BYOND Key: Stickydragon
Character name: Drago Jensen
Item name: Engineer's Jacket
Why is your character carrying said item to work? Jensen was recently hired by NT to help design the cooling system for a cruiser's reactor. The team was given jackets to designate them as part of the design crew. Jensen likes to wear a jacket to work, and this would be ideal as to not cover his jumpsuit.
Item function(s): Essentially it would work just like the bomber jacket. though it would be amazing if the Jacket's toolbelt could be used in the belt slot, but i don't know how the code works or if it's even possible.
Item description: "A black leather jacket with a white stripe around the midsection. It has two carabiners on the torso, a pocket for a hand held radio on the left side of the chest and a design on the right. it has what looks like a inbuilt toolbelt around the waist. It looks like it would hang down to your thigh. There's a cloth hood connected to the neck."
Item appearance:
A dark gray leather jacket with dark orange detailing that goes just to Jensen's thigh. it has a light gray stripe that goes around the midsection of the jacket. The shoulders and top of the upper arm looks to be made of a tougher brown leather. the left breast pocket looks to be made specifily for the handheld radio that sticks out of it (assuming there's one inside it). the antena sticks up out of the pocket. it seems to have a gear belt about the waist with various loops for tools. there seems to be caribiners for a harness about the front midsection of the jacket. The right breast has a logo on it. it looks like the top view of a dragon's skull. The collar seems to come up to protect the neck. There's a cloth hood connected to the neck. At the hips are various pouches. two of wich are thin as if they're designed for something specific.
How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? The jacket would help to tell the story of Jensen's progress in the engineering field as it was given to him to designate him doing a more advanced job. He would likely use it as a conversation starter or to help designate himself as part of the engineering department when he's not on shift incase he's needed in an emergency.
Additional comments: I will get somebody to do the sprite if it's accepted. I don't want to have somebody do it before just incase my app gets denied.