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Everything posted by KaiserFeather
BYOND Key: Lordfeather Staff BYOND Key: Garnascus Game ID: Of the round after - bRl-bo3u Reason for complaint: During the shift end, Flimango delayed the round end to deal with some moderator/admin things. During this time, Garnascus spawned a HONK mech and honked it 3 times (causing most everyone on the ODIN to become stunned). While I understand it's the end of the round, I still like to continue my RP with others, and this really just seemed inappropriate, it broke the immersion and appeared to show a disregard for the players. Garnascus didn't ask any players, nor were they asked to spawn in the mech, they did it of their own accord for seemingly no reason. Even after being asked to stop, they continued to mess around. Evidence/logs/etc: https://i.gyazo.com/6b7207e27ca63f9bb1449df61e0764b3.png https://gyazo.com/71fc5c659339bf3e58e60e87bc04b7c7 Additional remarks:
So! My response: 1. The engineers have their own channel for a reason, it's so that they can communicate and let the others know what they're up to and which call they are responding to. It's where the CE can tell specific engineers to go do a certain task, it's absolutely essential to keeping some order within engineering, otherwise you're going to end up with a disaster, especially with how hectic the round start can be when no one knows which gas will be used for the engine, without this channel, everything would get really jumbled. It's also perfect for doing multiple things at once, letting everyone know that you're getting the phoron tanks, someone else is doing the shields, someone else doing the waste system, it's a fantastic tool and I always make sure to use it myself when going out on call, or I'll use it to ask what someone is doing and where. 2. This connects slightly to my last sentence, despite the fact that I am not playing a CE, I will still take that role if there is no CE. I like to delegate tasks to the other engineers, within reason of course, I don't slack off and get someone else to do it, but if I am setting the pumps in the engine room, I'll ask a specific engineer to get the phoron tanks. I also know that I have no authority in a lot of cases, but if I see an engineer wandering off with a jetpack without having said anything, I question it and ask them to explain why, and if possible suggest an alternative like using magboots and a ladder because jetpacks are so situational that they barely ever get used. If you or anyone else has any questions, please feel free to post them and I'll respond ASAP.
BYOND key: Lordfeather Character names: Tsemir Von Khei, George Beresford, Lawrence Young, William Beresford How long have you been playing on Aurora?: 4 weeks Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I want to expand my responsibilities and be able to organise a department and delegate tasks within that department. Why did you come to Aurora?: I came to Aurora because I wasn’t happy with a lot of the other servers I’d been playing on and Aurora just seemed to fit. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is all about becoming someone else. It involves assuming a role and doing what that person would do, not what you would do. Roleplaying is a way of telling a story, characters have their own depth and stories and you get to use your imagination to shape that story and that character. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: Heads of Staff are there to guide newer players and create a sense of order within a department, if someone is unaware of how to do something, they know that they can ask their head of staff and they will almost always have an answer to their question. They also help to make a department more fun and interesting by including this aspect of a “boss” that hands out tasks to their subordinates. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Whitelisted players are meant to know their department in every aspect, they are there to teach other players things that others may not know. They also set an example, they provide a role model for how other players should act when roleplaying. Their main advantage is the ability to explain things either OOCly or ICly. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Tsemir Von Khei Character age: 36 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Tsemir, aged 36, was born in Kaltir, his parents labourers, primarily aiding in construction projects throughout the Capital. For the most part, Tsemir was left to his own devices due to his parent’s busy work schedule, despite this, he looked up to his father and saw him as his hero, the man who could build and construct almost anything! Of course, this wasn’t as true as he believed, but the fantasy helped him deal with the loneliness he faced daily. When his father had time, he’d be showing Tsemir how to build, starting small with furniture items, before moving onto some more complex things such as small engines. As Tsemir continued to grow, so did his interest in engineering, he followed in his fathers footsteps, starting off with small jobs for family friends, before working on his grander projects. His enthusiasm paid off for him after many years of hard work as a junior non-combat engineer within the Kingdom’s army, the Army CE referred him to a NT recruiter to offered him the chance to study engineering at Hongsun Park Engineering Institute. During his stay there, he interacted with a multitude of students with German ancestry, as a way of fitting in, he began to converge his attitudes and culture slightly, taking a liking to beer and legally altering his name to include the German pre-fix “Von”. He got his bachelors and then immediately went