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Captain's Desk announcement: A second try for the magic show is happening now, please come and have fun on the holodeck!

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Ah how wonderful"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "You actualy came"

Geradine Kingsman wolf-whistles.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Yes more people are coming"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "Man, mining gets exosuits, and I don't."

Isaac Taylor (follow) exclaims, "Down in front!"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "I feel so left out."

Vira Taryk (follow) says, "...Mister RIPLEY dude, I can't see."

With a flick of their wrist, Isaac Taylor extends their telescopic baton.

Isaac Taylor collapses their telescopic baton.

Isaac Taylor hits THE FUCKENING. Nothing happens

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "What are you gonna do with that Taylor."

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "It was worth a shot"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) asks, "Beat its' servos apart?"

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "Please move to the back mr. ripley"

Tina Kaekel (follow) says, "Yeah.."

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "I believe its ID code is "THE FUCKENING.""

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "Thank you"

Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "Is this everyone?"

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "Mm i think so"

Zach Calhoun coughs!

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "It's a pretty great name for an exosuit."

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "..."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Ahem"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Ladies and gentlemen"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Of all species"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "From all the corners of the galaxy"

Geradine Kingsman raises a hand.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Prepare to be amazed and dazzled"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) asks, "What about nongendered species?"

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "Shush"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Those too"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Prepare to be amazed"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "And dazzled"

Tina Kaekel leans for a bit, resting her hands on her knees.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "I am sure you're wondering"

Vira Taryk crosses her legs.

Geradine Kingsman mouths "MUH PREFERRED PRONOUNS."

Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "Where is the great wizard?"

Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "Is he invisible?"

Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "Is he in locker A?"

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "YOU'RE IN THE CLOSET"

David Swainsborough (follow) [145.9] says, "YOU'RE IN THE CLOSET"

Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "Is he in locker B?"

Zach Calhoun (follow) [145.9] exclaims, "I am not gay!"

Geradine Kingsman claps.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Tadaaaaa"

Isaac Taylor claps

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "That pun made this worht it."

Zach Calhoun takes a bow

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Wait"

David Swainsborough (follow) [145.9] exclaims, "Tell a joke!"

David Swainsborough (follow) exclaims, "Tell a joke!"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "There is much"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Much"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "More"


Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Shush"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "I am the master"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "You are here to watch"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "And be amazed"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "WAIT."

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "Not anymore"

David Swainsborough (follow) [145.9] says, "Not anymore"

Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "Or do you want me to cast a silence spell on you?"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "Let me get my NBC kit on."

Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "Ripleys huh?"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "Okay, I good."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "What's the deal with them"

Geradine Kingsman puts the box into the security satchel.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "I was taking the shuttle from the Sol system"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "And damn Ripleys man"

Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "Did you know they take up two seats?"

David Swainsborough (follow) whispers, "Am I late?"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "And they always choose to block the windows"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "I mean"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Come on"

Isaac Taylor (follow) whispers, "Just in time"

David Swainsborough (follow) whispers, "Nice"

Zach Calhoun pauses

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Like..."

Zach Calhoun (follow) yells, "Cooooome on!"

Geradine Kingsman blinks.

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "..."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Well, moving on then"

David Swainsborough cough

Isaac Taylor groans softly

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "I want"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "All of you"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "To think of a number"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Any number"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "Alright."

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "I've got one."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "But don't say it"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Just think of it"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Really hard"

Zach Calhoun starts concentrating

Vira Taryk sighs quietly, looking deep in thought.

Zach Calhoun starts rubbing his temples

Geradine Kingsman grins.

David Swainsborough thinks of the number 144.2

Zach Calhoun (follow) yells, "Aha!"

Tina Kaekel (follow) says, "Mmhmm.."

David Swainsborough *.9

Geradine Kingsman thinks of the number 6,000,000.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "The number you were all thinking of is...."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "SEVEN"

Vira Taryk (follow) says, "Wow."

Isaac Taylor (follow) asks, "HOW DID YOU KNOW?"

Tina Kaekel (follow) says, "Mm."

Vira Taryk (follow) says, "I actually was thinking seven."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "See"

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "I was thinking 144.9"

Tina Kaekel glances at Vira briefly, remaining silent.

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "Fukken magic."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Everyone else who was not thinking Seven"

Tina Kaekel (follow) says, "... I was thinking of four."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Was doing it wrong"

Vira Taryk shrugs.

Tina Kaekel giggles.

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "Oh"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "Seems legit."

Vira Taryk (follow) says, "Oh, shit, Tina."

Tina Kaekel (follow) says, "I was doing it Wrong."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "But I got more"

Tina Kaekel (follow) says, "I know, V."

David Swainsborough (follow) asks, "Am I disqualified?"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN DOING IT WONG."

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "BUT AT LEAST YOU WEREN'T DOING IT"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "WRIGHT"

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "Oi sit down...."

Geradine Kingsman points to Zach Calhoun

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "Booo"

Vira Taryk (follow) says, "Hissssss."

Isaac Taylor (follow) shouts, "BOO!"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Alright"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "I want all of you"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "To pass this paper"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) exclaims, "Tough crowd!"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "And check it"

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "Alright"

Geradine Kingsman puts the gas mask into the security satchel.

Zach Calhoun handed Krong loves you. to David Swainsborough.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Look closely at it"


David Swainsborough (follow) says, "Uh huh"

Isaac Taylor puts the cigar butt into the captain's satchel.

Isaac Taylor puts the cigar butt into the captain's satchel.

David Swainsborough handed Krong loves you. to Tina Kaekel.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Now pass it on"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Wait"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "I forgot"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "You should all take a pen"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "And sign it"

Isaac Taylor puts the cheap lighter into the captain's satchel.

