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Incident Report - 1/19/2464


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Reporting PersonnelAhkam al-Nasrallah

Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Captain

Game ID: cf5-dm0g

Personnel Involved:

  • Mike Bisenti, Warden: Victim
  • Amon Eshka, Surgeon: Offender
  • Behnam Avesta, Medical Resident: Primary Witness

Secondary Witnesses:

  • Eden Li, Physician: Provided the original patient scan to Dr. Eshka, and was involved over the medical channel. Dr. Li also ordered the prosthetic limb for Mr. Bisenti, and would likely be useful in determining what occurred from the medical side of things.
  • Shirin Abbasi, Head of Security: Witnessed the incident in Medical, could also assist with providing the names of any additional witnesses that I may have missed. 
  • Za'Akaix'Yiltz K'lax, Security Cadet: Present within the operating room, assisted Dr. Eshka by dealing with the parasites as they were removed from the patient's leg. 

Time of Incident: 23:00

Real Time: ~2300GMT, 1/19/2022

Location of Incident: Operating Room 1 / General Treatment Unit

Nature of Incident: 

[ ] - Workplace Hazard

[X] - Accident/Injury

[ ] - Destruction of Property

[ ] - Neglect of Duty

[ ] - Harassment

[ ] - Assault

[ ] - Misconduct

[X] - Other: Medical Malpractice

Overview of the Incident: Shortly before the incident took place, the station received an announcement stating that unknown biological lifeforms were present aboard the station. These lifeforms were quickly determined to be greimorian larvae and were quickly dispatched by the security team. During this time, Warden Mike Bisenti was stung/bit by one of the greimorians, and was sent over to medical for a scan. This was when I was aware of the incident and was made aware that Mr. Bisenti had sopoforic and another unknown substance in his system, caused by the bug bite.

It was a few minutes later that it was reported on the security channel that Mr. Bisenti’s leg had apparently exploded in the operating room due to a failure to properly remove all of the eggs which were implanted in Mr. Bisenti’s leg by the greimorian. 

Following this incident, Mr. Bisenti lost his right foot and had to have it replaced with a prosthetic. 

I, unfortunately, was not able to witness the potential malpractice first-hand, but the witnesses I’ve included were all present for the operation, to the best of my knowledge. As included in the submitted evidence, Medical Resident Behnam Avesta and Security Cadet Za’Akaix’Yiltz K’lax were both in the operating room during the incident.

Submitted Evidence:

 Image 1

Image 2

Would you like to be personally interviewed? 

[X] - Yes

[ ] - No

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why? No, I was the Captain.

Actions taken: I began an investigation into the incident after speaking with Head of Security Shirin Abbasi, I was not able to progress far into my investigation as a crew transfer was scheduled shortly after I began. 

Additional Notes: I am submitting this incident report because I believe that this incident warrants further investigation and interviews of all involved parties, I was, unfortunately, unable to do this in the duration that the shift lasted. Due to this, I was unable to conclude whether or not Dr. Eshka was at fault. 

I would also like to note, that the interview I had with Dr. Eshka was not as comprehensive as I would have preferred due to the imminent crew transfer. We only left my office after the shuttle arrived. 

For a final note, I do not not have a particular desire to be interviewed, as I believe I have explained the situation from my perspective to the best of my ability--and was also not present to view the incident first-hand, but I have checked the box as an indication that I will be willing to present myself for an interview if it would best assist the CCIA’s investigations. 

Edited by YouJustGotOwened
  • Owen changed the title to Incident Report - 1/19/2464

TO: Ahkam al-Nasrallah, Captain, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review.

If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins.


DTG: 21-10:34-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2464



TO: Ahkam al-Nasrallah, Captain, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Neriah Valli (ramke).

You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 21-10:35-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2464



TO: Ahkam al-Nasrallah, Captain, NSS Aurora

FROM: Neriah Valli, CCIAA, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals.

This matter will now be considered resolved.



DTG: 22-02:24-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2464

SIGN: N. Valli

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