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[Accepted] Tylaaar's Dionae Application

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Tylaaar

Character Names:


Species you are applying to play: Dionae

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N / A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yus.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

The Dionaea species has always interested me, the entire concept of little nymphs eventually merging together to form a greater gestalt all playing their role, is very fascinating.

Secondly, the desire for this long-living species, to learn and extend their knowledge of the universe of which they reside in is such a great drive for a character, it has pulled my interest into this species.

Finally, dionae in my opinion are one of the most, peaceful species in the lore thus giving a more relaxed roleplay experience, giving plenty of time to develop your character, something which is enjoyable to me.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Roleplaying as a diona, has many distinct differences from humans, their speech for example, Dionae use different pronouns to describe themselves, such as "Us" or "We" since they are a collective of nymphs built up in a worker form, working together as one, Mechanically speaking they function significantly different than humans, A Diona does not need oxygen or pressure to survive inside of an environment only light, being their main food source. Another feature being which the Diona heal via radiation, or heat on the downside if being exposed to darkness or being too cold, they will slowly die.


Character Name:Wind In The Stars

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs


Emerging from its replicant pod, peering at their surroundings..an instant shudder as the cold air rushed towards the nymph, this enviroment could barely sustain life, not another living organism was in sight nor was a suitable light source present either, the nymph knew it had to move.. It clambered out fully of its pod, giving a proper survey, more pods appeared to be growing in what it believed to be a hydroponics bay..The dim light, mixed with cold air made these nymph's progression severely halted, but it knew that it had to venture forth in some way, as it took one step forward into the abyss, a sticky..red..substance was beneath themself..Sampling this substance without hesitation. a whole new world of information came forth to the Nymph..They were on board some sort of derelict ship, drifting through midst of space, never to be recovered. The Nymph backed up towards the dim light, feeding off of what it could.

Was this the end..?

A flicker of a light tube on the other side of the bay caught the nymphs attention, it was frequent enough to support themself.. they navigated between each row of hydroponic trays, most of them growing Replicant pods, they knew they had to do something to save the others, their survival depended on it.


A red light burst to life, above a strange sign which could be translated to 'RAD*$T*ON" They heard a faint cry for help, banging against the rusted, orange door. The nymph grew the courage to leave the safety of the light, squeezing through the gap between the hydroponics bay door, it ran towards the orange door, under the safety of the red light.. it waited for another cry... A violent roar for help erupted from beyond the door.. The Nymph tapped lightly.. a knock from the other side, with the voice of a female saying something the nymph could barely understand. A loud screeching sound, the rusted door being forcibly pried by this 'human' the Nymph looked up tilting its head. A human woman towered over them clearly bleeding, extending her hand the nymph sampled some blood, it now understood every word she spoke. She pulled out a light from her pocket, shining it around, providing sufficient light for the nymph to finally feel comfortable. The Nymph clambered onto the womans shoulder, she explained how this was a science vessel, and it was attacked by pirates who believed there was something value on the ship..furthermore the engine was damaged, she carefully explained to the tiny nymph that the blue wire, was required to be connected to a red port, green to yellow and so forth. however she needed something small enough to crawl inside the turbine and connect wires, as the engine was frail taking off the turbine could damage it severely. The nymph tilted its head slightly, the woman carefully explaining once more, then proceeding to take them into the engine room. She was clearly struggling, each step was getting slower and more painful..they arrived at the engine, the nymph's goal was in reach, to save the others. They crawled his way into the engine, using their tiny tendrils to connect each wire to the correct place, an affirmative light blinked from red to green, signalling the engine is ready.. they clambered back out..the engine now functional, the human hit the switch.. turning on the power network.

Lights were restored, a warm sensation hitting the nymph..The female properly introduced herself as Star, of the Gladia. A privately funded research shuttle, sent on a mission to research xenoflora. The two now inside of the hydroponics bay as the surviving nymphs all clamber outside of their pods. Survival was possible however with all systems being down, travel was impossible. They were stuck. For good.

