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Everything posted by Nadrew

  1. BYOND key: Nadrew Character names: James Sams How long have you been playing on Aurora?: 2-3 months now (playing SS13 since it was first created in 2002/2003) Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: After spending many shifts in the science department with either no director or a director that doesn't seem to know what they're doing I'd like to bring some experience to the job. Why did you come to Aurora?: After returning to SS13 after some years of inactivity I was looking for a high-RP server with a moderately sized, but close-knit community, multiple people pointed me at Aurora, and after trying quite a few of the other servers this is where I decided to call home. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Indeed, multiple times. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplaying, in my eyes is becoming a character, investing in it, and treating them with value. It means that you should focus purely on that character's personality, traits, and skills, treating that character as an extension of yourself. When you roleplay you should always think first about what your actions would entail for your character, without thinking about things OOCly, you should appreciate and interact with the people you work with as if you were really working alongside those people, building relationships and long-standing friendships, and perhaps even enemies. But most importantly, roleplaying is about having fun as your character, if you don't enjoy playing your character you shouldn't bother with them, because it not only makes your character suffer, it makes those around it suffer as well. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: OOCly, heads should be mature, level-headed, and helpful. But they shouldn't just hand-feed things to people OOCly, they should require IC work to pass along knowledge and skills. Their purpose outside of IC aspects overall probably isn't much different than other players, but they should still be seen as a sort of role model to base how you play the game on. I had some really helpful heads get me going when I came back and I'd love to pay that toward. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: I feel a lot of this came off in my answer above, but to reiterate I'd say the biggest things would be being helpful without being TOO helpful OOC, you don't want too much happening in the meta, half the fun of lab assistants is being able to ICly pass along knowledge without a lot of OOC meta in the way. Purely OOCly though, I'd think seeing immaturity and acting up outside of a little playful banter to be a bit much, especially when it comes to new players. However, in an ideal situation, there wouldn't need to be much crossover between IC and OOC, the less the better in my opinion. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: James Sams Character age: 42 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): James Sams started his career with NT at 18-years-old, working as a shaft miner, eventually being promoted to drill technician after his supervisors noticed a natural talent for electronics and tinkering in general. His love of machines extended beyond his mining duties, as he could be found off-shift often tinkering with small robotics and borg components. At 24-years of age Sams was caught in a shaft collapse and had most of the left side of his body crushed in the process of trying to drag another injured miner to safety. He was set to be outfitted with bionic prosthetics to his left arm, and leg, during the process he was introduced to the robotics department onboard the station, he was instantly infatuated. As he recovered he found himself spending shift after shift shadowing the robotics department, learning rapidly as he did so. At 25 Sams was accepted into a biomechanical engineering program at the recommendation of various members of the science staff and his former mining supervisors. During the program Sams' natural talent bloomed even further and it was obvious he was doing what he was meant to do, his skills in robotics advanced rapidly and he was granted early graduation from the course and began shifts as a robotics intern. Pushed by his instructors Sams began further higher education in robotics, research and development, and bluespace theory, by the age of 30 Sams graduated his second program and was granted his Doctorite in Biomechanical Engineering and a dual-masters in Research and Bluespace Theory. Since that time he has been spending countless shifts working in every department falling under the research division, even using his skills as a miner to pull a few archaeology shifts. What do you like about this character?: He's a bit eccentric and quirky, people seem to like him, despite him not being overly social. His reputation as one of the leaders in telescience makes me feel pretty good, especially during shifts when it's used to save lives. What do you dislike about this character?: He's quick to aggravation, when things don't go as planned he gets upset and tends to yell, but he does cool off fairly quickly. He's kind of a smart ass and elitist, but not to the point of being too bad. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: He's skilled in all aspects of the research department, and has been interim RD a few times without any incident, quite a few of his shifts end up with him being the senior member in the division and he ends up directing things anyways, even without the title. He has the respect of quite a lot of the characters that regularly work in science and robotics, and has been gradually getting a reputation outside of the department for his skills. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I'd say about 8/10, I've been doing heavy RP for almost 20 years now. Extra notes:
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