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  1. I don't know a ton about IPCs but I think SINA could be fun, +1 from me
  2. Personally, I think SINA-499 sounds super cool (if a little shady)! Just wondering, what exactly does her being based from the original SINA entail? Does SINA-499 retain any of the original SINA's memories?
  3. How would the recent events with the Liidra affect your character? Do they know about them at all, have they been informed? Do they know what's happened to this station regarding the Liidra? Hy has likely head lots of hearsay about the Lii’dra but has heard little official information; what she knows of them is mostly through gossip, and gossip tends to exaggerate and change many facts. Because of this, Hy is quite wary of the Lii’dra and believes several false facts about them (i.e. that they are all strictly cannibals). Since she is new to the station, she likely does not know anything about their relationship with the Aurora Station (which, frankly, I’m not sure I know either. I didn’t see anything about encounters between this station and the Lii’dra on the wiki! If there’s anything I should know regarding that then please let me know where to look ?) How would they interact with the other Hives? Would they be open, or condescending? Would they see themselves as superior to some, inferior to others, so on. Being from the C’thur Hive, Hy has likely heard few good things about the Zo’ra and K’lax Hives, but certainly nothing quite as bad as the Lii’dra. Hy knows little about the specifics of the Inter-Hive politics, and she probably views most other Vaurcae who are not from the C’thur Hive as interesting (and potentially dangerous) strangers. Hy will probably be cautious and a little wary of them to start, but if they are not openly aggressive and/or mean towards her, her curiosity will probably get the better of her and she will start trying to spend time with them and probably warm up to them. I don’t think Hy necessarily views herself as better or worse than any other Vaurcae, though this is more of a personal quirk than due to her upbringing. If this character is an architect, did you intend to put them in Engineering? While Engineering would be fine for an Architect on a planet, it's likely not the same thing due to the separate qualifications needed. Engineers in SS13 are hands on, Architects are draw-on-paper. Yes, I had intended her for engineering. While I understand that there is no exact equivalent to an architect role in the game, I had envisioned her as settling for a more construction-based job under the ruse of trying to ‘understand the field’, since one could make the argument that understanding more parts of engineering as an architect could allow you to create more complex designs and better integrate large-scale buildings with specialized machinery. However, Hy’s actual reason for taking the job was probably due to a lack of faraway, more relevant job opportunities. How, specifically, do you plan to RP this character as negatively knowledgeable? Intelligence doesn't mean they can simply pick up how to build a wall instantaneously. Or seal a breach, or run atmospherics. Or, set the engine (as I've seen people learn to do at the snap of a finger.) I myself am actually very new to engineering; I almost always play a medical/chemistry role. I feel as though the best way to role play this character is to make use of my own lack of knowledge in the field and try to put the pieces together through Hy. I know it will be a bit of a difficult line to walk, between being too knowledgeable to start and being completely useless/endangering lives, but I think I’m up to the task! And, of course, how would you say your character scored on the tests given? Oh, she completely guessed every question. And her architect project submission was probably pretty bad (at least structurally, as she does have a lot of imagination). Luckily for her, her scores were accidentally switched with another tester. There is probably another Vaurca somewhere out in the world whose life was ruined by this.
  4. BYOND Key: Psolus Character Names: River Soo, River Solidago (my v. 2.0 of River Soo). Species you are applying to play: Vaurca Worker What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Standard Unbound C’thur Vaurca (RGB 0, 10, 80). Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: A looooong time ago I played on Apollo station as a Wryn, which I’m pretty sure this race is based off of (or vice versa). I stopped playing on Apollo, though, and I have never seen another server have a bee race!! I love my BEES!!!! Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Physically, the accent is different, as well as how proficient the Vaurcae is at Basic (since my character is unbound). While humans have much diversity in their behavior and ranks, Vaurcae, quite literally, live to serve. Even as an unbound Vaurca, my character will have much more loyalty and compassion for her Hive than a human is likely to have about whatever system in which they live. Since my Vaurca loves her Hive above all else, her priorities and actions are bound to often be very different than a human’s. ________________________________________ Character Name: Ka’Akaix’Hy C’thur Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Ka’Akaix’Hy C’thur (Hy for short) was fortunate enough to be born for the Unbound track of life. Originally picked for an architectural career track, Hy was designated to be unbound to give her the creativity to create complex and beautiful building designs. She spent the first six months of her life in a dual Vaurca-Skrell nursing station, where she made many friends and was well-liked for her bubbly and cheerful disposition. At six months, Hy was given her VR implant and was sent to the VR for a period of six years to begin an interactive, virtual training course in architecture, physics, and other related subjects. However, unbeknownst to those who implanted her, Hy had a broken implant. Instead of going to the VR utopia she expected, Hy went… nowhere. As if cryogenically frozen, she went into VR for six years and woke up as if it had been but a second. It didn’t take Hy very long to figure out her implant didn’t work, and it took her only a little longer to figure out that her colleagues thought it worked. While the C’thur hive now expected Hy to be a well-educated, mature architect, Hy’s only knowledge was of 6 months of a nursery and she still maintained a child-like mindset. Hy knew what was expected of her, however, and she fully understood that if she was found to be defective (as she feared she was), she would likely be late-staged bounded. Hy did not want to be bound. Determined to keep up her ruse, Hy signed up for an interspatial internship program that would take her far away from her hive. While her natural intuition, personal drive, and inherent intelligence have gotten her this far, Hy will still struggle to convince those around her that she is the astute architect in-training she so claims to be, especially given her improper use of Basic and her undying love for everyone and everything new to her (and shiny things). What do you like about this character? Hy is very optimistic and loving, and she has a certain innocence about her that I think will really bring some color to the station. Since Hy is the type of person who can always find something new to discover or something interest, it will thus keep the game very interesting for me as well! How would you rate your role-playing ability? A-. I am always very dedicated to my characters and do everything I can to embody them, I’m docking myself down from a regular A because I am by no means a professional and still make mistakes on a somewhat regular basis.
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