Now what..? Seconds, turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days, to months, to years..of nothing...waiting... 30 years on, only nymphs roamed the desolate halls..Six of which have banded together. And chose the Gestalt name to be 'Wind In The Stars' as a sort of memorial, for their fallen friend who helped them survive. During this time, Wind expanded upon their knowledge.. Reading whatever books they could find, If it was how to replace your first light bulb or How to prevent a nuclear emergency, Wind read it, making the days go quicker.. Wind knew they had a duty to keep the engine functional, it was life or death for them, and the nymphs that roamed the halls..Over time Wind became more familiar with the temperature controls, and even started experimenting for a higher output of electricity to be generated.. Wind spent time, re-patching holes in the hull, building themselves a room out of any scrap metal they could find.. This was home to them, and it would be for a while. Wind, wandered through the halls..towards the bridge which had been partly fixed then themselves but all that worked was a radar... A faint signal picked up by the improvised system, a ship heading towards their humble vessel. As it got closer the insignia ' NT ' was on the side.. A hail attempt couldn't be made, so they assumed it was empty. Wind went towards the airlock, a team of 6 or so people boarded, all brandishing a badge labeled ' NT ' after some explaining and communication, they believed that Winds skills were adequate and offered him to come with them, Wind Gracefully accepted alongside the other nymphs who followed along merging with his Gestalt.


Finally. After all these years of waiting a way out of this shuttle, Wind was sent towards a NanoTrasen representative, who aided him in applying for citizenship. After this, Wind was directed towards Hongsun Park Engineering Institute, Where they would study for 4 years, doing a bachelors degree, in the efforts to work for NanoTrasen as an engineer.

What do you like about this character?

What I enjoy about Wind, is that they show an extreme amount of respect for ALL Humans, even ones which may throw derogatry terms at them, they are very polite with everyone they meet and have an extremely positive outlook on humans as a whole. They are very motivated to work and carry on learning in respect of their deceased friend, trying to re-pay a debt they feel they owe to humanity.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd say around a 7-7.5, I'll be honest I do have my moments, a lot of us do. But I believe im sufficant enough at maintaining the general atmosphere of the station. (i hope)

Notes: :^)

Edited by Guest

I feel a little bit our of place commenting here since I am not even whitelisted yet, but here I go-

Everything in your application, up until the backstory, is good in my opinion. I have a few problems in the backstory and other questions, though...

  • Number one is that the nymph just knew, somehow, which wires went into which place, and how to fix the engine. The story doesn't tell us that the woman told them how, or anything of the sort.
  • Number two is not a problem really, but it would be interesting to know what happened to the other nymphs that did not turn into Wind In The Stars.
  • Number three is similar to problem one. I don't understand how Wind In The Stars could know enough about engineering at this point to pass an aptitude test, which is not a valid way to become an engineer. You have to have a BA or 7 years in engineering experience, NT wouldn't hire a ragtag dionae that has been stuck on a ship with no degree or really any experience.
  • An observation: I see a lot of similarities in our app backstories, so it would be fun to have a merge of some kind if you actually turn this into a character. Now, back to problems.
  • My fourth problem is with your 'what do you like about this character' answer; your character is supposedly positive and very polite, but in your backstory they are isolated for the majority of their life. I suppose the 'positive' part could be attributed to them fixing the ship and surviving and being taken by NT for a better life and escape. If this is the case, touching on that in your answer could help explain.

As for your roleplay, I haven't really had the chance to experience anything with your characters. Caiden Moyers sounds familiar, I believe I heard them near R&D once, but I don't remember anything clearly. I can't really comment on your RP as a result.

So, based on your application, I am going to -1 for now, until these problems are fixed.


  • Number one is that the nymph just knew, somehow, which wires went into which place, and how to fix the engine. The story doesn't tell us that the woman told them how, or anything of the sort.
Its lightly touched upon, but 'furthermore the engine was damaged, and she needed something small enough to crawl inside the turbine and connect wires' was supposed to implicate she explained how to do so, I've added an explanation as per requested of what orders she gave the tiny nymph.. Hopefully clarifying a few things.