Geradine Kingsman tries to look at the paper over Tina's shoulder.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "So you all know it's the same legit paper"

Tina Kaekel looks down at the paper for just a second, mouthing all the text it has in one jumble of gibberish.

Tina Kaekel (follow) says, "Mm.."

Tina Kaekel holds the paper over her shoulder.

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "We all have pens in our PDA"

Tina Kaekel handed Krong loves you. to Geradine Kingsman.

Tina Kaekel (follow) asks, "You want us to SIGN the paper?"

David Swainsborough holds in laughter

Geradine Kingsman handed Krong loves you. to Vira Taryk.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Yes yes"

Vira Taryk handed Krong loves you. to Isaac Taylor.

Isaac Taylor handed Krong loves you. to Zach Calhoun.

Zach Calhoun chuckles.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Alright"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Alright"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "I see you've all signed it"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Now"

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "I didn't"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Eh"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Most of you did"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Now captain"

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "Wow what a jank ass trick"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "I want you to take the paper"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "And put it in your pocket"

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "Alright"

Isaac Taylor puts the hand tele into the captain's satchel.

Isaac Taylor puts the pen into the captain's satchel.

Zach Calhoun handed Krong loves you. to Isaac Taylor.

Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "Have you placed it in your pocket?"

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "I have"

Zach Calhoun is trying to empty Isaac Taylor's pockets.


Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "Can you check your pocket now?"

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "Sure th-..."

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "ITS GONE!]"

Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "Where could it be?"

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "Yeah he just searched your pocket..."

Isaac Taylor (follow) asks, "What has happened to it?"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Which one of you"

Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "Has empty pockets?"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "He took it out of your pocket, along with your baton."

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "Don't answer"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "It was on the floor."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "I did not such thing"

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "He's magic, he has to do it himself."


Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Well"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "I don't have empty pockets."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Anyway"

Tina Kaekel pulls out her PDA, turning her attention to it.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Captain"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Could this be"

Zach Calhoun (follow) asks, "The paper?"


Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "Woah..."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Alright"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Enough monkey buisness"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "I know"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "You came here"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "And now"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "You feel dissapointed"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Where the hell"

Vira Taryk (follow) says, "I enjoyed the show. Thanks for the show."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Is the magic"

David Swainsborough (follow) asks, "Where's the monkeys?"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "WAIT"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "WAIT"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "WAAAAIT"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "It's not over"

Tina Kaekel tucks her PDA away, lookinrg around at everyone as she stands up.

Vira Taryk (follow) says, "Hey, it's fine. I'm just leaving."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "But but"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "THE FINAL ACT"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "The monkeys got promoted to astronauts."

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "THE BEST"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "THING"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "It's coming"

David Swainsborough (follow) says, "ALLAHU ACKBAR"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "For my final trick"

Isaac Taylor (follow) says, "Wow they left"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "You can tell them"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "How awesome it was"

Geradine Kingsman (follow) says, "Aight."

David Swainsborough's right foot flies off in an arc.

David Swainsborough's right leg flies off in an arc.

David Swainsborough's left foot flies off in an arc.

David Swainsborough's left leg flies off in an arc.

David Swainsborough's groin flies off in an arc.

David Swainsborough's head flies off in an arc.

David Swainsborough's left hand flies off in an arc.

David Swainsborough's left arm flies off in an arc.

David Swainsborough's right hand flies off in an arc.

David Swainsborough's right arm flies off in an arc.

Isaac Taylor's right foot flies off in an arc.

Isaac Taylor's right leg flies off in an arc.

Isaac Taylor's left foot flies off in an arc.

Isaac Taylor's left leg flies off in an arc.

Isaac Taylor's groin flies off in an arc.

Isaac Taylor's head flies off in an arc.

Isaac Taylor's left hand flies off in an arc.

Isaac Taylor's left arm flies off in an arc.

Isaac Taylor's right hand flies off in an arc.

Isaac Taylor's right arm flies off in an arc.

Geradine Kingsman's right foot flies off in an arc.

Geradine Kingsman's right leg flies off in an arc.

Geradine Kingsman's left foot flies off in an arc.

Geradine Kingsman's left leg flies off in an arc.

Geradine Kingsman's groin flies off in an arc.

Geradine Kingsman's head flies off in an arc.

Geradine Kingsman's left hand flies off in an arc.

Geradine Kingsman's left arm flies off in an arc.

Geradine Kingsman's right hand flies off in an arc.

Geradine Kingsman's right arm flies off in an arc.

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Pay attention now"

Zach Calhoun (follow) says, "Pay attention now"

You hear a loud cracking sound coming from Zach Calhoun.

Zach Calhoun screams!

You hear a loud cracking sound coming from Zach Calhoun.

Zach Calhoun screams!

LOOC: Callabaddie: HHHHHHHHH


DEAD: Gentleman laments, "bravo bravo"

LOOC: Zach_calhoun: Ummmm

OOC: Zach_calhoun: Ummmm

LOOC: Callabaddie: Beautiful

LOOC: Callabaddie: Fuckign BEAUTIFUL

Zach Calhoun gasps!

LOOC: Smirking_kirk: brought tears to my eyes

LOOC: Callabaddie: I fucking laughed hard

Zach Calhoun screams!

Zach Calhoun collapses!

Vira Taryk (follow) [145.9] asks, "What the fuck?"


OOC: Zach_calhoun: But but

Nasir Ha'kim (follow) [145.9] says, "Okay..."


Zach Calhoun gasps!

Zach Calhoun gasps!

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