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Chef (10/37)

  1. Great application! I just have a few questions for you: 1. What is Qiltroi’var's favorite food? 2. How does Qiltroi’var view synthetics? 3. Does Qiltroi’var have a favorite TV show or piece of entertainment media?
  2. No you are not part of the Hive you are just in the Phalanx I think (I'm not a vaurca lore writer so don't quote me on this, though)
  3. Some questions as well: 1. How old is Qul? 2. What faith does Qul follow? 3. What is Qul's favorite food?
  4. Hi! Just some questions as well: 1. What is Limquoi's favorite food? 2. What item did Limquoi burn during their Odurserr, or coming-of-age ceremony? (You can find information about this in the Federation Education page!)
  5. 1. How does the Iron Eternal impact your Gestalt, besides loosely believing in storing their memories? While they are not heavily augmented, in terms of learning, they were heavily reliant on electronic devies to learn basic skills and languages, such as Ceti Basic. While this has made them have a slight disdain of blood, they do not have a complete fear of it like a Bloodless Band would, instead viewing blood learning as inferior to augment and electronic-assisted learning. They had previously considered becoming an excavator, but took the work exchange contract provided for them as an opportunity to delay the decision and consider if it is line with their loose Iron Eternal beliefs to merge themselves completely with a machine. a. Do they follow any other tenets of the faith? They do believe that a Diona’s life and memories are not truly “eternal” and knowledge must be passed on to other Dionae through the assistance of machines, augments, and technology-assisted learning, but do not fully align with hard-line views involving complete augmentation of gestalts. b. Do they have experience with other Eternal perspectives? While they have not heard of the Ichor Eternal due to it being relatively new age, they hold slight disdain for the Orthodox Eternal as they view blood knowledge to be tainted and limited in reach, compared to what can be achieved with technology and augments. 2. Which Block were they part of? a. Theres a few blocks, A-E. Each has a different function. Block B, mining b. Also, what Octave were they? Do they follow the Octaves closely? They were a third octave. They were instilled to follow the Narrows values of collaboration and empathy closely from their formation, and their somewhat steadfast loyalty and competence allowed them to move up the ranks. They do align with the Octaves, but part of them does wish the system could be less strict. They have fear for those who were forced into excavator units as a punishment, which motivates them to stick to the Octave system. c. How did they feel about the Diminished, and those that Deserted? They have considerable empathy for the Diminished, considering that the Diminished were simply born out of what they absorbed, with little choice. Prospecting does wish for reform to be made in the Narrows, but they have resigned themselves to a mindset of “wait and see,” instead of taking real action in fear of punishment. Prospecting views those that deserted with contempt, as they believe that remaining together as one Narrows culture is still important despite the divisions in Diminished and Major culture, and deserting conflicts with that. 3. How do they feel about the Coalition of Colonies? They view it generally positively but do not know much about the political situation happening in the Coalition. They do not understand what the scale of the Interstellar War truly was, and why Coalition states often conflict with each other. However, while they do have an desire to learn more about the Coalition, they believe it is a mainly human nation that Dionae and the Narrows will never fully integrate with.
  6. While this hasn't occured much of the time it is sort of annoying. Imo, offships like katapharacts or the TCFL should act as a total ERT role, requiring some input by command and not making it a simple choice whether to allow them on or not. Offships just defending themselves while on the horizon for RnR would be fine, but Offships actively helping security should be gated behind a distress beacon that requires command action to be acted upon.
  7. BYOND Key: meep109 Character Names: Xim’Eq Lixuq Species you are applying to play: Diona What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Diona is a really cool race conceptually to me and seems woefully underused, and with the new lore involving the Narrows, Hephaeteus, and the CoC, I think this is an excellent point to jump into playing Diona! Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Diona is one of the most alien species out there, along with the Vaurca. Instead of operating from a central point, a brain, their consciousness consists of individual units known as nymphs who have merged to create gestalts. Along with the mindtypes that can result from doing so, and their near-immortal lifespans, Diona are completely different from humans and will likely have highly different views from the rest of the species of the Spur. Character Name: Prospecting Amongst A Glimmering Void Please provide a short backstory for this character Formed in 2370 as part of the ongoing process of the Narrows expanding from its former history as a crashed prison ship, Prospecting was raised among a high population of Geras Diona, allowing its nymphs to absorb a veritable motherlode of information about Narrows culture, and its knowledge remained lacking of what remained beyond the Narrows and into the greater Spur, yet Prospecting was quite curious of what remained beyond, listening to stories told by the older original prisoners of the Narrows. However, Prospecting gained a strong work ethic from the teaching imparted to him by the Narrows leaders, and they especially looked up to The Steady Tendril That Guides The Tempo as an example and role model to strive for. Prospecting loosely adheres to the Iron Eternal, moreso believing in the practice of digitalizing your memories that is popular among the inhabitants of the Narrows. As Prospecting worked their way up through the Octaves, eventually getting up to the third octave in 2419, they realized they had little notable experiences to record for themselves in the mainframe - their work was mostly monotonous and involved handling the Colossus’s refinery. This influenced Prospecting’s mind from a more harmonious Competence Choir to a shift towards a Scholarly Song, albeit one that was not as obsessive for knowledge as average Scholarly Songs were - they wanted to see the rest of the Spur and have memories TO digitalize. After the work exchange opened up to Hephaeteus, Prospecting, seeing an opportunity to break out of their monotonous yet peaceful life in the Narrows, took it and left to represent the Narrows as a miner on the Horizon. What do you like about this character? I like how it’s a young gestalt with little knowledge of the outside Spur aside from stories told from Geras, and they’re pretty much a thrill seeker and constantly on the lookout for new adventures, new experiences, and new people. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7 Notes:
  8. So I'll explain how I did it: I found a super cap cell lying on the ground near the robco tool maker vendor. Idk if anyone spawned this in or not but the logs will reveal that I guess, it might have come from the trash pile Then my vaurca toolmates took a closet full of tools to the shuttle to help me out, after I figured out I could fix it using the cell. I then used those tools probably sourced from the robco toolmaker to hack open the APC, unlock the cover lock and slot in the supercap, which powered the shuttle control console. This allowed me to take off and dock with the Horizon.
  9. Hi I was one of the pirates involved and I would like to say that the decision to pick Vaurca was in no way related to the heavy armor spawning. We had no way of knowing that stuff would be given to us at that time, and the stuff wasn't instantly given to us after we spawned in. No one talked to staff at all and the buffs were a surprise for the players too. I was the one that suggested we all pick Vaurca cause I had played that away site before as Vaurca and found it pretty fun
  10. BYOND key: meep109 Discord name/id: jacob117100 Borg / AI names: I'm gonna name my AI Fischer Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yes Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Playing AI would be a pretty cool perspective. I love the idea of being “one” with the ship and affecting things remotely. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? A few warnings for going SSD Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes
  11. Thanks for applying! This is a pretty good app and covers most of the bases, but I have two questions for you. 1. How would Xirmq treat synthetics they find on the Horizon? 2. For their coming of age ceremony, or their Odurserr, what gifts did they recieve from their Qrri'Myaq?
  12. Personally I believe we should remove the location sensing or make it like a single-tracker only. Antags need all the help they can get at the moment considering security and medical are the most often filled departments, and those two departments work against antags the most
  13. +1 (idk how to make it green) I've always enjoyed my roleplay with them so make them a scalie .
  14. This isn't simple. You need access to chemistry and a lot of time, which is really hard to get for any off-ship antag
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