to recognize your hardship you all endured this month, together with a little celebrations of the commended and decorated crew from the Battle of Orchard Moon, Human Resources and Central Command have decided to invite you to the luxurious Idris(tm) Incorporated Stargazer-Class Cruise Ship from Celestial Leisures. You will, once more, be able to relax in the Star Nursery and celebrate the end of the year.
Everyone not scheduled to be on duty during the 23rd of December 2464 is invited to attend. As last time, there is, for everyone who wishes to stay overnight, standard rooms booked for one (1) night. Upgrades are available if wanted and will be deducted from your personal account afterwards. Food and drinks will be available free of charge in a self-service kitchen and bar.
There will be the usual activities, as well as special guests to honour the crew and especially some certan crewmembers for their actions on the 10th of December.