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[Approved] Hunnewle's Second Non-Human Race Application.

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Hunnewle.

Character Names: Corvo Oaken, Corvo Ortenshire, Takah Supaisu-V, Cubie, Newle.

Species you are applying to play: Dionae

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: Dionae(a) are a collection of diona nymphs that combine/work together to create larger bodies capable of doing much more than what one nymph could. All nymphs in a group share the same mindset, and are VERY curious. As a dionae you can play dumb to otherwise obvious situations, be a pacifist, be a gentle giant as groups of nymphs into dionae can get quite big.

They heal from radiation and light, instead of doctor's care and food. If they lose a limb, they can regrow a limb. If they 'die' they split into many nymphs making them fun to play as even when you are under attack. The sods could even walk out an airlock without a care, and would most likely do so just to pick up something shiny outside.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: As a human, you are one 'being', one brain, one soul. Dionaea are groups of nymphs that share a mindset with their fellows, but nevertheless still have a brain of their own. A diona does not need to eat, to rest, or in general take breaks. A dionae is akin to a steam train. once it starts moving, once it knows what it wants, it's gonna get it.


Character Name: Shard of memories long past (I could do with a recommendation on the name, but I would prefer to keep 'shard' in there as the nickname)

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Shard was grown from a seed, given to a hydroponics department by the Reade Colossus. Once grown into a nymph it quickly drank the knowledge it needed from the willing hydroponics and grew, after feasting on weeds and water.

Shard was afterword directed to the station's HoP, who handed them a aptitude test. Shard would stand in confusion for a few minutes, staring at the paper, before having a small nymph 'paint' their answers onto the paper with green 'ink', which might as well have been blood. The HoP, understandably, was discouraged by this. They rewrote their answers on a copy of the test, this time with a pen.

Shard was accepted as a general worker, one who could help with supply departments, hydroponics, janitorial duties, and what not. The HoP, after seeing Shard eat a potted plant, then inspect the electronics inside the pot that kept the plant healthy, marked in his record for him to not to be assigned any job with any risk. The HoP feared Shard would try to eat the engine if given the chance, and they would be right.

Later, after Shard had been sent to aid the supply department for the rest of the shift, the HoP realized their pen and basket of paper was missing from their desk, along with an ash tray.

Shard would be found, after the shift, with a paper bin stuck to his shoulder, a pen in place of a finger, and a ash tray on their chest as if it was a medallion. All three objects were returned to the HoP eventually, and Shard was informed to not do that again. It took the officer who informed shard two hours to realize their badge was missing.

Shard's record was updated stating they had 'sticky fingers' and 'kleptomaniac' tendencies.

A final note on their record states that when working with the supply division, and given no present task, they would stand in front of the disposals outlet, catching the refuse that flew out of it. They would keep items they liked, while tossing the rest along their way to the mass driver.

What do you like about this character? I've played humans for a good while, then IPCs, I want to play as a character that is many similar 'beings' in one body. One that does not anger easily, unlike my other characters. Shard should provide that want well. Having 'sticky' fingers and no problem doing general labor would also be different from my other characters. Plus, as a dionae, you are a plant. Not a machine or organic humanoid, but a plant with a brain. A creature that can take a beating, get back up, and simply state 'that hurt us' to it's attacker, before walking, or attempting to, away.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 3.5/5 Not great, but not too bad either.

Notes: Been playing for a year or two now on this server, I was one of your moderators before I had to go on a hiatus. As always, open to constructive criticism.

Edited per Killerhurtz request 12/13/16 11:50AM EST

Edited by Guest

Hello hello!

Honestly, your backstory is rather lackluster - and not entirely accurate to the lore, either. And I don't know how I feel about someone who has "tankiness" as a selling point for Dionaea.

Fix it up a little, and I'll be back on the 15th for a judgement.


Sorry I'm late!

I've read over your corrected application. An oblivious, trash-sorting kleptomaniac dionaea?

I only have one thing to say.


Approved without a doubt. Welcome.

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