  • Number two is not a problem really, but it would be interesting to know what happened to the other nymphs that did not turn into Wind In The Stars.

The other nymphs formed their own gestalt, shortly after embarking on the NanoTrasen Vessel, taking an identity of 'Seeds Once Lost Amongst The Stars' I currently don't have anything planned for this gestalt, perhaps it might become a character, I do not know.

  • Number three is similar to problem one. I don't understand how Wind In The Stars could know enough about engineering at this point to pass an aptitude test, which is not a valid way to become an engineer. You have to have a BA or 7 years in engineering experience, NT wouldn't hire a ragtag dionae that has been stuck on a ship with no degree or really any experience.

Its my bad for not explaining what happened during the 30 years of nothingness, I've made a large amount of changes to explain a bit more about how Star learnt more about engineering, To do with the aptitude test. Correct me if I am wrong here, but I'm fairly certain Dionae have a completely different education process than other races, which is the Aptitude test, which runs in all fields as far as i'm aware of, I do think that 30 years of slowly learning and becoming more competent with engineering, would certainly be enough in my opinion.


  • An observation: I see a lot of similarities in our app backstories, so it would be fun to have a merge of some kind if you actually turn this into a character. Now, back to problems.

I'm sure we could come to think of something at a later date, if thats what you wish

  • My fourth problem is with your 'what do you like about this character' answer; your character is supposedly positive and very polite, but in your backstory they are isolated for the majority of their life. I suppose the 'positive' part could be attributed to them fixing the ship and surviving and being taken by NT for a better life and escape. If this is the case, touching on that in your answer could help explain.


The positive outlook on humans, as a whole is from his experience with the female engineer, as she was so willing to help him, a complete stranger. Wind feels as if its their duty to maintain a sort of legacy, or to honour their friend by being how they acted before death. As well as NT essentially saving Wind from the situation they was in again, making them more grateful towards humanity with the kind of mindset that, strangers should help each other, set into their mind. Making them have the weakness of trusting everyone they meet, a flaw i've come to enjoy


Correct me if I am wrong here, but I'm fairly certain Dionae have a completely different education process than other races, which is the Aptitude test, which runs in all fields as far as i'm aware of, also after spending so long reading, getting first hand experience, using trial and error. . In a 30 year period they would be more then capable of completing a test in my honest opinion.


My bad, I did not read this part of the lore since it was added fairly recently.

After looking at your adjustments and answers, I think this looks to be a solid application and you do really have a lot of knowledge on the lore. I will gladly +1 this.


Hello! At long last, I have appeared from the woods where I have retreated to recover from my recent cold.

Right away, I noticed how similar this story is to MintyGums' first application as they have mentioned, which made me a little weary. Beginning, middle, and end. They more or less mirrored each other in the situation. I appreciate the answers that you've provided in response to Minty, but there's still some things that have to be addressed. Don't be put off by the amount of content, it's part questions part thoughts I have on the topic. The first one being my mistake about Dionae education. They should take courses like everyone else to reach their goal of earning a degree for a position they would like in life. So please re-read that section and adjust your story as needed- sorry for the inconvenience. Trail and error, as it were.

The Vessel

There are several issues about the vessel itself. What kind of science was the vessel used to research? How big was the vessel itself? What was the size of the crew? Where was it's location? From the way of how you told the story, you made it sound like a rather sizeable craft- a research station in fact, much like the NSS Aurora. But it seemed rather centered around engineering- there were a lot of in-depth books about it. When you're bored, you can read a rather hefty book within a month. I know I can- and have. Additionally, Star herself seems to be an engineer in particular. Now imagine a knowledge-hungry lifeform searching for information. I know that they would have a spark for engineering as it were, but thirty years is a lot of time to read all those books. Wind In The Stars would have looked about for more things to learn, or even jumped ship to travel to someplace with more information that were within their specific tastes. And like I said before, they still need traditional education.


