Unban Requests
Understand your mistake. Agree with the punishment. Want another chance? Then this is the place to be.
Any thread that does not follow the format will be archived after 48 hours. No exceptions.
Unban Request Rules
- The General Forum Rules and Server Rules apply
- Only post if involved. If you are not a moderator or administrator and were not involved in a specific incident that may elicit a ban request, you may not post or reply to a ban request regarding that incident.
- Do not use ad hominem.
- No flame wars. No trolling. Self-explanatory.
- DO NOT MAKE A UNBAN REQUEST WHILE A ROUND IS STILL GOING. This constitutes as IC in OOC, wait for the round to end. This only applies if the request is related to an ongoing round.
- Only post if involved. If you are not a moderator or administrator and were not involved in a specific incident that may elicit a ban request, you may not post or reply to a ban request regarding that incident.
- All rulings are final when they are declared. If you wish to contest a verdict, you are encouraged to post in the Staff Complaints section of the forums.
- Use the provided Format
- 7.2k
- posts
1 topic in this forum
- 0 replies