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Various Minds

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Everything posted by Various Minds

  1. Oh, I found it there something that asks me to acknowledge the the warning. I never seen that verb in my life. But no, I'm still appealing I just made a mistake and went AFK it was just my ignorance that got me banned I'd like another chance. I won't do it again and if I need to cryo I will make sure to notify an admin.
  2. I don't remember who answered me and when I log in their are no warnings anywhere. It's a job ban not a server ban. Sorry.
  3. BYOND Key: Various things Total Ban Length: 7 days Banning staff member's Key: SebkillerDK Reason of Ban: Banned from Research Director, Scientist, Geneticist, Roboticist, Xenobiologist, Lab Assistant - AFK'ing since roundstart, you have been warned about this, this ban will expire in 7 days. Reason for Appeal: So at round start I readied and went to leave to go take a shower, so when I returned fresh I could hop straight in the round and continue from there. I wasn't aware that I had a warning about AFKing at round start and I don't quite remember it as no one spoke to me about it , the only real thing I remembered from my first round start AFK kick was asking an admin "Does the server automatically kick you for being AFK?"And some admin just responded "Yeah" and that was it. Though next time if I'm going to play Aurora I'll make sure that I have my schedule clear so I don't have to go run and leave the game for much, and if I do run into such a circumstance I'll cryo. I'm not used to playing HRP servers that boot you for being AFK unlike medRP where you can usually AFK without much regard unless you are a head.
  4. Garnacus already told me, so yes. I just hope toxins is moved from under cargo soon...
  5. I wasn't at my computer, I don't cryo I just sit and AFK, when I woke up I was greeted with a banned message so I scrolled up so I can screenshot it.
  6. No. Never arrested for detonating bombs, but for having them on me outside of the lab. Also I was supervised properly, I've god RD permission complete with a note.
  7. BYOND Key: Various things Total Ban Length: Perma Banning staff member's Key: Calion12 Reason of Ban: You have been banned by calion12. Reason: Maxcapped the HoS office as a non-antag after several warnings of not using maxcaps in the first place, refused to respond to staff PMs. appeals this on the forums with an explanation.. Reason for Appeal: I was AFK the whole round and went to sleep, I didn't do a thing. I think this admin didn't even check the logs... But I did made toxin bombs and I did not test them as they destroy cargo, when I finish crafting them I brought them to cargo to give to mining with approval of the RD. After that... I went AFK all round so I could sleep, I had a long day. Whoever took those bombs and set them off is the culprit not me. If want to ask players for proof the cargo person was a stuttering Tajaran, and the RD was a Russian guy. https://imgur.com/a/tvMwf https://imgur.com/a/wmK1V https://imgur.com/a/BDo9h
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