I understand the aspect of a vessel being attacked for a possibly valuable stash, but a group of raiders don't always have to kill a station to a man. It's a waste of resources, especially if guns were involved. Sure, interrogations here and there may happen, even a death or two to make good on a threat. But why waste your clips on an entire station when you're hurting for a good haul? And of course, some of the raiders would have lost their lives if they decided to go all-out on an attack if the crew decided to wisen up. The raiders would have wanted to preserve their own numbers as well- with less hands, the less of a threat you are as you suddenly become vulnerable. Then again, everyone has to start somewhere, and in the end it could simply be an inexperienced crew.

As for the crew, how was the woman hurt? How come she seemed unable to open the airlock before, but after hearing the knocking she suddenly seemed strong? How did she survive, and for how long? What did Wind in the Stars do with her (if she passed away), and the rest of the crew? Depending on the craft's location (they would have to be nearby civilization or another station of sorts, somewhere that they can get supplies at), how come they didn't send a distress signal (people are usually smart about pushing these when they're outmanned etc), and that no one showed if they did?


This part I understand. You want your character to be completely in love with NT. But again, depending on the ship's location, why/how would NT be out there? Wouldn't they be weary of a lone survivor being a Dionae who possibly consumed the corpses?


The shape that the ship was in would have taught the Dionae to be weary of others from the sheer amount of violence and from the state that the woman was left in. And she would undoubtedly of have told the Dionae about what happened in more detail, making them even more cautious. Nymphs absorb a lot of knowledge due to their sheer learning capabilities, especially for a new nymph. Their primary concern is survival, and if there's something or someone that can do that amount of damage, they would avoid it to survive. They would want to repay Star, yes. Naming and continuing what was taught would be ways. But the rest? After seeing the corpses caused by an unknown foe- most commonly, other humans?


Hello! At long last, I have appeared from the woods where I have retreated to recover from my recent cold.


07 hope you're feeling better.


Right away, I noticed how similar this story is to MintyGums' first application as they have mentioned, which made me a little weary. Beginning, middle, and end. They more or less mirrored each other in the situation. I appreciate the answers that you've provided in response to Minty, but there's still some things that have to be addressed. Don't be put off by the amount of content, it's part questions part thoughts I have on the topic. The first one being my mistake about Dionae education. They should take courses like everyone else to reach their goal of earning a degree for a position they would like in life. So please re-read that section and adjust your story as needed- sorry for the inconvenience. Trail and error, as it were.


Yeah, I was under the impression that the DIonae have a completely separate education to everyone, ignoring degree's and what not, thanks for clearing that haze out of my head, I'll make sure to get that sorted.


The Vessel

There are several issues about the vessel itself. What kind of science was the vessel used to research? How big was the vessel itself? What was the size of the crew? Where was it's location? From the way of how you told the story, you made it sound like a rather sizeable craft- a research station in fact, much like the NSS Aurora. But it seemed rather centered around engineering- there were a lot of in-depth books about it. When you're bored, you can read a rather hefty book within a month. I know I can- and have. Additionally, Star herself seems to be an engineer in particular. Now imagine a knowledge-hungry lifeform searching for information. I know that they would have a spark for engineering as it were, but thirty years is a lot of time to read all those books. Wind In The Stars would have looked about for more things to learn, or even jumped ship to travel to someplace with more information that were within their specific tastes. And like I said before, they still need traditional education.


The Vessel in question was being used for researching mainly Anomalous materials, and minor mining expeditions. I wouldn't want to say its a station, but quite large to support mid-term travel, the crew mainly being

new scientists, a relatively experienced engineering section, a small mining expedition team, small sized medical bay, and a small armoury for all to use in emergency. The location of the ship was in the dust belt, Tau Ceti.

