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Incident Report - 21-01-2464


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Reporting Personnel: Ahari Zerikanh
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Security Officer
Game ID: cf6-dKzy

Personnel Involved:

Kalmrroarakal Mradarrjunzar, Scientist, Offender

Logan Wright, Head of Security, Witness

Vural Ozen, Research Director, Witness

Secondary Witnesses:

Yukio Takano, Security Officer, Witness - Participated in the exercise on the entry team's side

Dennis Linton, Security Officer, Witness - Participated in the exercise on the hostage team's side

Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, Security Officer, Witness - Participated in the exercise on the hostage team's side

Emiliya Novikova, First Responder, Witness - Was on-scene to treat injuries, witnessed events

Anastasia Kalyna, First Responder, Witness - Was on-scene to treat injuries, witnessed events

Rrhuyala Rrhakaslav'Karimi, Warden, Witness - Oversaw the event via camera, witnessed events

Kathira El-Hashem, Investigator, Witness - Participated in the event as the negotiator, may have witnessed events via camera or in-person

Time of Incident:  02:00 21-01-2464

Real Time: 02:00 GMT 21/01/2022

Location of Incident: NSS Aurora Pool

Nature of Incident:
[ ] - Workplace Hazard
[ ] - Accident/Injury
[ ] - Destruction of Property
[ ] - Neglect of Duty
[ ] - Harassment
[x] - Assault
[x] - Misconduct
[ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Overview of the Incident: Earlier in the shift the research director and head of security organised a simulated hostage scenario in the pool room on the Aurora. The hostage was a pseudo..human - the brainless ones that are ordered onto the station. Both teams were armed by the Head of Security with .45 pistols using rubber bullets, where the hostage takers had voidsuits with magboots and the entry team were equipped with heavy armour. 

The simulation eventually ended up in a firefight where Ahari and Takano breached the pool room to recover the hostage, and we incapacitated the hostage takers temporarily until they got back up while we were shot quite a few times as well. During all this chaos, the DPRA Zhan Kalmrroarakal that was previously seen tinkering with explosives right next to the window to the civilian main ring in Research, ran in and threw in a lubricant grenade, which covered most of the pool. Ahari naturally slipped since we did not have magboots while recovering the hostage, where she was grappled by the Zhan. When she got up, they stole Ahari's .45 pistol and proceeded to shoot the entire full clip (9 bullets) into Ahari point blank while she was defenseless. Naturally at that point she dropped from pain and couldn't move, paralysed in pain.

The Zhan then decided to brag about how "he won" on radio while first responders struggled to reach everyone who was injured - she overheard on the first responder's radio that we were all at risk of shock throughout this entire time - felt like it while the responders were flailing about in the lube trying to get to us to help.

None of what the Zhan was done was planned by the Command team to this one's awareness, and this was admitted to Ahari by the head of security while she was on the transfer shuttle. They just ran in, threw a lubricant grenade and started attacking the injured participants in the simulation to the point of risking the heart stop.

Submitted Evidence: N/A - was at shift end, spent the rest of the time recovering from severe pain, dazed.

Would you like to be personally interviewed?: 
[x] - Yes
[ ] - No

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: The heads of staff said this was not planned and shrugged. Admittedly this was shift end and this one was in too much pain to be vocal, so there was not much they could do at the given time, but didn't do anything regardless.
Actions taken: shrugged

Additional Notes: N/A


TO: [b]Ahari Zerikanh, Security Officer, NSS Aurora[/b]
SUBJECT: [b]RE: Incident Report[/b]

This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review.

If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins.
DTG: [b]20-22:33-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2464[/b]


TO: Ahari Zerikanh, Security Officer, NSS Aurora
SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report

This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Gerard Greyswandir (Brayce).

You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.
DTG: 20-22:34-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2464

  • 1 month later...

TO: [b]Ahari Zerikanh, Security Officer, NSS Aurora [/b]
FROM: [b]Gerard Greyswandir, CCIAA, NTCC Odin[/b]
SUBJECT: [b]RE: Incident Report[/b]

The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals.

This matter will now be considered resolved.

DTG: [b]25-01:40-TAU CETI STANDARD-02-2464[/b]
SIGN: [i]Gerard Greyswandir[/i]

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