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[Intel] Rachekhan's Toolbox

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Hello, fellow comrades. Do you like treasure? Do you also have the mind for puzzles?

Have we the offer for great minds, then.




A rumor surrounding the infamous Frontier pirate captain Rachekhan's last known location led a squad of er, shall we say, prospectors, to the site of an old pirate's den. A few of the squad members fell prey to cleverly placed and implemented traps, a few others were spooked and chased off by a highly realistic hologram of a giant Unathi skeleton, while the others managed to push their way into the office of Rachekhan. They dragged out this giant safe-like box. Do note the input panel. 4x4 square of cells, each cell with a number in it, save for 1 cell that seems to be empty whereas the others are filled with numbers from 1 to 8.

We also found what appears to be a parchment with a similar cell structure, yet with more radically jumbled up numbers. We presume that the contents on the parchment is the actual password needed to crack the device open.

We've been unable to open the safe by any other means. Failing to open Rachekhan's Toolbox causes the box to seal up for 600 hours, and release a deadly amount of radiation. The only way to open it, seems to be the manual way. The manual way being, sorting the numbers from the current combination of the input pad into a goal combination scribbled rather hastily on the parchment. We've attempted that as well, but it seems that there's a limitation to how the sequence can be completed. The empty cell and a numbered cell can switch places with each other. These moves are called "switches", naturally. It is a move of any numbered cell horizontally and vertically adjacent to the empty cell into the empty cell's spot. The switch counter is decreased when this is completed. Note that switches can only be made vertically and horizontally. The default switch counter seems to be approximately 66 switches before the box locks down and emits a deadly cloud of radiation, harmful enough to ignore radsuit protection.

The goal is to complete the puzzle underneath 66 switches, using only horizontal and vertical switches.

We believe this is the password:




And this is where we last left off, not having touched it after the last failure to open Rachekhan's Toolbox, below:




4 million credit reward for the first one who can arrive on-site at the below encrypted coordinates and complete this task for us.




--Transmission Terminated--


OOC: If you have the solution, just PM me it.






Yoo.. Nicole is speaking here. I just saw this interesting article you posted.. And i must say,i really love puzzles. This is a rather simple puzzle since i've done it even under 40 moves. Kids game. How fast do you want me to head there and crack this bad boy up?

Love Nicole <3

  • 2 weeks later...







Reward properly dispensed. Independent agent that lent their assistance for the credit reward was promptly sent on their way, as of a week and a half ago.

The complex lock seemingly split open and fell off what appeared to have been the front of the "Toolbox."

Upon prying open the lid of Rachekhan's legendary stash; old, modern and seemingly alien tools/weaponry were noted as its contents. In particular to the unidentified models of paraphernalia, they were seemingly highly advanced in their function. Portable shield generators that, upon interfacing with a power source, generated a stable and rather robust tachyon field. This tachyon field was capable of while not entirely blocking force, but absorbing a fair deal of kinetic and heat energy passing through it. Potentially a prototype in personal defense shield generation, was our initial guess, but we'll get to that in a moment.

Another device that was found was a temporarily deactivated droid, though its purpose was rather specific and its programming one-dimensional. Upon activation, the droid hovered out of the Toolbox, relocated towards the center of the room and idled for approximately twenty minutes. Upon pulling out a seemingly shattered and irreparable acrynic tachyon-infiltration scanner, the droid synthesized a set of unrecognizable beeps and whirrs, evidently that of a robotic language of its own but not anything our present technicians had ever heard of before. It immediately went to work on the AT-I scanner device, hauling it upward with its two gripper-like appendages and protruding several multi-tools, welder devices and mechanical scanners to diagnose, identify and repair the many flaws of the AT-I scanner. Within 2 hours, the droid had mended all of the wires that were cut, crushed, snipped or melted, completely restored the critical circuitry and motherboards allowing the AT-I scanner to function. To top it all off; the droid evidently had a rather expansive database in its central materializer core, containing blueprints of hundreds of machine, computer and device blueprints. Very much similar to maintenance drone programming, but with a larger scale and model to work with. An utterly fascinating display of technology. We are hoping to endeavor to make these droids space-worthy and gravitationally bound to their assigned starship to allow for mid-combat emergency repairs as well as routine maintenance.

We could not discern the purpose of the AT-I scanner, initially. In fact, we had not coined the term "acrynic tachyon-infiltration" until rather recently. This device is the first of anything modern civilization has seen. It appears to be a Yang to the Yin of the tachyon field generator, in that it creates a series of disruptive zero-taccon frequencies accompanied with modern starship radars. Upon focusing these frequencies towards the tachyon field generator as the latter was enabled, we found that the field generation began to struggle and buckle to sustain itself in spite of the rather powerful energy source it was attached to. In addition, the AT-I scanner seens very capable of effectively disrupting radio waves as well as short-space anomaly frequencies. It is very possible that with these scanners, even if the military forces around the galaxy manage to get a hold of the aforementioned protective designs, Frontier privateers would still be able to effectively launch ambushes on freighters and colonies with feeble to no resistance. Though, if the blueprints of the AT-I manage to be leaked to the Alliance military scientists, we may have issues of our own in regards to keeping communication, as well as keeping our backs and fronts covered.

Due to the issue regarding our adversaries potentially acquiring the blueprints for themselves if we put the original development designs out into circulation for every aspiring criminal to assemble and use, our research division has decided against releasing our findings into the general public, as the Alliance suddenly hearing from a little bird about a shield generator that mitigates a certain percentage of hull damage would be rather problematic to our end goals in addition to long-term profit.

Speaking of profit, however! We will be producing limited-functionality versions of these devices and putting them out on the various trade centers for those interested in a small test of the contents dug up from this rather fantastic find.




In other news, however, I may have neglected to mention that the Toolbox also had a set of blueprints of what appears to be a light-medium patrol cruiser. Appears to be an Eridani prototype, given the official governmental insignias; I present the Series Tauhit-8. Though it doesn't amount to the size of your average Unathi Dreadnought or Sol Alliance battleship, this design appears to emphasize speed and mobility. It is not because of its aerodynamic design, as wind has zero bearing in the vacuum of space. Instead, our schematics show a clever formula for fuel injection into the main engines, allowing for heightened overall speed and maneuverability in space. The image attached above is a snapshot of the cruiser. We plan on implementing the original, base model of the technology we uncovered and outfitting a new line of fleet cruisers that will complement our soon-to-be official fleet within the next slated 10 years.

Again, we will offer limited-functionality versions of this cruiser to non-ICN affiliated pilots. But we do extend an invitation to those who take interest in profiteering in the final frontier of exploration, daring, danger and adventurousness, free from the governance of any who would dare try to police our desire to live fast, rich and forever young. Perhaps if you gain fervor and infamy with us, you will be able to acquire top-of-the-line privateering technology. A simple way to say it, formed in a question, "Why wouldn't you take this lavish opportunity?"

Good hunting and good profits out there.


--Transmission Terminated--

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