I didn't want to stray, too far from the engineering aspect of Wind's life, since thats the main focus I wanted to get across I defiantly neglected, the broader spectrum of knowledge Wind could of achieved in that time, And during their time upon this vessel, Before they read about engineering, I'd say they went over to the medical bay, trying to gain as much knowledge as possible, due to their friend being wounded, Wind thought they could still attempt to save them, upon their passing. They carried on reading more about medical knowledge, as they didn't want to be so helpless if they was to be put in that situation again.

They most likely tried to gain some more knowledge about xenobiology/hydroponics due to them wanting to build coffins for the fallen, trying to pay respects to Star's wishes, and give them self a task of caring for the plants, and giving themselves a sense of responsibility. I know Dionae are pretty much walking talking knowledge banks, but I wanted to put some so of strain on my character, They could definitely know a vast amount in every field but need the degree to prove it.



I understand the aspect of a vessel being attacked for a possibly valuable stash, but a group of raiders don't always have to kill a station to a man. It's a waste of resources, especially if guns were involved. Sure, interrogations here and there may happen, even a death or two to make good on a threat. But why waste your clips on an entire station when you're hurting for a good haul? And of course, some of the raiders would have lost their lives if they decided to go all-out on an attack if the crew decided to wisen up. The raiders would have wanted to preserve their own numbers as well- with less hands, the less of a threat you are as you suddenly become vulnerable. Then again, everyone has to start somewhere, and in the end it could simply be an inexperienced crew.

As for the crew, how was the woman hurt? How come she seemed unable to open the airlock before, but after hearing the knocking she suddenly seemed strong? How did she survive, and for how long? What did Wind in the Stars do with her (if she passed away), and the rest of the crew? Depending on the craft's location (they would have to be nearby civilization or another station of sorts, somewhere that they can get supplies at), how come they didn't send a distress signal (people are usually smart about pushing these when they're outmanned etc), and that no one showed if they did?


The raiders in question, wanted to gain a sort if infamy status. 'Look at us, we did this, we can do it to anyone' sort of deal, They needed a target which wasn't too heavily defended but had a fair human crew count, thus aiming for this vessel, The vessel was traveling through the dustbelt at the time, making their way towards Dumas, navigation being difficult got them into the grasps of the Raiders area of operations, I guess you could say. The bridge being the first place to be taken out, getting the beacon sent out proved to be challenging, making most crew attempting to abandon ship, however the firepower of these raiders proved to be immense, for the research vessel.

Due to the raiders entering via the bridge, the entire crew was disorganized, the armoury couldn't of been opened without bridge access, everything being scattered it was essentially a slaughterhouse for the crew, not standing any real fighting chance.

Star, The woman suffered several stab wounds, surviving off a makeshift bandage which, was partly doing its role the tiny knock she heard gave her some sort of an adrenaline boost, thinking. 'This could be it, this could be my chance for help,' Star passed away, around 12 hours after Wind initially fixing the engine, for the rest of the crew they either left via EEV(most likely hit an asteroid), or suffered death at the hands of the raiders.

Before Star died, she made a request for Wind to give anyone they find, a true resting place. Telling them that a coffin to finally lay rest in would be most appreciated, Wind taking this task upon themselves.



This part I understand. You want your character to be completely in love with NT. But again, depending on the ship's location, why/how would NT be out there? Wouldn't they be weary of a lone survivor being a Dionae who possibly consumed the corpses?


So the original concept I had in mind, but didn't want to drag on the backstory or lose the flow I was in, was that a mining vessel on the way towards the Romanovich Cloud got a tiny ping amongst their radar from Winds system they built, a hail attempt was obviously made but Wind hadn't quite gotten the audio systems to work, thus not being able to hear, or see the people attempting a hail. This would of lead the crew to leave it as a point of interest for a salvage crew to head over there.

