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LemonTheFruit IPC Application (Round Two)

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BYOND Key: LemonTheFruit

Character Names: Jimmy McFly, Violet McFly, PAL:0S, Gregory O'Reed, Derek Johnson.

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Exempt.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. "brass bilberry"

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: So, I've been playing on this server for some time, and I'm ready for changing things up. I mean, playing the average human is fine, but it's also fun to see what else there is to offer, right? In all honesty, I'm interested in playing the IPC race because of one reason; tabletop. I've recently started a GURPS campaign, and without going into any detail, I'm playing an artificially intelligent robot. I'm looking to replicate that character concept here, a character of massive potential with very limited knowledge. A being with the ABILITY to become whatever it's needed to become, but the knowledge of a newborn. That's what PAL:0S is. Basically, I'm hoping that NT would realize the flexible personality that is PAL:0S and put him to work, in the fashion it was intended.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Within the lore, IPC's are different because of a few different things. First off, they're always created by another race, designed. Either they're made by an entity, or a group of entities. Or, in some cases, they simply find consciousness within the vast pool of code that is the interstellar internet.


Character Name: PAL:0S

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

The PAL project originates with its designer Kevin Mann, an employee under Seabra Robotics, a very small collective that specialized in the creation of robotics that would aid humanity. This group is unknown to most, because of the majority of failures regarding the creation of its limited research subject. Eventually, Kevin Mann, backed by Seabra would go on to produce the PAL line, their first, and only successful AI project. Seabra's assets were ultimately bought out by NT.

PAL:0S is the result of constant revision and experimentation. PAL:0S is the nineteenth revision on the PAL line ("0" being the alpha line, and "S", following numbering of alphabetical letters, is the 19th of that line.) This creation is one of the first to be that of functioning capability, created with limited emotional parameters, and enhanced learning capabilities. PAL:0S is the embodiment of what Kevin Mann dreamed of, the very pinnacle of his ideal life form. Unfortunately, the company became bankrupt. This forced the collective known as Seabra to sell off their assets to whoever would buy them. Fortunately for the bit of code that was PAL:0S, this buying entity was NanoTrasen.

PAL:0S's beginning parameters are that of construction and emergency repairs. He is currently qualified in matters involving the repair of station systems and electronics.

What do you like about this character?

This character concept is one of great potential, as stated above. Once deployed (Deployment being defined as first activation), the personality takes on its assigned role. From there on, it will begin to take in data from its surroundings, and adjust its performance based upon what its experienced. PAL:0S plays as if a newborn was fast-tracked through childhood, to adulthood in a matter of a few years. This concept, coupled with the idea of playing an emotionally undeveloped, neutral entity is a genuinely exciting prospect.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I'd rate my own roleplaying ability highly. Whenever I'm in a session of tabletop, I'm always commended on how I can always stay in character, no matter my character concept.

Notes: This is a re-upload, as I've reduced my playtime of Jimmy McFly to a minimum, as per request. So that people can see my capabilities.


and you're free to resubmit an application as early as March 25th


You're still within the cooldown period. Three more days until I allow you to reapply. Closing and archiving.

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