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Review Requests Rules and Format [Read Before Posting!]

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What is CCIA?

Central Command Internal Affairs (CCIA) is the organization within the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate responsible for investigating and resolving matters that occur at SCC-operated workplaces. Out of character, CCIA are a Aurora staff team that help both maintain and enforce the server's setting, including in-character actions/behavior. They are tasked with, but not limited to:

  • Mediating employee disputes in the form of incident reports and review requests.
  • Responding to fax communications sent during a shift.
  • Managing and updating both SCC corporate structure, corporate regulations, and standard procedures.
  • Representing the greater SCC through in and out of game interactions. (Discord relay bulletin posts, mini-events, faxes, in-game audits, coordinating holiday parties, etc.)

The CCIA staff participate in-character utilizing staff-only roles that serve to arbitrate in-character issues. The resolution of these in-character issues can result in punishments against characters that are enforced by the Aurora administration. CCIA can be denoted by their light blue text color in OOC in-game, and their yellow role in the main Aurora Discord.

What is a Review Request?

Review Requests are a means of reporting problematic employee activity based on their records and arrest history that is not captured in a particular incident report. Through Review Requests, you call upon the CCIA to examine and take action as they see proper, based on the employee's records and arrest history. Unlike incident reports, interviews are not required unless a full investigation is deemed necessary by CCIA.

How does the Review Request process work?

When a review request is submitted, a CCIA agent will be assigned. The CCIA agent will review the character's records, taking into account their arrests, charges, or any pertinent information available. Any charges that were the result of antagonist influence but not marked off will be removed. The agent will determine if more information is needed to conduct an investigation. If no investigation is needed, the character in question will be notified of the outcome.

Review Request Guidelines

  • Review Requests must strictly be in IC format. This is not an OOC complaint section. To file an OOC complaint see the Character/Player Complaints board.
  • Review Requests must be made using the format provided below.
  • Review Requests may not be submitted against antagonists or situations heavily regulated by antag action.
  • Events that occurred during expeditions in-round are considered to be covered by antagonist-related rules.
  • Review Requests are not public record, only the filer or any people who are directly given information about a RR are allowed to speak about them ICly.
  • If you have a question regarding the Review Request you wish to file, you may contact any CCIA team member or liaison.
  • A request will be dealt with when feasible, do not bump the RR threads or post unnecessarily on them, even if they are unlocked.

Review Request Format

Copy the content below and paste it into a new topic.

Title your report as: Review Report-[Name of the employee you wish to be reviewed] (Example: Review Request-John Smith)

Remember to delete the text within brackets.

Reporting Personnel: xxxReportedBy
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: xxxTitle

Personnel in Question: xxxEmployee
Job Title of Personnel in Question: xxxTitle

Reason for Review:
[ ] - Extended Arrest History
[ ] - Grievous Infraction on Record
[ ] - Other: ____(Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

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