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Everything posted by SmileyDemon

  1. I've been able to, thats what made getting the reason so hard. None of my previous bans existed on server, I only found out because on a whim I tried to connect to the server and my permaban was gone. I ahelped about it and thats when I made this to get the previous bans resolved.
  2. Only the three in the report
  3. It sounds good! Thanks for this chance!
  4. I don't remember the context of that issue, but it says very plainly in the report that the laws were altered to make that behavior ok. In fact the report was never really addressed as it ends just with the ckeying. The first report is the first ban that started all of this, reading the report it has alot of useless information in it where everyone seems to have forgotten the forum rules. I think it happened only because that particular player was cussing me out or something for no reason and to retaliate I annoyed them with something equally stupid. The entire report is back and forth like this. The point is, I'm not going to act like that anymore I enjoyed playing here and I hope that I am given the opportunity to prove that my behavior in the past is exactly that, in the past.
  5. I don't remember exactly what I argued about or why I thought it was unfair, but I know I ranted on the forums about it. I'm not going to do that again, and I will not evade any further bans in the future. edit: I think it was that I was banned for talking lewdly and I argued that people then on the server did it all the time. Also I have talked with some of the admins prior but this ban was removed on server but still on forums, I'm not sure what exactly was put as my ban reason, because my ban does not exist outside of the forums.
  6. Engie hardsuit and plasma cutter are just the ticket for 'ling hunting. I made the original sec hardsuit sprite, its basicly ripped from Deadspace 3 hardsuit of that security guy Here is there original file http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/4793/byefxtmubb8c7sozg.jpg Heres the referance picture used
  7. It was a long time ago but it was a Synth ban because I think I law lawyered and someone reported me for it. I thought it was an unfair ban so I dodged it with an alternate account. As for the specific issue I will look in the forums for it and link in this post. Here it is I think, what led to the perma ban http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2455&p=24393#p24393
  8. Smileydemon/BygoneHero/Wisewill: Perma Don't remember Dodging a Synth Ban: Reason for Appeal:I will not try to dodge bans again, and really liked this server. I recently started playing again and would like to once more. I will not breach that trust that admins place in their players again.
  9. I didn't know we could suggest alternative punishments but thank you for investigating my issue. As I said previously, I had asked Doomberg for the logs concerning the second incident, but he never gave me them. Anyway, I think all of my issues were addressed. I think this issue of communication starts with that one admin is responsible for all the complaints and bans it seems. If the incident involves more than one admin, us as players only ever see one admin actually address our concerns on the forums. As for the trust placed into the players, I know I broke that trust but it was frustrating considering that I've only played synthetics for the longest time and given what I perceived was unfair punishment in favor of well established players on this server, I elected to ignore it. I did try to play other things, that was when I tried to play a Unathi, but I just wanted to play synthetics in the end so I thought it was no significant thing to play a second account. As for the behaviors in question in the first incident, if that is primarily the cause for the complaint, I think it's hypocritical to punish it when not just innuendo both in good and bad taste is rampant on the server and if it's the culture of the server, shouldn't be punished as severely as it was. I could list double standards with this ruling to you in a private message if you so desire as doing it here would probably start unnecessary flame wars. As right now it seems that Innuendo and supposed ERP is only a problem when someone complains about it, which is fundamentally different than it being against the rules.
  10. This is what I mean. I didn't break my laws by chucklefucking around with a pAI, that pAI was a member of the crew, a member of the crew that one of the crew murdered, this is not just me saying this, but multiple people. This is partly why all of this happened and why I feel you overlook things.
  11. This was never about being unbanned, it was about a complaint I had, which despite what you might think about me has been productive. If what Baka said was true then about half of my issue with them was a failure of communication and you are getting pretty upset because of this. I'm actually surprised. Do you think the real world works like that? Sure they do it for free, but when you offer a service, and set rules you expect to receive a fair service and for the rules to be abided by. I did wrong, but in my own way I did wrong because I felt I was done wrong. Many problems in life are like this, and if you just calm down for a moment, you might see that not everything is as vulgar as you think it is. EDIT: This alludes to a problem with complaints in general, with anyone being able to post. Most servers have a policy that if you aren't directly involved with an issue you aren't allowed to post on it. For this very reason.
  12. But you don't. You and Doomberg didn't say that you gave each other anything, You still haven't considered that perhaps a misanthropic psychopath posing as a nurse might be out of place on a space station and might even piss people off by being overtly aggressive/rude All the time, it gets tiring. You avoided answering the original complaint hashing up a matter thats already resolved. Yes, I multikeyed. We know that, but avoiding the basis of the complaint completely? When this is ALL about your intentions?
  13. I never posted an incident report and this sounds alot like opinions. If you have evidence or constructive insight, which you have added in some of your post, please feel free continue doing so.
  14. As for the logs that Hycinth provided, It begins when they stopped hitting the medi desk and were trying to climb over the table to get into medical. If our interaction began as the logs described, it would not make sense. They just go onto a place and climb over a table without even asking for help from a doctor?
  15. I did not make that particular character to annoy them. It occurred spontaneously after a very rude interaction with Essel.
  16. I would rather you not post anymore on this thread, this is a wasteful and unconstructive conversation we are having, thank you in advance.
