have left as one of the 350 initial colonists. I am unsure if there's any qualms with that, but it's the idea I had. Sounded like a nifty start. As for the why of why they left, it was to seek new opportunities. The spirit of colonization. New people to sell to, new ways to bring pride to their family. After all, who wouldn't want to seek partnership and business interactions with one of the original settlers? Being an OG of sorts can really set your name in stone if you play your cards right.

Answer Two: His father was renowned in his community as a well tailored...well, tailor. He was skilled in the dying of clothing and design of outfits. His father had more of the outlook of, "They say dress for the job you want, and in my line of work, I'm the best at dressing you for it." Guildmaster? No, he was his own independent salesman, which I believe can be more stressful, as his father sought to be the best at what he did, which but strain on Sar'kai to be even better, at times.

Answer Three: That was bad phrasing on my behalf. They all share the same faith, however Sar'kai chose to make it his calling. The rest of the family did not.

Answer Four: Right, it would be NanoTrasen, my bad. After all, they had a small hand in the Contact War with constructing a rocket to Ouerea, so that makes more sense. A mistake on my behalf, I apologize.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Application accepted.

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