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Everything posted by TeknoKot

  1. We've just had a chat in discord about this, but you took one remark I made about a specific person's erp logs, then immediately thought "well, tekno was like this until I told him to stop, soo", when that wasn't even a thing. Yeah, that one talk was pretty rude of me, I apologize, but the first 72 hours of me weren't talking "shit" about other players, I also recall being thrown into the trashcan for a long time as well after asking for a special tag as a joke. There's a feeling of nostalgia that usually kicks in, but I usually was to talk about lesbay and many funny events that usually involved me, not stupid dramas, but well, my rounds to be exact. Yeah, I was on Aurora for a year, but is it troubling to talk about what happened? I put aside my drama and beef with other players like Jboy, I really do wish to probably find some common interests, but oh well. Well, I guess we wait.
  2. Hihi, Maybe because you're not trying to have a chat with me, or you're looking into discord a bit too deep?(probably at the memeing and banter usually) Because as I said again, I can promise so much right now, but everything's changed, I have no idea what's going on with the server and its players, however, I did say I might get well with those who did not like me as part of new me!
  3. I'm just pointing out all this could've been avoided easily, but here I am anyways. What will I do differently if I get unbanned? Start shaping up my characters a tad more and look at how much Aurora has changed before doing anything. I can honestly promise so much after a year, but since a lot of stuff have changed, all I can say is, start fitting with the environment and try to remain positive, that's pretty much all to there is to it. My only wish right now is to get back into Aurora and start over again, who knows, I might actually get well with those I had not before, times change.
  4. Here's the thing, if it was your case, "x gets a note after x was talked to about an x issue", wouldn't I be already getting these sort of notes? Because I strictly remember more of a spam note that said: "X note was placed by X admin above ^", and I also saw some notes of situations that occured, but I was never talked about. You already know getting past five notes or so, a player already gets dealt with, but my case was just flying around. You're really interested if I have changed, let's have a chat then? Nothing's going to change if you're going to judge people by cover.
  5. Really? Do I have to explain? Twenty eight notes is unusual to gain without ever being intercepted and talked about. They were stockpiling, nobody seemed to care, then when people started jumping in the bandwagon, "ohhoh holy shit! 28 notes! you going to be fucked!" Everything I did, even picking up a welder tool as a warden, was in the notes already, without me knowing at all. Your conversation lasted with me for about five minutes, just constantly telling me to "calm down." Then I just asked you to screenshot me some notes, I only got half of them. That's when you showed up though, Garn, told me about it in a conversation for about five minutes and screenshotted me some of the notes as I asked. Couple of days later, due to these "notes", I got banned for "harassing" a multikeyer. But seriously? That's the only documentation? For 28 notes? Also, you were still a mod at that time I think. I've probably made it clear with the Polaris bit in the end, but what the hell. Yeah, I'm banned from mainly furry dominated "RP" servers, Paradise, Polaris and some other high RP servers that went down as of now. Why? Because I either threw a single phoron bomb and left, whacked someone or flat out massacred players for fun. That's how easy you can get banned on servers you don't like. As for ColMar, fun stuff to be honest. Also, what stuff did I pull exactly? Call an emergency shuttle due to a fireballing wizard venting hallways with no engineers and CMO trying to play dungeons and dragons, refusing safety for crewmembers? That one time I pulled out a shotgun on a person that ratted me out and gave him another chance to stay in round? I need you to tell me what stuff I pulled exactly that traumatized many players, because I'm very sure most things I did were fair and square, by playstyle I mean, not attitude, I admit to being one badmouthed twat, but I don't think I'm the only "special" one anyways. But hey, I did say that a lot of my actions were terrible, I'm not "pulling" anything, however there were times that just didn't make any sense whatsoever. Yes, I do believe I was banned for something that less, which could've been avoided months ago, you can't deny that 28 notes(this will soon become a retarded meme I guess) can easily just be given out. As for risk? Seriously? I've shown time and effort I've put and had in Aurora before getting banned, now I've come back to ask for a second chance, only to be associated as some terrorist griefer dude that risks ruining everything. You can pull a "but you griefed other servers" card on me, as I can pull "I've seen some aurora players grief in other servers, but weren't punished" card, but it's irrelevant to this case, as you already know I was a dedicated player in this server.