Upon arrival, I imagine anyone would be ready for anything. already having a factor of being careful of what they find being ready for pretty much anything, whilst I did be quite vague about the interactions between Wind, and the Salvage crew. Upon finding Wind, standing at the entrance of the airlock. They obviously had quite the scare, But Wind showed no signs of hostilities, trying his best to explain everything Star told themselves. It took convincing, no doubt and with less bodies being present then from the start they would be weary. But Wind had used the hydroponics bay, to assist him in constructing coffins as Star told them that this was a way of respect for the deceased, and she'd be grateful if her fallen friends saw a proper burial. After showing the salvage team the coffins, perhaps they may of had a different look upon Wind, seeing they may have had the best intentions in place. Also looking at the repairs Wind had done over time no doubt they would gain some sort of trust towards Wind, eventually agreeing to take Wind with them.



The shape that the ship was in would have taught the Dionae to be weary of others from the sheer amount of violence and from the state that the woman was left in. And she would undoubtedly of have told the Dionae about what happened in more detail, making them even more cautious. Nymphs absorb a lot of knowledge due to their sheer learning capabilities, especially for a new nymph. Their primary concern is survival, and if there's something or someone that can do that amount of damage, they would avoid it to survive. They would want to repay Star, yes. Naming and continuing what was taught would be ways. But the rest? After seeing the corpses caused by an unknown foe- most commonly, other humans?


Winds first interaction with an alive human engineer, was Star. Of course she explained who did this, and that there is bad people in this universe who wish to harm others in gain for wealth, which may of left Wind confused, not being able to tell who's bad and who's good, 30 years of that question not being able to be answered is undoubtedly a long time, with winds interaction with humans only being positive, although they had learnt about the darker side to humanity, it was balanced, The NanoTrasen vessel saving him, I was the sort of push they needed to understand that, its a minority thats bad, and the majority wish to help. They may be weary when they see a human, brandishing a weapon perhaps not being able to read the situation as clearly as others may, which is a flaw that could be roleplayed quite well I hope.


Thanks for taking your time to further elaborate for me! Let's touch up a little more here.

So from what I've read so far, it was a medium-sized sustainable research station that also had vast amounts of books and the like that could be studied from which is understandable for a self-sustaining ship especially in emergencies, so Stars had plenty of data to work off of. However, gathered knowledge is different from practicing it. So in theory, Stars would have knowledge pertaining to medical, but not able to preform, especially without practice/training, so if someone was hurt they may be able to tell a struggling doctor about a possible treatment method, they wouldn't be able to do it themselves (let alone allowed to). Gardening is a different story as they would obviously have the ability to practice and experience trail and error, but Xenobotany is rather too advanced. At the end of the day, they would be capable of practicing only engineering and basic gardening, correct?

As for the behavioral aspect, you write that they have an extreme amount of respect for all humans, however stated some conflicting information in a post where they could be weary to them. Additionally, the back story is conflicting still with that with the sheer amounts of violence. If you were new to the world and surrounded by gore caused by rampaging humans and told by a singular one, the remaining survivor that was slowly losing her own fight, that the majority were actually good... wouldn't there be any doubting her words? I feel that Stars might be rather weary of any aggression shown as they would be uncertain if the human is gearing up for an attack or not. They spent up to thirty years in isolation without being taught about human socialization. Even if they boarded with NT, they would still have trust issues and extreme uncertainties.


Nymph: The default form tackled above. Medium intelligence, extremely curious, extreme learning potential.

Worker: The most commonly seen form, this occurs when three to six nymphs link together and grow a humanoid body. Highly intelligent. 


That comes from the wiki. After maturing and merging to form a Gestalt, their learning potential will lower, although their joined minds will increase intelligence. A nymph's extreme learning potential and short exposure to both violence and death and very brief interaction with another life form would be set in stone for a very long time, even after four years. In most young animals (including humans), there's a period of mental growth and development called the "fear period", where anything they learn in that stage may impact them forever if they are not given therapy and education on how to overcome their fears. This would include Dionae, as it is a biologically ingrained technique used for survival. And how would they react to other alien species who they may or may not have been exposed to, as well as other life forms?