back to university to get his PhD in Engineering. During his time there, he particularly made friends with other Tajara despite the split in races and his upbringing, he went out of his way to attempt to befriend them, although at first he was met with quite a bit of hostility, he was eventually able to get onto good terms with some of them. His education also meant that he interacted with the other races, gaining an insight into their culture and way of life. Once he was finished with university he was recruited into NT, and eventually placed in the staff roster of the NSS Aurora. What do you like about this character?: Tsemir is a very calm individual, and is fairly hard to piss off. He gets a lot of flak from other Tajara due to his heritage, but doesn’t allow himself to get angry or retaliate, he instead brushes past it and simply tries to get his job done. What do you dislike about this character?: His passive tone can sometimes come across as dismissive or rude at times due to the fact that he doesn’t like to dwell on issues that he can’t even begin to hope to control. Even outside of a command role, he can be fairly bossy, giving out tasks to fellow engineers. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: I think his ability to stop and think before acting makes him a very suitable candidate to be CE. He is already familiar with a lot of the regular engineering staff and has never butted heads with anyone from his own department. His ability to assess multiple situations and give out tasks to engineers, such as needing to fix several breaches, makes me think that he is the right fit to be in a command position. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: On a scale of 1-10, I’d rate myself at an 8. I’ve been playing SS13 for around 5 years and still have a lot to learn not just about the game itself, but also in how to roleplay. Extra notes:
Zahra is really fun to RP with, she's dynamic and not just this static gimmicky character that feels the same to interact with each time, it really feels like she has her own personality. I overall enjoy RPing with DasFox's characters and think that Zahra specifically would make a great CMO. Good luck with your app!
BYOND Key: Lordfeather Character Names: George Beresford, William Beresford, Lawrence Chester, William Cathcart, Arthur Grant Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Blue-Grey Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I’ve played several Tajara characters on different servers and have always found the peak of my roleplaying enjoyment in playing them due to the simple fact that they are not human. They provide an entire new world to create and develop a character who doesn’t slot into a typical human culture. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Tajara have claws which deal a lot more damage than humans fists, this also means however that they must wear modified gloves and shoes. They have their own language(s) that other species cannot understand. They can see much better in the dark than humans. Their fur means that it’s easier for them to stay warm but wearing too many layers can result in overheating. The different Tajaran races have different physical qualities and tend to go into certain fields depending on their race. Character Name: Tsemir Von Khei Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Tsemir, aged 38, was born in Nal’Tor, his parents labourers, primarily aiding in construction projects throughout the Capital. For the most part, Tsemir was left to his own devices due to his parent’s busy work schedule, despite this, he looked up to his father and saw him as his hero, the man who could build and construct almost anything! Of course, this wasn’t as true as he believed, but the fantasy helped him deal with the loneliness he faced daily. When his father had time, he’d be showing Tsemir how to build, starting small with furniture items, before moving onto some more complex things such as small engines. As Tsemir continued to grow, so did his interest in engineering, he followed in his fathers footsteps, starting off with small jobs for family friends, before working on his grander projects. His enthusiasm paid off for him after many years of hard work as a junior non-combat engineer within the Republic’s army, the Army CE referred him to a NT recruiter to offered him the chance to study engineering at Hongsun Park Engineering Institute. During his stay there, he interacted with a multitude of students with German ancestry, as a way of fitting in, he began to converge his attitudes and culture slightly, taking a liking to beer and legally altering his name to include the German pre-fix “Von”. After university, Tsemir was recruited into NT, where his journey led him to the Aurora. What do you like about this character? The large blank slate he has ahead of him, he’s a young Tajara who has only just recently joined onto the NT program, he’s ready to experience new things, meet new people and become part of something absolutely incredible, in his mind, he views NT as a fantastic opportunity to expand his creative abilities within a professional engineering environment. His blank slate also allows him to expand with his career choice, either staying as an engineer, or moving onto things such as atmospherics through IC learning. He also has a close connection to his family on Ahdomai, giving him multiple reasons to be interacting with the civil war as it develops, allowing for a vast array of roleplaying opportunities. How would you rate your role-playing ability? On a scale of 1-10, I’d rate myself at an 8. I’ve been playing SS13 for around 5 years and still have a lot to learn not just about the game itself, but also in how to roleplay. Notes: