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A second Field Generator in XenoArch


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Quite simply put, if you join a round half way through as a Xeno Arch or Anomolist half the time someone will have already taken the Suspension Field Generator to some little crevice of the asteroid left it there, and made sure to dig a complete maze of tunnels all over the place so it can never be found, won't leave a beacon on it and then will go to cyro. Obviously now your stuck unable to do your job, and well that kinda sucks. (there are also a bunch over situations where the generator cannot be found and its a relatively common occurrence). As such I would like to suggest merely putting a second one in one of the various storage areas of the outpost to alleviate this chance, or make the first one come with a tracking beacon permanently attached to it and on, with a device in the outpost that tells you exactly where it is, or a locator in the lockers that can track down.


I recall writing a thread on suggesting that suspension field generators should be made via R&D like any other machine. As I said before I totally support having an extra field generator, or a spare.

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