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[DENIED] plaugewalker's Vaurca app.

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BYOND Key:plaugewalker

Character Names:T'loza

Species you are applying to play:Vaurca

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): (RGB:51, 51, 0)

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes, I have.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:I wish to play this race as it will provide a new view into the alternate ways of the species in Tau Ceti, live and survive in their day to day lives. And, to enjoy a fresh new experience in Aurora, as this will open up different avenues for me to play on.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:The fact, that there are a variety of broods to this species. Like, the Til'yez, who show more of a beauracratic stance on things, and value each department of theirs independently,


Character Name:

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Unbound T'loza was born into the Ax'tal Brood, and from an early age it diligently studied the hard sciences - engineering, mathematics, and computer science. Its dream was to design a new Cephalon, a metal and silicon Cephalon that would free the Vaurca of their reliance on living tissue and prevent the death of more innocents.

The rest of the Board of Mechanics found his theories laughable - organic tissue was superior to mechanical, and that was something that everybody knew. T'loza found his work unwelcome, and only stayed on the Board of Mechanics because they lacked the heart to kick him out. In order to push away the sting of rejection, T'loza volunteered to Descend as often as possible, getting muck and fluids on its claws in the Birthing Rooms.

When the Black Numbers came calling, T'loza didn't need to be pushed - it volunteered at the first opportunity. Nothing could be worse than obstetrics

What do you like about this character? The fact that he shows that he wishes to push the Vaurca into a new era where they do not have to rely on Cephalons, and can use synthetics to aid into their lives, rather than needing to rely on a half-semi living bio-server made up of a Cephalons brain to house the Virtual.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?8 out of a solid 10. My role-playing experience comes slightly from eight years of D n D, and Cyberpunk 2013 and 2020.



I'm gonna have to DENY this. Other than the backstory - which I wrote for you, under the assumption that you'd use it as an inspiration to write your own backstory - everything is so bare-bones as to be worthless. Also, you don't seem to have any other characters and nobody will vouch for you. Once you've gotten your feet underneath you and some people to speak up for you, we can try this again.

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