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Callisto Expansion

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Posted (edited)

Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Medium

Species: Human

Short Description: An expansion fleshing out Callisto some more.

How will this be reflected on-station?: Characters from Callisto will be able to use the new additions both as a conversation started and for the purposes of character background.

Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: No, it is an expansion.

Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? Yes.

Long Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tRZg7ozRuDjX1E5R8m-HAz0nCBtvSHC5H_JjrPPqalQ/edit?usp=sharing


The additions are divided into several parts; the document above is a copy paste of the wiki page on Callisto, including everything from it. The first thing I've done is gone over what grammar and spelling errors I've found, and tweaked some wording here and there to make it flow better.

Some things were outright replaced, the original text banished to the cutting floor for the sake of better flavor that makes more sense. This includes Callisto being described as 'warm' despite it being in the orbit of Jupiter, and additionally, Callistean cinema is no longer Cytherean but on a budget, instead it becomes focused around theater, operas, plays and musicals. Very british. Very cool.

Finally; expansions and addition! Brand new map!!! Included in this post are three files, one krita file with all the relevant layers for people to tweak at will, the complete map with names markings and borders, and a blank map.

Immigrant communities received an expansion! Dominians now have a loyalist diaspora to introduce solarians to imperials outside of the horizon and outside of persecuted minorities. And the introduction is done through secondaries, too, no nobility involved. Give a little more fluff as to what happened to Martian refugees, in addition to all kinds of refugees following the collapse. Callisto now has a proper place for them!

FINALLY finally, expands on the districts GREATLY, introduces mini-districts called municipalities to the larger districts, and gives many of them relevant points of interest that can be used by Callistean (and immigrant) characters to reference something from the moon.

That should be all!


Map clear.png



Edited by Shimmer
better link
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Added a few more elements to the document; specifically a little more on infrastructure.

Expanded on public transportation, how people get around within districts, AND how the magtro lets them do that between districts


OCEAN FREIGHTERS LORE also added, if only a little. Ships should be on sea not in space!

and on that point; added a little bit of a cultural element as to how callisteans refer to space ships. given it's early colonization, i imagine most ships arriving on callisto would be very rocketlike. So, both as a cultural habit, and to differentiate space ships from sea ships, callisteans call space ships 'Rockets', 'Rocks', or 'Rocketships'.

Finally, added that Callisteans, because of their distance to the sun and the low gravity of Callisto, should be paler and taller than their terrestrial counterparts. unlike lunans tho they aren't snobs and don't take pride in that fact.

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