Thanks for taking your time to further elaborate for me! Let's touch up a little more here.


So from what I've read so far, it was a medium-sized sustainable research station that also had vast amounts of books and the like that could be studied from which is understandable for a self-sustaining ship especially in emergencies, so Stars had plenty of data to work off of. However, gathered knowledge is different from practicing it. So in theory, Stars would have knowledge pertaining to medical, but not able to preform, especially without practice/training, so if someone was hurt they may be able to tell a struggling doctor about a possible treatment method, they wouldn't be able to do it themselves (let alone allowed to). Gardening is a different story as they would obviously have the ability to practice and experience trail and error, but Xenobotany is rather too advanced. At the end of the day, they would be capable of practicing only engineering and basic gardening, correct?


So in theory, yes Wind would be able to aid someone who's actually earned their degree in the field, but since during their time of the isolation they couldn't exactly, 'heal' a dead person so its not the practical sides of things, but certainly knows a lot about the Theoretical side, Basic gardening would be a 100% definitely, makes sense. And with xenbotany only getting Theoretical knowledge and not having hands on experience with the machines probably makes their knowledge next to null. So to sum it up, You've pretty much summed up the point I was trying to make.


As for the behavioral aspect, you write that they have an extreme amount of respect for all humans, however stated some conflicting information in a post where they could be weary to them. Additionally, the back story is conflicting still with that with the sheer amounts of violence. If you were new to the world and surrounded by gore caused by rampaging humans and told by a singular one, the remaining survivor that was slowly losing her own fight, that the majority were actually good... wouldn't there be any doubting her words? I feel that Stars might be rather weary of any aggression shown as they would be uncertain if the human is gearing up for an attack or not. They spent up to thirty years in isolation without being taught about human socialization. Even if they boarded with NT, they would still have trust issues and extreme uncertainties.


I think its to do with the trust that Wind, had built up with the woman, considering she aided in saving all of the Nymphs, definitely building a trust bond, maybe not taking her word for word, and having some doubts, due to the sheer violence that was present, Wind would be weary indeed if they saw a fully armed security guard waving their gun around, not being able to fully identify the situation most likely (slow)fleeing as fast as they can go. Being on board a ship, for however long it took for the salvage team to get back towards a station, certainly made Winds feel anxious, and it would take them a while to settle in with human civilization, most likely their time spent on the campus at Hongsun Park Engineering Institute, aided them in understanding how society functioned slightly.


Nymph Nymph: The default form tackled above. Medium intelligence, extremely curious, extreme learning potential.

Worker: The most commonly seen form, this occurs when three to six nymphs link together and grow a humanoid body. Highly intelligent.

That comes from the wiki. After maturing and merging to form a Gestalt, their learning potential will lower, although their joined minds will increase intelligence. A nymph's extreme learning potential and short exposure to both violence and death and very brief interaction with another life form would be set in stone for a very long time, even after four years. In most young animals (including humans), there's a period of mental growth and development called the "fear period", where anything they learn in that stage may impact them forever if they are not given therapy and education on how to overcome their fears. This would include Dionae, as it is a biologically ingrained technique used for survival. And how would they react to other alien species who they may or may not have been exposed to, as well as other life forms?


So while I think their time on the campus, may of enabled them to slowly learn and be integrated into society, I would say that they would definitely be receiving support. mentally whilst they was on the campus, perhaps seeing another Diona who taught them the basics of society over their time at the campus, aiding them a lot in understanding most species, but as we talked about the Education and not gaining the practical knowledge, not getting the practical meetings with these other species its still going to be a challenge, making interactions more tense in a way. Now to them seeing something like a slime, non-sapient, but have never been exposed to one before. They would certainly be anxious, scared.. Even go into the 'fight or flight' state of mind, being ready for anything showing signs of distress, visually. To something sapient, lets say Unathi, they would be quite socially awkward once around them. Not knowing their intentions, or how they act around Dionae as a whole, anything from Unathi speaking in their own language, having that factor of not knowing what they are talking about, to staring at Winds continuously would cause a more socially awkward response, or make them leave the area.


