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[My father never loved me. Accepted] Sif's IPC Application

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BYOND Key: Sif01

Character Names: Olav Guerin, Eric Lorin, Damocles, John Specter, Malus Orlot, Otto Gunther

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I feel becoming an IPC would be the next step in my quest to play as a synthetic, IPCs have less chance to become disloyal and that is something that I feel would suit me and the character that would transfer from a cyborg to an IPC. The ability to interact with it's fellow crewmembers more freely would also suit the character better. I feel the weaknesses and strengths of an IPC suit the idea behind the character better as well.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

An IPC is the next step in synthetic lifeforms, compared to a human they are have far different strengths and weaknesses which require you to keep an eye on your well being far differently then a human. Being an IPC requires you keep up with your internal temperature more often then you would as a human would. I would like to tackle this challenge head on and would enjoy it.


Character Name: Damocles

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

The character used to be a human who was a gambling addict that had debts far above his annual paygrade, he tried to evade his debtors by transferring from station to station but was unable to. He decided to agree to a proposal brought to him by an NT Rep that would wipe out his debts if he chose to donate his body and become a cyborg. He agreed and left his family behind with a sizable amount of money after all was said and done. After undergoing the procedure and faithfully working for NT after a week or so he was put up to become an IPC after his willingness to continue working for NT after they re-evaluated his potential.

After they evaluated his position they felt he could best perform his duties as an IPC, his work spoke for itself after helping various departments at once. They didn't feel they would have to constantly have to refit him to do other duties that were required and it would be less of a waste of resources in the long run for him to become an IPC.

What do you like about this character?

The character would be counted on to do work in various departments, he would be counted on to work for wherever needed him the most. I've liked this character due to the interactions he has had with various co-workers and the roles that he has filled in to help the station be productive. His overall goal is to be useful with the time allotted to him with NT, he can be of greater use to those that saved his former family from financial ruin. His motivations are for the most part pure and he's come to embrace his future, I have thoroughly enjoyed the time I have spent on him and would to expand his horizons ever further.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

My roleplaying ability is rusty, I have been roleplaying on and off in various games and genres for the past thirteen years. I feel that my experiences have allowed to me learn how to roleplay all sorts of scenarios and individuals. I have been playing SS13 for the past two years, I haven't done SS13 on a dedicated basis until recently and have grown to love the platform itself. I feel it offers more freedoms then most games and I look forward to expanding in to it more and more.



I won't lie I have had some hiccups here and there in adjusting with SS13 but I understand the responsibility that comes with getting a whitelisted role. I understand that this won't be something that's just given at the drop of a hat but I feel my chances are good due to my long experience.


My experiences with both Malus and Damocles have been quite fun, you seem to udestand how to roleplay good and make the game interesting.

The story is quite simple but i think it gets the job done, i like this character overall.



I've been around Damocles and Olav and I think things went fine. I'll +1 it, just remember that IPCs are still limited in how many areas they can work (2 to prevent powergaming IIRC)!

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