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  1. As someone who plays chemist most of the time, I find it really annoying and disruptive. I'd gotten down a rhythm where I could plot it out multiple steps ahead and get the reaction I wanted every time. With the new change, I'll try to do that and get a reaction I wasn't going for because I forget about the new delayed reaction. While I understand the idea and concept behind it, it's also a bad thing if you're a late joiner and chemistry has been empty all round. I've showed up to rounds and gotten screamed at over the medical comms to get to my lab and make a certain medication. If it's super simplistic? This change doesn't matter much, but when I have no surgeons on staff and I'm being screamed at to make Peridaxon, which already takes a bit, this change makes it take exponentially longer and people wind up dead. Decent idea, poor execution. In slower, more RP oriented rounds it'd be great but in mixed secret when people are constantly being murdered or worse, the time lost with these changes can mean people are dead before you can make the chems needed to save them. Especially as a late joiner. It'd also be really off-putting to new people trying to learn the job, because they'd follow the wiki guide and wind up messing up due to the delayed reaction and wonder what's going on. It could serve to drive potentially decent or even great chemists away from the job.
  2. BYOND Key: Eternal Twilight Total Ban Length: Permanent, since 2016-11-01 Banning staff member's Key: SirCatnip Reason of Ban: Blowing up chemistry as a non-antag, being constantly hostile towards admins. Reason for Appeal: I admit that I did everything I got banned for, and that it was a completely just ban. Since it happened, I've been attempting to get over my aggression issues and realize that my behavior was completely inappropriate and a clear violation of the rules. If granted a second chance, I want to prove that I'm not that same person and that I can enjoy the game without making it an unpleasant or unwelcoming experience for other people. I had a lot of issues and know that what I did wasn't okay, and would be grateful if the admins would be willing to extend a second chance.
  3. I'm going to have to point out that Taryk isn't guilt free there with continuing the matter after being repeatedly told to drop the matter by the Captain, and they still wound up walking away without a slap on the wrist despite disobeying a direct order.
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