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Everything posted by Launch-Box

  1. Please tell me where I am being childish by argueing my ban in the appeals section, wich is what it's meant for. In my pevious post that was deleted I did not insult anyone. I was giving reasons why my ban was unfair. Then Frances comes along and decides to week ban me for having the gall to defend myself.
  2. BYOND Key: Launch-Box Total Ban Length: Week Banning staff member's Key: Frances Reason of Ban: Frances: You're an idiot. You were always an idiot. Notes are here to represent how much of an idiot you are, and they are not biased, because you acted like an idiot and were given notes that represent it, so that next time you act like an idiot, our staff actually knows to punish you appropriately rather than giving you another slap on the wrist (that you will clearly disregard or argue against" Frances: "Here's my advice: Don't think about bitching about this one. Don't even think about posting anything" Reason for Appeal: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=633&start=10 Quoted from Frances because he saw fit to hide his Shitmin activities by locking and archiving my previous thread, wich he will probably do the same here. Frances: "You're an idiot. You were always an idiot. Notes are here to represent how much of an idiot you are, and they are not biased, because you acted like an idiot and were given notes that represent it, so that next time you act like an idiot, our staff actually knows to punish you appropriately rather than giving you another slap on the wrist (that you will clearly disregard or argue against)." Straight up insulting me when all I have done in the thread is try to explain why my notes and my ban are unfair. Frances: "So, I'm not actually going to play the hand-holding game. The one where we patiently explain to you how every single sentence you ever got was justified as you fabricate asinine arguments while trying to belittle us as much as you can. Instead, I'm just going to extend your ban to a week-long one, for making such a god-awful appeal, and to give you some time to think about what you've done and maybe consider changing your attitude." This just goes to show exactly how vindictive and asinine some of your admins are. I was banned for a week, for appealing and argueing my case in a civil manner, without insulting anyone. Go back to my thread, and please. PLEASE tell me where I have insulted anyone or did anything but try to explain why my ban is unfair and unnecessary to you. But judging from how your admins appear to handle things, I am guessing you'll probably just project more threats and insults onto me again. Frances: "Here's my advice: Don't think about bitching about this one. Don't even think about posting anything" Apparently I am being threatened as well. This is just childish. This post does have a few insults in it. Do you know why? Because I'm pretty mad now. And I have good reason to be, this Frances person has apparentally made it his personal goal to be the biggest ass to me he can possibly be for defending myself. It's unfair, a witch hunt, and I do not deserve it. I apologize for the angry tone of this post, I don't normally insult people like this in my arguements. This needs to be lifted right now, it's straight up unfair and unnessicary.
  3. I'm sorry? Did I enter bizzarro world where people ammount to nothing and no-one has a soul or conscience? Have you read a single word I have been typing? None of these incidents warrented any action. How then are they to be held against me? They should not. I did nothing wrong, is the answer. These notes need to be wiped. I'm not going to kiss anyone's boot. You're a human being just like the next man. Admin of a SS13 server or not. I will treat you as I would treat the next man. I deserved -no ban- not a one day. Not a three day. None. These notes shouldn't even exist in order to force this admin to make such a call. The same thing could have been done as follows: Admin: hay lol. Don't kill yourself. Me: oh fk. Sorry. I didn't know. Lol. Admin: It's k. Why did you see fit to ban me for something that could have been handled so simply, and required no further action and had no effect on the shift?
  4. I am -defending- myself. People should never be punished for that. You have accused me of things and I have to take the time to defend myself from you. I wont simply lay down and let you stomp all over my name like that. I will continue to argue towards what I believe is right as long as I live. No you're right. I do not have the power to force you to do what I am asking. You seem to mis understand my posts as threats of some kind. If I could simply force you to do what I wanted then I wouldn't have the need to type why I think you should do it. As far as i am concerned, the admin team is being extremely Obtuse for no good reason. I should not have been banned for such a minor offense, and the deciding factor seem to have been my notes wich were unfairly stacked against me from previous incidents in wich no action was taken or merited. If I was not seen fit to ban or punish for these incidents in my notes. Why, then, are they being held against me and considered when someone finally does find a reason, however insignificant, to ban me? It's vindictive, gross over justification for something that was -not- ban worthy
  5. I refuse. I want my ban lifted and my notes wiped. And other's notes to also be wiped. It's completely unfair to people to stack these notes against them like this, it sways admins to ban you based on things that have nothing to do with the current incident, and is thus completley unfair for the player. Someone who has never been banned or doesn't deserve to be banned, can be banned for some thing minor just because an admin decided to write a nasty note about them. Even if they have never been banned for anything before.
  6. You're misunderstanding what I mean. I said ' I didn't know freeze rays kill you' over OOC. That alerted the admin who took it apon themselfs to then ask me why I suicided. Keep in mind it's 7 in the morning with less than 5 active people playing the game at the time. If I hadn't said anything about it, and just logged off. No-one would have even known I suicided. It had no bearing or impact on the game at all, and was a plain and simple witch hunt. A witch hunt wich is only further spurred on by these unfair and baised 'notes' that get constantly stacked against me day after day. When in reality, the offenses were so minor or flat out non-existant that they required no action to be taken at all. But the tone of them forced this admin to believe they had to ban me.
