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We were all bald once.


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Well . . . . My first server was here. Let’s start. I'm a member for the bay12 forum’s (Dwarf Fortress.) and one day while browsing the Other game's Board I came across a topic about SS13. I remember watching videos on YouTube about SS13 a few months before hand, so I checked the topic out. So it turns out Bay12 has a SS13 server so I'm thinking cool I can play a game with other forum member's. So I get an account, Download Byond and look for the server. But I couldn't find it. (Turns out they have really bad server crash problem.) So not being able to find it I looked for another server and I found Aurora and so soon as I saw "Heavy RolePlay" and that it had 30+ people on at the time I knew I must try it even tho I was a noob (The whole reason I got into SS13 was for some Rp.).

So I joined as a random bald cleaner (I didn't even know I was a girl.) And got turned cult in like 10 min's, it ended badly in my eyes. But I didn't give up after that round I spent hours reading the wiki on all the jobs. And the next round I played I was ready (NOT). I basically became a chemist and hide in my lab (But I do now have a nice "all things chemist" Excel doc saved on my computer with all the recipes and a few cool mix's I learned from people along the way). And that job gave me just enough Rp to get a hold of it. And here I am 5 months later still probably as bad as I was back then (I still can't type fast enough to Rp right. But I'm having fun.)Oh oh and I love the staff, once early on when I broke a rule and a staff asked me about it I told them the truth of what I had done and so they told me to go and read the server rules and quote the rule I had just broken and so I did. And they thanked me for being honest about it and just left it at “Please don’t do it again.” From that day on they’ve had my respect, because in my online gaming time I've known some really bad server staff on other games. Well I think that’s about it. ^-^

Example: I began on Bay. There, as I was learning how to switch hands and equip and unequip, there was a Borg that showed me around named N.O.S.E

Now to my noob self, I actually thought all bots were named N.O.S.E, so for the longest time, whenever I wanted to call a bot, I'd say "can someone go and get the Nose and bring it here?"

Needless to say I felt very sheepish after learning the truth.

Someone honestly remembers my borg before I got the custom sprite? Or was it after?


That was you?!!

Yes it was! I'd play him here but his backstory doesn't fit Aurora's fluff




This thread is turning into story time. I like story time and do, I give you

The life and times of Mel Hanford by Charis Dobbs

Mel started as Melvin. Long purple hair. Psychologist. She ran around bay being a silly. Nose showed me the basic locations of places. One day, I joined and there was all but three people on. I heard that hacking was a thing, so nano and I decided we'd give it a go seeing as there wasn't anyone we could really affect.

Boink "hello, what are you doing?"

Explained that we were on Skype and we learning about the...

"Skype? No, not allowed, read rules. Here is your 24 hour ban."

Hmph. Where else can I play? Oooh, Aurora is a cool name. I learned a lot my first round. Then someone said I should drink a pan-galactic gargle-blaster and I was like "pretty lights."

Waiting at escape, screen still lighting up, I'm not really paying attention, but I was pushing a guy in a wheel chair around. Suddenly the animation stops and for some reason, I imagined that the shuttle had come. Don't know why, I must have been really really tired. Now, this is before we had locks on the escape air locks so I literally just start walking out and poof, I'm floating through space.

Boink "hello, what are you doing?"

I thought "shit, I'm getting banned again"

Explained how stupid I felt and how I was really sorry and...

Teleport! What's this? Why am I on a station? And why are there suddenly moon bears devouring me?

"Your punishment has been moon bears, don't do it again."

I fell in love.


I started on Goon, as a botanist, which meant I took drugs and murdered the other botanists with a chainsaw for trying to cultivate bees. God I loved the chainsaw. Somewhere along the way, I learned to hack, so I could make more drugs. I think my first character was named like Ara Lee or something. But, somehow the drugs lead me to try to try scientist so I could make drugs. Somehow I ended up mixing up the guide to chemistry and the guide to toxins (I was bald, give me a break.) So I ended up doing Toxins. A chaplin broke in while I was still trying to figure stuff out and blew the lab up. After that I decided to find somewhere less hectic to keep learning about the game.

Went to tons of other servers.

Screwed around with mechanics.

Was utterly confused by the differences between server codes.

Went to Aurora.

Went Journalist.

Played a nice and quiet round, and then forgot about the server.

Durred around server jumping.

Played another round on Aurora the next day.

Pump PMs me a link:


I'm a sucker for flattery.



Actually, I think my little fuse that ended up with me getting sucked into the rabbit hole that is this community was that arrivals bomb that vaporized a bald assistant and Meowykins instantly.

Heh, fuse.

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