Character Names:
Amy Wright
Mycah Rosier
Species you are applying to play:
What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question
Why do you wish to play this specific race:
I've got a lot of history playing aliens, mostly on Baystation. The first race I was whitelisted for was Unathi way back then, and I like to think I was at least okay with it. A lot of things have changed, but mostly for the better, and I'd like to give it a shot here as well.
I tend to enjoy the honor-motivated, martial sort of character. My favorite part of a story is when the chips are down and something needs to be done. Unathi seem to be what you'd go after if you want to get to that quickly.
Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
Any alien species, especially ones with divergent bodyplans, are different from humans. No matter how human one may act, the simple fact is that they are not. Occasionally, in practice, this'll have to be played up. But alien species simply don't have the cultural background they'd need to seamlessly fit in among humans, even if they were entirely physically compatible.
In other words, your ideal alien is relatable, but different.
Unathi are carnivores from a rough, oppressive feudal planet, with a natural inclination to warfare and a very strict code of honor. The concept of an alien warrior who, despite striving for martial excellence, will refuse to commit dishonorable acts is very interesting to me.
Character Name:
Essh Kesan
Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs
Born as the youngest daughter of a mid-level warrior, Essh received a relatively standard moghean female upbringing, although it quickly became apparent that her uncommon height was considered unattractive. The teasing she faced at the hands of other girls made her into a quiet, demure creature mostly uninterested with the petty aggressions and competitions of female society, and she began to occupy herself training in secret out of swordsmanship manuals, the knowledge she'd gained from them being used as a weapon against her brothers more than once. In the immediate aftermath of the contact war's atomic finish, her father was wounded by a grenade tossed by a common bandit during the initial cleanup. For several years afterward, she had to assist her now-paralysed father in his work, which was now repairing and maintaining weapons and other small mechanical devices. After several years, they were able to save up enough money to move offworld, in the hopes that better opportunities elsewhere would save Essh's father from the humiliation of being crippled.
Living among humans for some time (specifically, Tau Ceti), and being exposed to new ideas, the young Essh found herself drifting away from her from her civilization's strictures; being exposed to human media and schooling, she was also exposed to humanity's military traditions, the study of which she took to like a fish to water. Unfortunately, her upbringing took its toll, and it seemed that she became nervous around other unathi women; outwardly, she'd act dismissively toward them, while inwardly, she was extremely intimidated. Eventually, Essh had come up with a plan: to run away from home and join the navy. Unfortunately, the navy would not take her on account of her rather low test scores, and she returned home in shame. Her father, having discovered her interest in such manly pursuits, became convinced that she was actually a man trapped in a woman's body, and showed her a recruitment ad for Nanotrasen's security division, which she applied to for lack of other options.
What do you like about this character?
Crushed dreams are my bread and butter, and I tend to like to play characters who are learned in some field of soft science in addition to their primary job.
I also enjoy the type of character that grapples with their faith, even when it tells them what they're doing is wrong. Namely, being an independant woman with a job who likes to study warfare but remains at least nominally faithful to the thakh religion.
How would you rate your role-playing ability?
Paradox asked me to include a thought I had:
Assuming unathi have a more developed sense of smell than humans, the active culture inside of yogurt would probably end up having a strong, sour-tangy sort of flavor and smell. That could go well with other spicy foods to round out the flavor, like hotwings and blue cheese.