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Revenant Game Mode Needs More Work


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The revenant game mode isn't really a good game mode at the moment. It feels pretty unfocused and really rather unbalanced. It makes for a decent spooky mode when it doesn't devolve into pure combat, but when it does, the revenants get smeared across the station pretty quickly. The usual progression of revenant rounds that I've observed is as follows: Thirty minutes in, revs spawn, people joke about it in LOOC. Then a rev rips open some doors and yells garbled words at the first crew-mate they meet. Then they either start talking and play as friendly blue ghosts, or the crew gets slashed up and security is called. Then revs spawn intermittently and fuck around until the final portal spawns, and all the revs rush to defend it while sec gears up. When sec shows up, it's either an immediate fight as the revs are already hostile, or it devolves into one as the peace revs try to stop them from closing the portal. Then security, with armor and guns, blasts the shit out of the revs, who maybe manage to down one sec with their improvised weapons and melee slashes. Then the portal is closed.


I think the biggest problem is that the revenants are essentially just human mobs with a slash attack and a door rip. They go down pretty quickly to any lethal force, I've even seen one occasion of a freshly spawned revenant getting taken down by hostile maintenance drones. I think a good way to rectify this would be to lean into the "spooky ghost" aspect, give them more abilities that isn't just upping direct combat effectiveness, like phasing in and out of solid objects to walk through walls and avoid damage or maybe make the shriek caused deafness or a momentary blind to disorient foes. Another issue is their inability to heal from damage taken, like most off-station antags, in that they don't have any kind of medical on their side. Something I think would work would be the ability to regenerate from any non-lethal damage, but at a very slow rate so as to not turn them into damage sponges. 

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