  6. BYOND Key: TechnoKat Total Ban Length: Perma-KO. Banning staff member's Key: Josh and some numbers, I forgot. Reason of Ban: Message doesn't pop up anymore, but it was something about harassing a person named EORhappiness(aka Tabitha and some other two ckeys I forgot) Reason for Appeal: Hello hello friends, foes and alike! It's been a year now since I've been banned from Aurora, mostly because of my notes that were piling up and nobody actually giving me a warning or a talk about it, it seemed as if every action I did, a note was added. It kept stacking and stacking until a person by the name of EORhappiness decided to jump into the "ban techno" bandwagon, a couple weeks earlier when I killed Jboy as an antag and he got mad over it, even though it was fair game and I even got him back into the round so the round would've turned more fun, but he left to make a ban request on me. Now, back onto EORhappiness, my friend got into contact with her, started telling me about her a bit, I then looked at her's steam profile and I was very surprised upon looking at their known aliases, Tabitha was among them. I added her, had a long time talking, then I asked her "Why are you hiding your old ckey and acting as a different person just to get me banned? Seriously?", after that question she blocked me and sent some "incriminating evidence" to Josh, where he ruled it out "it's harassment.", this sort of agenda against me is what got many to get the hate upon, this sort of circlejerking was just getting out of hand, I mean, first killing a person as he became fair game, then trying to fix a really shitty round with a fireballing wizard and then being called terrible roleplayer by same players, up to this. Now that's out of the way, let's talk about some other things, I understand there were other reasons for my ban, mainly, my attitude and playstyle. I play to win, heck yeah! I have an attitude that of a professional gamer who'd smash anything if they lost. Many players in Aurora had very negative experiences with me, I understand that, but then there was the other fifty percent who enjoyed my stuff. I mean, how about my characters, Lauren Blade in example, many people fucking hated that paramilitaristic engineer who enjoyed spending time with IPCs, but on the other hand, most security enjoyed her sort of shit, even Jboy tried defending her in a way, saying security has became hell of a boring job when there's nothing to do, oh man, those poor security officers! Each and one's faces being smashed onto the wall.. Moving on about Kaipov. Victor Kaipov became one of my static character names in SS13 and I saw how many people enjoyed being around him. He was your sort of superpower wallmart security hero, rushing into situations head on and eliminating threat immediately, but due to my playstyle, these threats were always eliminated very quickly. Now, there was a round where a wizard decided to fireball some major areas of the station, with no engineers around, causing ventilation and quicker power failure. A CMO at that time saw "no threat" about the wizard, constantly asking Kaipov to go play dungeons and dragons stuff. What did Kaipov do with his security power? Break into bridge with a hardsuit, call the ship, shoot out the communication consoles and close the shutters of bridge and captains room since they were vented by the wizard not so long ago, and by Kaipov as well. Kaipov went to look after the wizard and saw him literally blow himself up, venting the bridge hallway, Kaipov went to grab his body and took a welder off of him, closing doors behind him and inside his escape pod. Now you wonder why am I talking about this? All this was fair, honestly, and I was brought up as a powergamer and a terrible person due to this one round, and that I'm a terrible "roleplayer", well, I don't know how many people would play a game of monopoly whilst a robber is taking your stuff in front of your eyes. This is just one of the rounds that I was taken as the "bad guy", when in reality, the round was just awful, MANY rounds like these occured, but the excuse of me being terrible? "You're a shit roleplayer!". Now about my attitude! Hell yeah, "Tekno is such a terrible person!" time! Often my jokes, offensive, non-offensive, IC or OOC were always taken badly. Usually I'd make a joke about extended rounds when they were voted, such as "2 hours of extended? Fucken lesbians." how would a normal person react? To be honest, either cringe or just go "pff", but no, some people were aggressive about it, some even going too deep with it. Many made complaints about how terrible I was, moving into quite personal beef, so what do I do? I just tell them the same thing, venting my frustration out on how a person can get stupid over a thing like getting killed, when they pulled a damn gun out. The salt either flowed nicely or terribly, resulting terribly most times. About the forumban, it was about me "showing no reasons to change" after all I did was make a !!goodbye!! post, where two players jumped in and started shitflinging aggressively, what should I have done? I shouldn't of responded to them at all, I was told. Now why I should be unbanned? A long time passed, I thought I could go back and start conversing with other players, maybe get into some roleplay I sometimes enjoyed in this server. I've actually changed to be honest, and I'm looking forward playing! Oh, and if anyone questions about that Polaris thing, yeah, it happened, but that's not Aurora, Polaris is a different server. If you want to discuss about it, just PM me.
  7. Garnascus my G! What's up esey? Tis' just a simple questions thread about me! Of course I know how to make an appeal silly! We'll go over their soon! I just wanted to leave a post.
  8. Most of you know who I am but, hello! I'm back with a message! Which is.. "unban pls?" Now now, I know I'm literally Hitler but how long has it been? Long enough, yes. Oh the memories, I will never forget that first time as a nukeop chasing a medical cat with an axe.. That one time I took down all those nukeops with the almighty stunbaton! Those amazing cult rounds I had, taking over ENTIRE STATION. Fun stuff. My most memorable moment is bashing Ana Issekuahsuduhd's face at the wall as Lauren Blade, oh man.. Now listen, gimme a chance my fellow Aurorians, for I am a great player now(recently banned by an evil french manager of cm but I'm okay) Victor Kaipov will definitely make a return. If you have any questions please do ask!! Unban appeal soon!
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