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AV98Ingram's Achievements


Assistant (1/37)

  1. Some extra table area in Virology, another 1x3 parallel to the machines would be a godsend. A medical scanner would also be wonderful, as you have to remember to grab one on your way down.
  2. Reporting Personnel: Matilda Clancy Rank of Reporting Personnel: Virologist Game ID: bTr-cTBt Personnel Involved: Myself (AV98Ingram) Fernando Gonzalez - CMO (Ckey unknown) Time of Incident: Around 20:45 Real time: 07:10 GMT+11 Location of Incident: Medbay Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: During a code red aboard the station, Fernando began to insult the members of the medical team, perhaps in a crude attempt to motivate them. Examples paraphrased: "You are the worst medical team I have ever met" "I would fire you all if I could" It was at this point I told Fernando to "Sod off", citing that he was being unnecessarily harsh for no reason. He warned me, and at this point a viral patient was brought on. After having him sedated and brought to virology I diligently began work on a cure. As the time passed, Fernando continued to insult the medbay staff over comms. I once again reprimanded him, and he ordered me to finish the cure and report to him to have my identification revoked. I initially laughed this off as I had done nothing wrong. Fernando continued being obtuse over comms, and growing frustrated, I at one point told him to "kiss my ass". Admittedly rude. It was at this point that he threatened me, telling me that I should respect my betters. After I brought the vaccine to the chemist to be put into pill form, I found him there. Thinking that he was over his earlier outbursts, I handed him the vaccine, telling him to put one unit per pill. He ignored me and unlawfully asked for my ID. I of course refused, and left. When I went to check medbay soon after, I asked the chemist if he had made the vaccine pills yet, to which he replied "What vaccine?" As it turns out, Fernando had left with the vaccine during a potential outbreak which could have added onto the ships already stricken state. I asked him about it, and he, ignoring me, told me to hand in my ID or he would escalate it with security. I was fine with this as once again, I had broken no laws. I left and stood in the hallway as I checked my crew manifest and saw Fernando walk up to be and inject me with a substance that I'm assuming was a sedative, as I fell unconscious and found myself lying outside the medbay, in a code red situation, sans my oxygen tank, biohood, gas mask, and my ID, meaning that it was impossible for me to navigate the ship. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Nobody. I did not have the opportunity during a code red situation. Actions taken: I continued to try and contact Chemistry to ensure that the vaccine was prepared. Additional Notes: I also feel it was unnecessary for the CMO to take my biohood and gas mask, especially during a code red where large sections of the ship were sans oxygen. He unnecessarily risked my life over being slighted, and I don't feel such reactionary behaviour is one suited to be found in a CMO.
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