  17. Yaaaaay. Next point to bat out of the park, please. http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2518 Okay, this one. See what Frances just said. You were punished for multikeying to bypass the synthban. The complaint was closed because you weren't even supposed to be a cyborg in the first place. Look at my first quote by you, and try to be truthful about being objective. Thank you. The logs however were missing the beginning, when they broke into medical when I had a roller bed, completely invalidating their complaints about pulling. As for the point of the last complaint, It was actually one of the reasons he banned me, Lying to staff about this final issue. I in no way lied about that particular issue beyond multikeying and that was well after the fact.
  18. Ah, it finally comes full circle. You got caught for circumventing bans, and that in itself is very, very shitty. Give me one reason anyone should consider anything you posted here. I myself don't have any pity for multikeyers, so you'll have to understand the distrust I have for you right now. I'm pretty sure Baka would be more than willing to provide compiled proof just like in that thread where she completely thrashed your argument with a nice little compiled gallery of all of the info your two ckeys shared, right in this staff complaint thread. Have a good one. This isnt about the ban, and I don't particularly care for your opinion on things. I would rather you avoid attacks on my character, as that is against the rules that were set for the complaints board. You can find them there if you didnt read them. http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=2106 Please avoid posting in this thread unless it's constructive, thank you.
  19. BYOND Key:Smileydemon, BygoneHero Staff BYOND Key:BakaGaijin Reason for complaint: Unfairness, Bias Rulings, No Investigation to Incidents. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: I debated for sometime making one of these, but straight to business. I multikeyed, I did, because my ban wasn't just or fair. Case in point http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2455&start=20 This is where it begins. I get harassed by a Well known, liked character on the server. I reciprocate their attitude with something equally annoying. Not once did I break synthetic laws. As admitting to metagrudging, sure I metagrudged, so long as you consider never interacting with that particular character again metagrudging. But actually metagrudging? No. My actions in this round followed a logical pattern. I did not have an issue with Nurise prior to this besides the few snide moments, therefore there is nothing meta about it. Its simply a grudge. I admitted to metagrudging because complaining about a well known player on this server draws everyone's opinions, when the only ones that should matter are the admins. Being browbeaten into someone's line of thinking fits well into this clique and completely removes my side from consideration from the admins decision. ERP claims? I could write volumes of complaints on probably every single player for that. Innunendo aside, to further point out that I'm not crazy, and other people think Essel is overtly hostile ishttp://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2497&start=10 Again, someone posts complaining about a well known character and again opinions of the well liked character dissolve any actual investigation into antag-hunting. Far be it that the person might actually be overtly hostile? Moving onward to http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2795&start=10 We see that BakaGaijin completely dismisses anything I said, even though I had involved another admin in the report, and they were going to get the logs for me. The Admin in question, Doomberg, would help me get the logs, as I did not know how to get logs for the incident. Whether or not they would have changed anything is irrelevant, the mere fact he dismissed it without even considering my argument is reason enough for me to think he's unfair. He didn't even leave the thread open for final comments, just locked and put away. Finally, http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2518 This particular instance was handled by an admin, TishinaStalker I believe. They assisted me in contacting Hycinth over beyond. We hashed out the details but he was being fairly rude. With Tishina's help we resolved it there, but Hycinth never once locked the thread as they said they would. As for the complaint itself, BakaGaijin dismisses that not only myself, but two others that verify my story with the PAI being made crew by an ion law we had at the time. Locking someone in a room, a dangerous someone is not against Cyborg laws. I did not force Hycinth to beat themselves onto a electrical grill until they died. All of this makes me despise BakaGaijin, not as a player, but as an admin. He/She Frequently seems to make judgement calls without considering alternatives, differing to the claims of well known, and established players. Personally, I like BakaGaijin as a player, but I would never respect any decision of theirs as an admin of this server. They were and never will be, fair. As for me, I will continue to assist with the few sprite projects I've promised some of you but otherwise even if my ban is lifted, I don't think I would play on Aurora again.
  20. I tried to get logs,but couldn't so I asked Doom and Doom said he would get them. Hycinth didn't post everything in their log leaving out the beginning.
  21. There's very little information concerning the timeline of Nanotrasens stations, when they were built and such. All I've been able to uncover is that the NSS Baldr and NSS Eden are the oldest, with Eden being the only station ever decommissioned.
  22. BYOND Key: Smileydemon Player Byond Key: Hycinth Staff involved: Doomberg Reason for complaint: This person as extremely aggressive, to the point of using lethal force against doctors while they break into medical, not explaining anything. Their partner continuously pushed me (Veronica Torren) out of the way while I possessed a rollerbed to put them on. They then ignored me, broke into medical and proceeding to chemistry where they began to steal medical supplies and ignore me. I pressed again to get the warden to stop their bleeding and put into cryo, which I had just set up. but again pushed out of the way and yelled at. Afterwards I tried to take the medical supplies from them and they beat me nearly to death. They then metagamed chemicals to help them by yelling at a freshly arrived chemist. The admin involved, Doomberg seems to think one act of pulling makes all of their actions fine. I disagree wholeheartedly. Date: 6/14/2015
  23. I actually thought up an entire thing around ghosts for para umm let me find my old post quickkky----- People loved the idea, and it seemed feasible to code. We stopped development due to the abuse that poltergeists can do.
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