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TGUI error??? Can't play! :(




Hiya, all. Newcomer here. Or, well, at least I hope to be. Hopped onto the server today, and the interface in general was so buggy I couldn't do much of anything. Tried clearing Byond/IE cache, and switching from Beta to Stable. Nothing. Tried waiting for a good bit to see if it was just downloading resources still, nada. Any ideas? Thanks.



5 answers to this question

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Just confirming, you've updated your byond install to the latest version?


On top of that, try clicking those two HERE links in chat and try typing Fix-TGUI in the box under the chat on the right?

  • 1

Hi and welcome! I sadly don't know much about troubleshooting SS13, but have you tried joining other Space Station 13 servers, and if so, do you get TGUI errors on there as well?

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If you're on 516, I'd recommend restarting the BYOND pager (since there's a known issue if you're on 1654 and earlier), and if that doesn't work try making sure you're on 515.

I'm guessing this is a 516 issue (since I've replicated it myself and solved it by downgrading), but there could be something else too.

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I had this issue earlier, try toggling fullscreen mode in the preferences tab then re-launching the server. I'm not entirely sure what resolved it in on my end, but it did end up working eventually. The new files for the UI may not have installed properly - Make sure you have enough space on your C:/ drive.

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