  7. I don't understand what you mean. What does adminhelp have to do about any of this?
  8. My reason is that my notes and ban are both unjust and swayed to make me look like a bad person and roleplayer. When I am anything but. These notes need to be erased, and I need to be treated unbiasedly. I was banned for an extreamly minor offense that had no bearing on the game or anyone playing it, for shaky reasoning. The admin would not have even known I did anything if I didn't tell them over OOC I did. They banned me based on these notes that are being held against me written about incidents that eaither flat out didn't happen or were not 'warnings'. I have never been banned and I don't plan on being banned. And incidents where no action was taken nor merited should not be held against me like this.
  9. Done and Done. I don't understand what you mean. I'm a roleplayer and I'm defending myself from these people. My post has a tone of agression in it because I am offended that I'm being targeted like this. These notes are proof of nothing except the admin's vindictive nature. I'm a good player and I try my best in every round. To even keep a collection of notes like this keeps players from ever being judged fairly and unbiasedly, because the moment people see all the things written they instantly sway their opnion based on what other admins have written. It even straight up says 'ban this person if they disagree with you'. The last note written by Sound.
  10. AND ANOTHER THING. People wouldnt have EVEN KNOWN ABOUT THE SUICIDE IF I HADNT HAD SAID ANYTHING. This ban is -STUPID-. I straight up said in the OOC chat that I didn't know the Freeze ray kills people. THAT is what even MADE the admin see that I had suicided! If I hadn't had said anything, nobody would have known cared or noticed. 7 in the morning, 4 active players. Unban me.
  11. BYOND Key: Launch-Box Total Ban Length: 1440 Minutes Banning staff member's Key: tishinastalker Reason of Ban: You have been banned by tishinastalker. Reason: Suicide to leave the round. Banned in light of his history on the server. This is a one day ban. If there is a problem, submit a form on the forums.. This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 1440 minutes. Reason for Appeal: So apparentally I was banned with all these notes being held against me. Most of them were from incidents I wasn't even warned for and were just by over-zelous admins, wich I will explain. http://pastebin.com/AMH9Jp60 Carried out EoR grief due to RunningwithScissors attempting to disarm the lethally armed crewmember, igniting a powderkeg. This player proved extremely arguementative and borderline disrespectful with their attitude. on Wed, November 19th of 2014 Flat out don't remember this. I don't EoR grief and never have. The most I have ever done is punch someone for talking crap to me. But that's an IC reaction, and not 'griefing' Got taken down as an antag complained in ooc, was told twice not to take it to ooc before rage quitting. on Thu, November 20th of 2014 Apparentally I am not allowed to quit the game without being admin noted after being perma brigged? Came back and started complaining again, after getting muted from OOC they started a transfer vote that got canceled due to the round being an hour in. Got hostile in PM's about the game being unfair and that their game was over. on Thu, November 20th of 2014 Again. Not allowed to call a vote? Not allowed to be annoyed that my character was perma brigged? Why are these even in the notes? This is vindictive. Warned for starting a fight on the escape shuttle. on Fri, November 21st of 2014 This was the part where I slugged a guy. And the admin did not 'WARN' me. They didn't understand what I had done or why, or that it wasn't a 'fight'. This honestly really pisses me off because it's making me look like a griefer, and I'm not. I am a roleplayer who acts as my character would act. I don't murderbone or run around blowing shit up. Got OOC muted by Scopes. Next time you see him doing this, give him a ban. on Sat, November 22nd of 2014 Next time you see me doing what? Scopes chose to mute OOC, apparentally this is my fault? he could have muted -ME- if he wanted. He muted the entire OOC, and that should not be in my notes as him deciding to mute the OOC is -NOT MY FAULT-. He constantly was spamming the chat with 'ENOUGH DROP IT STOP TALKING' and I'm sorry I'm not going to just drop a conversation because some guy with pruple text feels he has the power to tell me what i can and can't talk about. He muted OOC. I didn't force him to. He did it because my arguement was valid and correct, and he wanted to save face. You cannot 'give me a ban' for being right about something and Sound not liking it. Wich brings me to my current ban, wich is a day, for suiciding at 7 in the morning with only 4 other players actively in the game. I shot myself with the freeze ray because I wanted to see what it did. It was an OOC action. Was it greifing? No. Did it effect the game in any way? No. So why am I being banned for doing something with so few people on. At a time when it doesn't matter. Most of all, it wasn't anything that even EFFECTED anyone else. I didn't know about the no suicide rule, even if I did, I wouldn't think it would matter given that the game had so few participants, since it's 7 in the freaking morning. But this admin feels the need to string me up and nail me to a cross for logging out and wanting to see what the freeze ray did -without- griefing or lolkilling anyone?
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