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Dead: part 2: intermission


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Hey, so I'm going out of town for some college visits until next Monday, so I won't be around.

For staff: I still haven't seen retro yet, so if you see 'em, feel free to inform them about the complaint for me.

For everyone: I know you will all be heart broken without me, but you can still probably reach me on the forums, so that's something.

  • 2 weeks later...

Bit busy here, also, make that five days, not four.

If you need me, forum PM me, since I'll get an email notification.

But, expect a significant delay in responce.


  • 4 weeks later...

I'm just going to keep using this thread because it's useful.

I'm not going to be around for the next 2-3 days, although I'll be still able to check the forums a few times every day, hopefully.


I'm just going to keep using this thread because it's useful.

I'm not going to be around for the next 2-3 days, although I'll be still able to check the forums a few times every day, hopefully.

  • 2 weeks later...

Psuedo-dead for a month or two while I focus on trying to get into college.

Will still be around to handle complaints, and might show up unevenly depending on what my schedule allows.

Oh the humanity.

Tenz, a bit of advice for collage, however, this only applies if you're in America. Don't. Collage is anything BUT worth it.


College, Jboy.

Tenz, a bit of advice for collage, however, this only applies if you're in America. Don't. Collage is anything BUT worth it.


Eh, it depends really on what you want to go to college for. In terms of money back on an investment, I'd probably agree that that's at a low point , but I'm kinda hoping to go into a field of work that kinda mandates it (Reseach). Of course, researchers make some of the most pathetic amounts of money for their education, but it's not really an occupation you go into if you're just in it for the money.

On the other hand, I'm a masochist, so what do I know?

Tenz, a bit of advice for collage, however, this only applies if you're in America. Don't. Collage is anything BUT worth it.

Actually, College results in a very good return on investment and the return in terms of increase in wages per year of education actually increase the longer you attend. The wage gap between people with and without degrees has been growing since the 1970's, and a lack of higher education is the primary reason for the stagnation of wages and increase in income inequality over the past few decades, due to labor now having a lower return relative to capital due to a shortage of high-skilled workers. This is why high skilled workers are seeing their wages rise higher and higher relative to unskilled labor.

I know all this because of my college macroeconomics course.

Alternatively, going to a technical school has good return.

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