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BREAKING: NanoTrasen Employee Found Dead

Guest XanderDox

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Breaking news! An employee of the NanoTrasen Conglomerate Corporation was found dead in their apartment in Mendell City, Biesel today!

Mendell PD say that the corpse was found after a fellow tenant in the condominium reported a "foul odor" coming from the apartment across from hers.

The tenant has declined to comment herself, claiming that her neighbor wouldn't have wanted her to "get caught up in this mess" what mess she is referring too, is still unknown.

Mendell PD still have yet to release the name of the deceased, as NanoTrasen has asked them to keep the identity secret until further investigations can take place.

A NanoTrasen Representative had this to say:

"We are deeply saddened, that a member of our company has met such an unfitting end, for someone of their abilities and accomplishments. NanoTrasen strongly stands against such criminal acts, and asks for the killer to come forward, to ease the pain of the family and friends of their victim. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the deceased."

Although the identity of the deceased is largely unknown, speculation has been flying wild since reports first came out.

The most popular theory is that that the cadaver was an employee from the NSS Aurora/Exodus stations, however the company has refused to confirm this.

Stay tuned for updates!

EDIT JAN27 : A previous version of this article used the singular term 'friend' rather than 'friends'

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Early in the morning, on January 25th, Mendell PD breached into a small condominium apartment, to investigate reports of a "foul odor" coming from within.

After gaining entry to the room, authorities found a body, seemingly murdered by multiple gunshot wounds.

Authorities initially refused to release the identity of the body on the request of NanoTrasen Corporation Conglomerate, but now, three days later, the identity of the victim was released in a press conference held by the Mendell PD.

The deceased, Carter Alexander Mason, age 36, was employed at NanoTrasen Corporate Conglomerate's NSS Aurora station, as a Head of Security. Mason joined NanoTrasen Internal Security at the age of 19, starting as a Cadet and working his way up the ranks. He had many successful protection missions within his years of service, including the prevention of a bombing on board the Aurora. Medical officials say Mason will not be able to undergo cloning, as he filed a DNC Order with Mendell General Hospital a week prior to his murder. The family have refused to comment on what they plan to do with his possessions.

It is unknown whether or not Mason's business in the asset protection world had anything to do with his murder, but authorities have said they believe this is a result of free-lance investigating on Masons' part into gang violence.

This horribly violent, murder raises the question, are those who work to protect NanoTrasen, creating dangers for themselves? Do they need protection themselves? How many people hold grudges after leaving those stations in irons? These are the questions we must ask.

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For the moment there I had actually hoped that Emma died :lol:

Jokes aside, I like where this is going. Hopefully, this is somehow tied to the syndicate and not a suicide or gang violence. Because, an average head gets an attempted bombing/kidnapping/murder on him at least once a week. It would be nice to know why everyone is so insistant on murdering them, aside from crippling the chain of command or getting their ID.

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OOC Response for Boka

For the moment there I had actually hoped that Emma died :lol:

Jokes aside, I like where this is going. Hopefully, this is somehow tied to the syndicate and not a suicide or gang violence. Because, an average head gets an attempted bombing/kidnapping/murder on him at least once a week. It would be nice to know why everyone is so insistant on murdering them, aside from crippling the chain of command or getting their ID.


Since this is considered IC, I'd have to get Admun permission to say anything about the Syndicate.

Edited by Guest
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We're back with another update on the murder case of Carter Mason, NanoTrasen employee.

Previously thought to be gang related, authorities now suspect that the murder was in-fact related to terrorism!

Although Mendell Police have yet to discern what terrorist organization was behind it, they have gotten the Federal Police of Biesel involved in the investigation.

Although reluctantly, the Mendell PD has released some photos of the crime scene.

Also attached is an Police Sketch Artists recreation of a drawing that painted on body of the deceased's face, the real image could not be attached due to being exceedingly disturbing.

The sentence "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness" has also been scrawled in blood over multiple surfaces of the home. The writing has been confirmed as a scripture from the Holy Bible, ROMANS 1:18 .

We will continue to report on this as the investigation develops and more information is released

Mendell Police are also asking that anyone with information call the toll-free hotline at: 443.566.4487. EXT [411]








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Mendell PD have announced that someone from the Mendell Coroner's Office released the Autopsy Report of Carter Mason, the deceased victim of the brutal murder. They say investigations into the leak will be conducted after the murder investigation.

After making a few calls, we were able to obtain a copy of the autopsy and publish it here. Beware, we do not know whether or not the Mendell PD will redact the report once it goes live. View it while you can.



Mendell Coroner's Office
Autopsy Report
Deceased: Carter Alexander Mason
Time of Death: 2:15

Autopsy Findings:
Cadaver had six stab wounds spread over the frontal upper body, three in the lower abdominal region, three in the upper chest area, roughly half an inch deep each. Every stab wound was made carefully with a surgical precision, missing all vital organs. Suspected weapon: Kitchen knife

Cadaver also had a incision, stretching the length of his neck, severing both the carotid artery and jugular vein, however this was not the cause of death. Suspected weapon: Kitchen knife

A 9MM handgun was used to shoot the cadaver in the head, roughly 5-10 seconds after the incision to the neck was made, this was the cause of death, the bullet was removed from the cadaver's left hemisphere of the brain. Suspected weapon: 9MM Handgun [Found Beside Body]

A small piece of crumpled, bloodied paper was also found lodged in the cadaver's trachea, upon examination, it appeared to be a page ripped from the Holy Bible.

Trace Chemicals:
Chloral Hydrate - 3u

Stomach Contents:
Chloral Hydrate

Coroner's Signature: [REDACTED]
Supervisory Medical Officer's Signature: [REDACTED]
Mendell City Coroner's Office 


The report is disturbing. Seven wounds alone made by an ordinary kitchen knife, and a bible page stuck in his throat? It seems there is a religious sadist on the loose.

More on this at 5:00 !

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Mendell PD have recently released this statement:


"After thorough, and intense investigation, the Mendell Police Department, along with NanoTrasen Internal Affairs are confident in saying that the murderer was most like a close colleague of the deceased. It is likely they were in a position with access to records that contained the deceased's address and other personal details. Investigations will continue to advance until we can narrow down our prime suspects.


What the Mendell PD are suggesting is extremely worrying. Carter Mason, the deceased, is known for his work aboard the NSS Aurora, as a Head of Security, if his murderer was indeed a colleague, that means that the deceased's relatives, Samantha and Maxwell Mason, could very well be the next targets. NanoTrasen themsevles have not issued a statement on whether or not they will offer the Mason's further protection while working or pull them from work completely until investigations conclude. But right now, it seems as if there is a killer afoot within the Aurora, and nobody is safe until they are brought to justice.

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