Just wanted to make sure that what I read and thought was what you intended, and I'm glad to see that we have an agreement! Now then that's all cleared up, let's continue on behavior.


I think its to do with the trust that Wind, had built up with the woman, considering she aided in saving all of the Nymphs, definitely building a trust bond, maybe not taking her word for word, and having some doubts, due to the sheer violence that was present, Wind would be weary indeed if they saw a fully armed security guard waving their gun around, not being able to fully identify the situation most likely (slow)fleeing as fast as they can go. Being on board a ship, for however long it took for the salvage team to get back towards a station, certainly made Winds feel anxious, and it would take them a while to settle in with human civilization, most likely their time spent on the campus at Hongsun Park Engineering Institute, aided them in understanding how society functioned slightly.

So while I think their time on the campus, may of enabled them to slowly learn and be integrated into society, I would say that they would definitely be receiving support. mentally whilst they was on the campus, perhaps seeing another Diona who taught them the basics of society over their time at the campus, aiding them a lot in understanding most species, but as we talked about the Education and not gaining the practical knowledge, not getting the practical meetings with these other species its still going to be a challenge, making interactions more tense in a way. Now to them seeing something like a slime, non-sapient, but have never been exposed to one before. They would certainly be anxious, scared.. Even go into the 'fight or flight' state of mind, being ready for anything showing signs of distress, visually. To something sapient, lets say Unathi, they would be quite socially awkward once around them. Not knowing their intentions, or how they act around Dionae as a whole, anything from Unathi speaking in their own language, having that factor of not knowing what they are talking about, to staring at Winds continuously would cause a more socially awkward response, or make them leave the area.


This makes sense, although like I said, it can take many years to lessen a solid fear-lesson that set in when they were young and kept all throughout their solid isolation. By then it would have been concrete and a bit more difficult to get over if that was all they knew. However, you seem to provide them a more comforting and familiar help for them, which would definitely help with that. I would find it more interesting if they showed anxiety around even unarmed and unarmored aggressors, like barfighters.

Now, I did notice something else. I see you mentioned a social teacher for your Dionae that was the same species. There are specific definitions for this kind of relationship, so which would Stars be considered and which would their educator be considered?


This makes sense, although like I said, it can take many years to lessen a solid fear-lesson that set in when they were young and kept all throughout their solid isolation. By then it would have been concrete and a bit more difficult to get over if that was all they knew. However, you seem to provide them a more comforting and familiar help for them, which would definitely help with that. I would find it more interesting if they showed anxiety around even unarmed and unarmored aggressors, like barfighters.


If I am to get the whitelist, I imagine that if Stars was to be sat inside of the bar, and people were beginning to act rowdy, or maybe even overly aggressive drunk people would definitely cause them to show signs of anxiety, trying their best to verbally voice it to the bartender, without crippling under the pressure and leaving whilst they can to avoid conflict.


Now, I did notice something else. I see you mentioned a social teacher for your Dionae that was the same species. There are specific definitions for this kind of relationship, so which would Stars be considered and which would their educator be considered?


So stars would be considered a Neophyte to the much older more experienced Sage, who had mentored Winds throughout their time upon the campus.


Sounds like a pretty good behavioral response for such a situation, and it would be interesting to see more Dionae a bit more unique in their reactions other than simply tranquil. Also glad to see you re-read the lore, as I am going to make updates here and there on it, so it's mildly important that an applicant checks.

I will be honest here. I'm a little weary of whitelist applications with such dark backgrounds- slaughter and isolation- as it can create a certain needy character type that may act irrationally, which is the last thing we want for a whitelisted species. Although I have not seen any feedback about how you play from others despite over three-hundred views. Come on guys! You have a rather clean record.

I just have one more question, though.

Are you ready to play?


Application Accepted.

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