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    telling alb and wicked they're terrible at their job

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  • Byond CKey

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  1. Like Bay, like Aurora, Cybs. Another community you'll drive into the ground. Let that one sink in. I don't want to be a part of the community anymore, on second thought. Maintain it, mirror it in the server, do whatever. Not sorry. Both you and Alb are actual garbage-tier administrators and I won't ever apologize for that. o7 god bless
  2. "Beginning to harass"? Just like you saw me "beginning to" heinously violate the rules last time you attempted to moderate me and began throwing out accusations that were demonstrably false? So, to clarify here, you didn't actually ban me for anything other than what you thought might happen? Because I definitely hadn't done anything other than mention a previous conversation. Correct me if I'm wrong though, please.
  3. Admittedly, the name of the ship is unimportant, but it was pitched as an idea to make people feel like they weren't stuck with a certain name because they couldn't vote for another candidate that they'd have rather had and potentially tipped the scales for that one to win (e.g., option A has 40%, option B has 35%, option C has 25% - so C would be dropped, and then B might end up with 55% vs 45%) The whole thing only even stemmed from him getting upset that I didn't believe any forum timetable, because I've seen far, far too many planned SS13 timetables fall apart for x, y, and z reason. God fucking forbid someone display skepticism regarding timetables, but apparently it's such a hot-button topic that the same mod that got positively upset that I ran by someone in a dark maintenance tunnel and didn't see them only to immediately bwoink me with accusations and claims that were false decided to throw a permaban out. Coincidence, that. I'd like to not have the cherrypicked messages only from myself, if Wick is going to post things. Post what the context of them; what was said prior and after. If the most egregious thing I did, and what you call 'particularly charged' are me telling him to run his mental gymnastics however he needed to, then it's no wonder you leap straight to accusing people of false things and disrupting an ongoing round that certainly didn't necessitate an immediate bwoink mid-crisis. And now, I'm going off on a tangent - so let's veer riiiiight back into the meat of the issue. Yes, I quoted Alb from December when he struck me. Yes, I did tell him that it took months, because he acted like the idea I had was terrible because the map would be done before then. Shocker, it was not. Is it petty? You might argue that. Was it shitty? No. Telling me that I should've been more respectful when the first reaction is 'COPE'? Yeah, okay buddy. Because you wouldn't take offense if someone answered you in a ticket with 'COPE'. Sure thing.
  4. The point made by Alberyk - or, at least, what I came away with, was everything would be up and running within a few months, so the whole premise of my idea of just doing several votes, a week long each, and dropping the least-voted ship name each week, was pointless. I maintained it wasn't, and that I figured the tests and map creation would be several months out still. So I nudged a few months later and pointed out that it did take several months, so his whole thing about the time it would take to do the vote was moot. I'm not even sure what was hostile or negative about bringing it up? It's worth mentioning that, just because I don't post every day, does not mean I don't check the Discord from time to time.
  5. Do what you need to.
  6. I can assure you, the latest incident had no negativity, beyond negativity from staff members.
  7. If the strike is gone, then I don't care. It's a moot point. The other complaint would be the only one I really care about.
  8. Ah, because I don't spend all my time on the Discord and only comment on things relating to a huge event (a map change), I'm not allowed to give feedback, or suggest that you use (and have ample time to do so, as the NBT still isn't out) a style of voting that might take awhile, but would ultimately be a more 'fair' result and allow for people to consolidate their votes toward a ship name they want? The result was rather unpopular at the time. I said that I don't trust timelines because, inevitably, something comes up, a delay arises, et cetera - it happens all the time. And that is 'arguing in bad faith'? Alright. Complaint stands, didn't argue in bad faith, didn't even argue, you simply couldn't cope with someone that doesn't believe in release dates, and I'd like to know on what grounds it is strikable to express doubt of an 'official' timeframe.
  9. BYOND Key: N/A - Discord Staff BYOND Key: N/A - Discord Game ID: N/A - Discord Reason for complaint: Permabanned for protesting a strike issued for 'arguing in bad faith' regarding the NBT taking months to be ready (which was a statement made in December of last year) Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: Yeah, I dunno. See the following thread. Apparently I'm stirring shit up when I come back months later to point out that I was right and I ask for a strike that I was given for 'arguing in bad faith' to be removed - the subject of 'arguing in bad faith' being that the NBT would take months to be released.
  10. The request came following it, then - regardless, a double standard exists in your mind of how you expect others to treat you, and how you treat others. Consider this complaint about the strike given then, and I'll make -another- about the Discord ban.
  11. BYOND Key: N/A - Discord Staff BYOND Key: N/A - Discord Game ID: N/A - Discord Reason for complaint: Permabanned for protesting a strike issued for 'arguing in bad faith' regarding the NBT taking months to be ready (which was a statement made in December of last year) Evidence/logs/etc: It's logged on the Discord. Additional remarks: Explain to me how I 'keep coming to this Discord just to stir shit up' when I come back after a few months to protest a strike given poorly, if not unfairly, especially when what I said proved to be accurate and true? Either way, uphold it and perma me from the server, or undo it. I've not stirred shit up, and I challenge you to show that I was ever intending to just randomly 'stir shit up'. I requested the strike to be removed, and his response was a GIF of 'cope'. Perhaps Alberyk should cope a little better with being wrong, but it is what it is.
  12. The red's a bit too purple, isn't it? Or is it just me? It really doesn't look very.. 'red'.
  13. My God. This is beautiful. I would vastly prefer this over the 15 minute max-tech speed run.
  14. This, honestly. We cram fire/atmosphere lockdowns into everything, everywhere, that I genuinely think it's worth exploring to have normal glass in the internal areas - at least low/medium "security" areas that don't warrant having reinforced glass.
  15. What are the odds of moving away from having so much reinforced glass on interior windows? Am I the only one that finds it a little odd that reinforced glass is just used everywhere?
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