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Job-Ban Request - HonkViking

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BYOND Key: HonkViking
Total Ban Length: Permanent JobBan for Security
Banning staff member's Key: Due to this ban being old, the staff menbers name has been lost to time
Reason of Ban: Playing Security in-responsibly and like a LRPer
Reason for Appeal: Hello, Viking here, i am back to this forum to look for a way to appeal my job ban on security, ive mainly played security a long time ago in aurora, i dont remenber much, but i do remenber that i definetly did not behave properly in that, after a few years, and actually bothering to read the rules now, i am ready to continue my security duties after being disonarably discharged.
altough i do not remenber the staff menber that actually gave me the job ban, im hoping you see this, who ever you are, and accept my pleas
I appologize to any inconvinience i might have cause the Aurora Staff and comunity
I apologize and Thank you



Hey, so you were banned for not cryoing a lot by Praete. Given they are unfortunately not staff any more ( : ( ) I will just do it given I reapplied the other ban.

Anyhow I'm not against lifting this. However during your last unban appeal, you told me that you don't use a VPN. However it looks like you do? Is there any reason there?


Posted (edited)

i dont use a VPN. i dont know how you got there but i really dont use one.
unless its outside of my knoledge somehow.

but im the only one who uses this PC soo.

Edited by HONKviking
Posted (edited)

I may be confusing you with someone else. I took a look and can't see anything. That said, your original ban was for going SSD. You've picked up yet more notes for that and a warning since the ban. That you weren't banned for doing so is in the admin's who handled it's choice, but I don't really see any improvement. 

So I'll be keeping this until you've stopped going AFK a lot, as it's for the original issue. Appeal denied for now. You may reappeal in 2 or so months if you have a clean record by then.


Edited by Peppermint
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