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[Accepted] NothingNew - IPC Application

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BYOND Ckey: NothingNew


Discord username: Glass of Water


Character names: Mira Adame, Makila Markov, Za’Akaix’Synn K’lax


Species you are applying to play: Integrated Positronic Chassis (IPC)




General Whitelist Requirements 


What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: (Exempt, but #3d4f66 or similar.)


Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.


Why do you wish to play this species?: 


I’ve enjoyed playing IPC on other servers and really like the breadth of potential such characters can provide along with their varying degrees of ownership, appearances and backgrounds all of which can have an influence on their overarching personality.


What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: 


IPCs, unlike other species are all created fully-functioning in terms of performing a specific task or job and as such instead potentially develop personalities later on throughout its lifespan (barring potential memory wipes) depending on the social norms surrounding it. This makes IPCs a fairly adaptive species with personalities largely dependant on age, manufacturer/employed megacorporation, owned status and location.


Another factor to an IPCs personality are its varying views on self-preservation, equally dependant on its age and background with younger IPCs valuing continued existence and minimising physical harm as opposed to additional self-preservation to ideas of personality, expression of self or worldviews.




Character Application


Character Name: CC-06


Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. 


Within Cape City, Biesel, along with a moderately sized batch of other lower-end Baseline IPCs, CC-06 was purchased directly from a start-up public charity, Cape City Connect, involved in providing free access to mental health services having initially received public funding from Cape City’s local entertainment industry with the core promise that the services will help to encourage lower-level employees within the industry to continue their employment.


As a direct part of this process, CC-06 (Call-Centre (Employee) Six) along with every other Baseline purchased were loaded with base social care and psychological data packs with additional training to handle the initial contact phase of the charity’s call process, each baseline was given a general manual and flow chart to ascertain the correct information necessary to direct the caller to a specified member of the charity’s smaller team of organic specialists.

This continued over the course of four years, with each Baseline working additionally long hours with minimal maintenance and upkeep checks in order to reduce costs, as a result of this the charity would gain ire from a minute amount of IPC rights activists within Biesel and prank-callers, requiring additional training to circumvent.

As a result of this,  the cost of upkeep of the charity’s call service amidst lowering donations with the initial funding beginning to dry up were only furthered by growing concerns of the cost of potential needs to erase the memory of certain Baseline units that may be affected by prank or protesting calls. In order to evade the growing threat of bankruptcy, the charity was forced to auction off its supply of Baseline models and call-centre equipment.


It was during one of these auctions that a Solarian, Nanotrasen-employed Psychiatrist by the name of Josef Yugoslovitch won the rights of ownership of three baseline units (designated 09, 12 and 06) at a fairly low price with the intention of introducing them within Nanotrasen’s lesser subsidiaries as a means of reducing the cost of mandatory psychological assessments, loading them with additional psychiatric data disks to streamline the process of assigning prescriptions.

This change of ownership and the impact of prior calls, official and detrimental led to Dr. Yugoslovitch deciding to wipe the memory and sell off the 12th designation, deciding that just the two would suffice - For the remaining units this would set the precedence that the nail that sticks out gets hammered down - Continued existence is dependant on the fulfilment of one’s core function, any deviation of which is to be avoided.


Aware of the potential existence of idealised self-ownership and freedom from prior calls, for the next two years CC-06 fulfilled the role of psychiatrist whilst employed in a Getmore Corp subsidiary without divergence in fear of being potentially mind-wiped, sold or scrapped leading to its employment onboard the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate’s Horizon Vessel to widen its range of patients.


How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. 

The latest crisis on Konyang was of particular concern as it potentially decreased the trust of IPCs where CC-06 works in a role where trust is a fundamental requirement, however the impact of the Phoron Scarcity may have lead to further cost-cutting measures held in place by Nanotrasen, leading to IPCs being a cheaper alternative compared to organic psychiatrists.


How does your character view the megacorporation they work for?

With personal impartiality and indistinct from its prior places of work as its focus is instead on maintaining the fulfilment of its directives set out by Josef Yugoslovitch and Nanotrasen itself.

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