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[Accepted] Minty's Dionaea Whitelist Application #2

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BYOND Key: MintyGums

Character Names: Vince Jesse, Susanna Fraser, Julian Beach, Buck Albright, Greta Kirkson

Species you are applying to play: Dionaea

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, a few times over.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I really like how dionaea function, and how intricate their social structure is. The fact that they merge and split, form new bodies, and have a greater capacity for knowledge (by growing in numbers) is really interesting to me. I also really like how different they are from normal human biology, and how they are not well understood. In real life, I find plants pretty interesting and really like how Dionaea are based on plants but also a completely original species.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

They are very slow, both in speech and movement. They can elongate vowels and use ellipses in speech to show that they are speaking veerryyy… ssloowlyyy. Depending on how familiar they are with human speech and if they want to adopt another pronoun, they will use plurals for themselves, like ‘we’ or ‘us’. They have a very slow walking speed, even slower than a wounded human, and will probably not do well in jobs requiring chases or urgent arrival somewhere, like a security officer or paramedic. They can eat most things and can turn the absorbed matter into usable information, energy, or growing material. They treat each nymph as an individual, but also each group of connected nymphs as an individual, which will confuse humans they communicate with.

Character Name: Whispering Of The Men Heard From Afar By The Lone Nymph In The Metal Tunnels And The Spark Of Affinity For The Serene (abbreviation: Whispering Of The Serene)

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Slithering out of their pod, a lone nymph observes its surroundings. Hydroponic growing chambers. One friendly, slimy tentacle person, kneeling down onto the white, sterile floor. A monitoring console, showing a scientific diagram in an unusual language. The nymph rustled, wondering if any other Diona were around. They got no response. The nymph then looked up at the Skrell. The Skrell looked down, eyeing the nymph and saying an indistinguishable sentence in Skrellian. The Skrell held out it’s hand and the nymph took a bit of blood, starting to understand what the Skrell was saying. Explaining that they were not going to hurt the nymph, and that they only cared for research on the creature. The nymph stared back, then looked up and gestured to the amphibian fruitlessly that they wanted to know what ‘research’ was. The Skrell was confused, but eventually took out a paper and pencil so that the nymph could express itself. The Skrell took a look at the paper, which had many barely legible scribbles asking for the meaning of ‘research’. The nymph was told to wait, as the Skrell thought that patience was a good skill teach. Alone in the facility, the Skrell had only a single inquisitive nymph to accompany him. His dozen or so colleagues had gone due to a Weishii celebration, him being the only scientist aboard the ship that did not identify with the religion. A few calm days had passed, and the Skrell has decided to try to teach the nymph a couple of things about his life. He started with his job and where they were. He told of the Dionaea and xenobotanical research ship, that was stationed in deep space, away from most sentient life. One with a similar design to many other small research ships with various purposes, owned by the Jargon Federation. He said that they had been studying plant genetics and the effect of different energy sources on the behavior of Dionaea. This particular nymph was part of the heavy radiation group, and grew healthy and strong. They were shown how the consoles function, the growth of plants, and taught genetics and biology. The two started to use paper to write in Skrellian messages and illustrate ideas to each other, so that the nymph would be able to communicate thoughts back.

A few weeks went by, and another nymph had emerged. They were being fed and taken care of by the Skrell, consuming mostly plant-based foods and Skrell Snax, as that was what was available. Suddenly, an alarm went off! A fire was detected near the main entrance airlocks, and the Skrell was terrified. People were banging on the doors, and some shouting was heard. Thinking quickly, the skrell hid in maintenance and hid the two nymphs in a nearby ventilation duct. Peeking through the vents dampers, they observed a group of Vox and Humans rush into the labs and take a box of chemicals, hack into many scientists’ bank accounts, and trash the place even more. The duo imitated the Skrell’s reaction, afraid and in hiding. Today, Whispering Of The Serene calls this an attack on their Skrell partner, and tend to be scared around humans and especially wary around Vox. They also learned to hide during this, and the Skrell told them that it was always best to run rather than fight. The ship’s distance from the federation was significant, but the Skrell attempted to send a small range emergency distress call, hoping for a response from his companions. After the attack, the two nymphs joined to form a small clump.

Flash forward 18 years,The Diona has grown into a worker, named Whispering Of The Serene, composed of 5 nymphs, due to some more pods hatching, and the name ‘Whispering Of The Serene’ was adopted by them. The Skrell mentor has died; passing from old age, they lived a long lifespan of 342 years. The worker, who was never found due to their timid nature, was alone. One day, something docked at the research vessel, determined to see what caused the distress call so many years ago. It was a small NanoTrasen vessel, with about 15 humans aboard. They took the worker in; initially the gestalt tried to hide, but a flute was able to calm them down enough to come with the humans. They used a universal recorder and asked it of its story. Interested in its intelligence, they gave it a standardized knowledge test. It did exceptional, and was transferred to the NanoTrasen High Academy after becoming a citizen of The Republic of Biesel. They studied science and language for 9 years, getting their PhD in plant science. A month after graduating, they had been recommended to work aboard the NSS Aurora, accepting the job of xenobotanist. Whispering Of The Serene has grown in emotional maturity since the hatching of their first nymph. They understand many human ideas, for example, when their Skrell mentor had died, they did not really care. By learning from humans, they were able to be remorseful and now think of themselves as indebted to the Jargon Federation for their knowledge. They have always had the desire to fit in somewhere, and are very interested in the Epsilon Ursae Minoris gestalt. Perhaps they may join and share their knowledge with them someday.

What do you like about this character?

They are awkward and somewhat quiet around others, usually only communicating internally and observing from afar. They also have a pretty interesting backstory of working their way up to a job, and they were raised by a single Skrell. They are used to being isolated and know a variety of languages including Skrellian(they can’t speak it), Tau Ceti Basic, and, of course, Rootspeak. They have 3 dedicated movement nymphs, 2 thought-focused nymphs, with one of them specializing in empathy and communication, while the other is more logically inclined, and one nymph mostly focused on metabolism. They are ‘scared’ of humans and vox. Not out of real fear, but out of the observation of a role model exhibiting fear around those species. They are meant to be a quick learner(not always a good thing, including how quickly they learned to be afraid,) but also very secluded and distant. They may stare or ask questions, but they are usually not very up-front about learning. They are not the type of Diona to go up and start talking to someone, but they do have a good idea of how people and others talk. I believe that I have fully understood naming schemes for Dionae now and decided to change 'vegetation' to 'serene,' which kind of describes what the original word was (google 'serene').

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I’d say about a 7 and a half on a scale of 1 to 10. I am new, but learn quickly and am open to criticism. I need to work on acting realistically, but I guess that will come with practice.

Notes: This is an edit of my last app’s backstory, so that it could be more compatible with Aurora’s lore.

edit: added info on character name


We meet again.

I've looked over your app, and it's definately more Aurora-friendly! I've also ran a check, and through the time that you've been here, you haven't had any complaints on yourself from others as far as I can see.

So far, you've proven that you are capable of creating a solid character, abiding by the rules, commitment, as well being flexible and patient. Although the last two aren't necessary, they are very good attributes to have, especially in your position as a new player where we just aren't all that certain. Although there are no comments on your application to back you up in your abilities as a player, I don't see why I can't trust you with a whitelist to uphold the standards of the species and enrich the community with your character after what you've provided me with.

The wait is over- Welcome to the crew, Minty. I hope you enjoy your shiney new whitelist!


Application Accepted.

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