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[Denied] IPC whitelist for Bots

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BYOND Ckey: Secretsecretdreams

Discord username: bots

Character names: Alek Johanson PMCG pharmacist, Joar Vasilyev PMCG Security cadet
Species you are applying to play: IPC

General Whitelist Requirements 

What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: IPC
Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this species?: I have tried playing as different species on different servers, and thus, I am interested in trying to play as an IPC. Also, I like having a very wide choice of appearances.

What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: The different speaking patterns, ability to do something like *ping, distinct behaviors, and backgrounds make IPCs different from humans in role-playing for me.


Character Application

Character Name: Z.I. GYURZA 19RA

Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. 

GYURZA series is a new Zeng-hu licensed frame produced and modified completely by Zavodskoi Interstellar facilities. It is a relatively new model, only starting development and entering production on 2460-02-18 and 2465-01-01 respectively. The RA stands for Recon Advanced, a comparatively more complex modification of a standard GYURZA model.

Due to GYURZA being a newly developed unit type, it has been spotted getting often deployed into hotspots or locations with intensive criminal activity. 19 itself has been actively deployed in many locations during its service such as trade hubs like Valkyrie and the human frontier.
Unfortunately, GYURZA units have a poor reputation since some commanders send them to do frontal assaults causing a significant amount of casualties. On the contrary, when they are effectively utilized they cause significant disruption, allowing the main force to breach enemy defenses with fewer casualties or much more easily capture criminals.

GYURZA 19RA was manufactured on 2465-01-02 at Nova Luxemburg inside the HQ behind the closed doors of Zavodskoi Interstellar and spent its first weeks performing different tests with the science teams.
Number 19, as one of the earliest production models received some of the best attention, software, and equipment to enact the guerilla warfare tactics in hunter-killer teams. As such its performance was more than satisfactory in its role.

GYURZA 19RA has been observed to be very interested in learning about different things. There are many cases where 19 has been inquiring specialists about their duties. 

As of the decision during a meeting on 2466-10-11, the GYURZA 19RA has been sent to SSCV Horizon in order to assist in maintaining security aboard the ship and as a sign of goodwill.

How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character?   

As GYURZA 19RA was created after all major events, from its perspective the Spur was always chaotic and politically unstable. However, it has been noticing that the jobs it gets become more dangerous and more paying over time. Quoting 19 "Hell pays a lot more than the heavens.". 

How does your character view the megacorporation they work for?

GYURZA 19RA views Zavodskoi Interstellar as a dutiful and experienced military megacorporation. It finds them to be easy to work for as long as you follow their rules. The program package in the meantime ensures its loyalty to the Zavodskoi. 



After reviewing your application the team has found it is not up to the standard for the IPC whitelist. Please create a new whitelist where all requests for the minimum paragraph count are fulfilled.

Additionally, the backstory lacks significant depth, missing components like personality, bonds, views on life, and does not demonstrate the understand the team wants from IPC players applying for the whitelist.. And while Zavodskoi does produce synthetics, the Empire of Dominia does not produce any synthetics within its borders in accordance with the tenements of their national faith.

For now the application is denied.

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