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About SilentNight195

  • Birthday 12/11/1999

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  • Location
    United States

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Warden (11/37)

  1. Okay, well... SilverTalisman is an amazing player, and I have known them for nearly my entire time on Aurora. They can get done what needs to be done and they have an extremely positive and inviting attitude. Despite usually staying away from applications, I have to give this a +1.
  2. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: SilentNight195 Character Name(s): Zi Lung, Karen Pierce, Travis Stamos, Ana Baker, Vlasiin Klovern AI Name(s): Mk[x] Preferred means of contact: Steam or Skype. Age: 16 Timezone: Eastern Standard Time When are you on Aurora?: My times online vary, but you can find me on the server any time around 12 PM to 9 PM or online on a messenger service almost all day. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Almost two years now. How long have you played on Aurora: A few months, maybe about a half year or so? How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Quite a bit, I spend a lot of time trying to find out new things with the code and game mechanics. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Yes, I was a Moderator and Administrator on Apollo for a while. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I play SS13 to have a fun time roleplaying with other people and to have fun interacting with others. Why do you play on Aurora?: I'm here for the Heavy Roleplay, which is actually enforced here which is not something you find on all servers. What do moderators do?: Moderators are, simply put, there to moderate the server and keep it from being engulfed in flames. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: Being a mod here means one must enforce the heavy roleplay and the rules and one must stay under control whilst handling situations. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to be a moderator for a few reasons, actually. I want to make sure that everyone on the server is happy, primarily. Doing this requires active staff to take care of ahelps and in-game issues, and there's not always staff online to take care of these issues. I want to be a moderator so that I may also help new players learn proper roleplay and game mechanics so that they feel like they are welcome to the server. Lastly, I want to be a moderator simply to help people out. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I can talk to other people without becoming upset with them, I consider myself to be pretty good at helping other people out, and I have a fairly good sense of leadership. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Fairly well, although I will admit that sometimes I can lose my cool. Anything Else You Want to Add: My time on Aurora has honestly been the best experience I've had playing SS13, and I want to thank everyone, staff and the general community.
  3. FROM: Paul Conrad, Duty Officer, NMSS Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is a courtesy message informing you that the case has been taken up and we apologize for the delay. We will need to speak with you and all parties involved within a week's time or a decision will be made without your or their input. -------------------- DTG: 05-17:47-TAU CETI STANDARD-11-2457 SIGN: Paul Conrad
  5. BYOND Key: silentnight195 Character Names: Zi Lung, Vlasiin Klovern, Amber Koster, Erin Lavergne Species you are applying to play: Primary Admin What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Eye-burning yellow OOC color. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: There isn't one. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Because I won't be mixed in with all of the normies. I will be an admin. Not a normie. Ree. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Because you're an admin. Not a normie. Like all of the normies. Ree. Character Name: SilentNight195 Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs There once was a player named Silent. Despite this name, he was loud as fuck. He was also a normie. One day, he applied for admin. And he got it. And he was no longer a normie. The End What do you like about this character? I'm not a normie. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 1000000000000000000/10 Notes: I don't want to be a normie.
  6. ♪I love Emily and Zi loves her toooo♪ ♪I give this application a +100000000000000000000♪
  7. Closed due to an inability to get in contact with the offended party. If similar actions take place, another report can be filed. Apologies for the delay on this report, thank you for your patience. Paul Conrad
  8. Just another day on the Odin...
  9. Just another day on the Odin...
  10. Byond key: SilentNight195 Character names: Zi Lung, Ana Baker, Vlasiin Klovern, Travis Stamos, Amber Koster What times are you available? In GMT: Around 8.00 PM to 2.00 AM on weekdays, around 4.00 PM to 3.00 AM on weekends. Why do you want to be a Duty Officer? I feel like being a Duty Officer would add a new, fun, and interesting element into the game for me. Along with that, I think that it would be fun and interesting to interact with the crew in a different way. How well can you handle stress? Fairly well, due to the fact that I am, most of the time, stressed. It's not really that different for me when I have a lot of stress on me compared to when I don't have a lot of stress on me. What does it mean to be a Duty Officer? Being a duty officer means, for one, dealing with issues that arise on the NSS Aurora. It means replying to faxes and keeping a certain situation under control and keeping it from elevating to a certain point. It also means dealing with things such as incident reports and other IC issues. Anything else to add? Nope.
  11. Bump, along with an update.
  12. If the issue is making pulls and whatnot, I'd suggest using SourceTree. That's what I use.
  13. BYOND Key: SilentNight195 Character name: Ana Baker Item name: Syndi-Smokes Why is your character carrying said item to work? Because she does not like the flavour of the cigarettes available on-station, so she brings her own pack from her living space. Item function(s): Just a regular pack of cigarettes, resprited with another description. Item description: A pack of cigarettes with a strong blend. The packaging on this seems slightly suspicious... Item appearance: In-game it looks like this: http://puu.sh/jqPY5.png Additional comments: Before you say, "Oh, NanoTrasen wouldn't allow this because it's from an enemy corporation!!1!!1" just remember that NanoTrasen stocks their snack machines with Syndi-Cakes. Also, I uploaded the sprite to puush: http://puu.sh/jqQbb.dmi
  14. these are totally real logs and not fake or altered in any way
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