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Everything posted by Jibreel

  1. Had a good experience with him as Roger Armstrong last night. He and another guy press-ganged me into working for them against the station. The RP throughout was good, and I really appreciated him bringing me into the loop instead of easily taking me out of the round. I thought his antag method of causing trouble without powergaming was neat.
  2. This reform presupposes a balkanization of the medical field that just isn't realistic. It sounds a lot more like what non-doctors think the medical field is like than what the medical field is actually like. DrHobo gave an excellent explanation above. One of the big issues, though, is that there's very little for medical to do beyond surgery--most everything else is either quickly fatal or easily remedied with a visit to cryo-land. I don't see chemistry get nearly as much use as it deserves on this server.
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