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Everything posted by Suno

  1. Biesel seems like a pretty solid place for an origin. Of course they wouldnt have the debt thing. So i feel they would just have been roped into a predatory contract by some megacorp instead. What exactly is their mindtype? How do feel it'd affect their work? They are a "Harmonious Hymn" which would lead to large gaps in their speech, and "scattered" news articles, with viewpoints from multiple nymphs in them. How do they feel about other species? Humans? Tajarans? Synthetics? They quite enjoy the company of other species, however they are slightly wary of skrell due to their authoritarian beliefs (and of course the military order to destroy any titan dionae) What's their opinion on the Republic of Biesel and the Megacorps? Biesel? Good, Mainly due to being born there and their policies towards dionae. Megacorps? Conflicted, One on hand they keep the economy running and make new technology, On the other hand they do this via the wanton exploitation of natural resources and people. What's their religion? Any particular attachments or feelings on the Eternal church? They are a member of the orthodox eternal and agree with the general philosophy.
  2. +1. Good backstory and concept.
  3. BYOND Key: SunoPerson Character Names: Keep in mind these are just the characters i play, I have many more. System MK2 (Stationbound medbot) Isaac Vogel (Bieselite xenobiologist) Liam Neumann (European miner) Species you are applying to play: Diona/Dionae (Also known as treepeople or anklebiters) What color do you plan on making your first alien character: The best color. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, Several times in fact. (I may have a problem) Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Several reasons, The first one being just how different diona are from humans and other races, In terms of roleplay. The second reson being just the sheer amount of LORE behind them, Rivalling that of the skrell or humans. Third reason being all the really weird and interesting mechanics they have, For example : A diona can detach the nymph composing one of their limbs and control it independently from their main body, Acting as sort of a "scout" or "messenger" in severe emergency. Another example would be that dionae REQUIRE light to survive, Instead of requiring oxygen/adequate pressure like other species. The THIRD example of a mechanical difference would be how dionas can expend "biomass" to create weird gnarly floors/walls made out of nymphs to do things like seal hull breaches for their human friends. I could go rambling on for several pages about mechanical differences, But the final and most important reason i wish to become plant is : I like dionas and think the nymphs are cute, Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: First of all, Diona are "conditional pacifists" AKA they will avoid fighting as long as at least one peaceful resolution exists, a diona gestalt will only fight if you back it into a corner with no escape and scream mean words at them, And even then they will most likely attempt to take you down non lethally. Second of all, They are multiple nymphs in one body, So they might take some time to come to a descision, as the nymphs inside them have to come to a conclusion. Of course there are multiple "types" of mind a diona gestalt can have, Some notable examples being a "tyrannical tune", a completely authoritarian gestalt where one nymph decides all, or a "Singular sound" where the nymphs have almost no individuality and act as sort of "neuron". A third and very interesting aspect of the dionae would be their ability to drink the blood of sapient creatures and "absorb" their memories in an act of ultimate compassion, Leading to some very very interesting roleplay opportunities. So to come to a conclusion, What makes diona gestalts different from roleplaying humans? They are gentle giants, Very pacifistic in nature, And they are of course several beings controlling one body. And of course the whole "drinking blood to get memories thing." This is just an example, I will most likely play then and several others in an on/off fashion. Character Name: "To Influence the World Beyond" Please provide a short backstory for this character "To Influence the World Beyond" or just "Beyond" was "born"/"found" on earth in a shrubbery by a curious child, who upon being bit. Promptly turned the creature in to his mother, Who upon recognizing the creature from one of the news articles about a "diona seed transport crash" a few weeks ago, promptly turned the creature into the government. After being turned into the government. "Wandering" was assigned a "teaching group" of four other nymphs, and taught the basics of how speak and what sort of strange world they had just come into. After this relativley brief and confusing lecture, The nymphs decided (after some brief encouragement) to merge up, To better withstand this new hostile world they found themselves in. After this the new gestalt was assigned an "internship" position aboard a space station, Orbiting earth, Here they spent 8 years doing various odd jobs to work off their "debt" that sol had assigned them. After working off this debt, The still young gestalt decided to head out and wander across the endless void, Looking for opportunities while working various odd jobs, They wandered around the galaxy for 62 years, During this time they had seen many, Many injustices, And the gestalt being based partially on the memories of a child ; Something cried out inside them, Something that told them, "Change the world. Change the world for the better...". The nymphs spent weeks, maybe months debating on how exactly they would change the world. The more practical of them said "Dont bother with anything big, We can change the world by wandering and spreading our messages" But all the others said, "Yes, We should do it! We just need a way to reach as many beings as possible, To teach them how to be, To teach them the way of peace and acceptance..." The nymphs finally came to a conclusion, Once they saw a vapid and hollow "Holo-Vid Influencer" on the street corner, Recording yet another generic video. The nymphs thought "Hmmmm... Perhaps we could do the same thing... Just in a less vapid and hollow manner... Perhaps we can cause some good out of this?" And thus, They had found their calling in life, Creating "Holo-Vid Vlogs" to both entertain the audience, But most importantly, To campaign for the opression of dionas to stop, In places such as sol, Or even the empire of dominia. So after a few years of content creation, And creating a small but dedicated following, They decided to sign up for an exploratory ship nearby as an independent reporter/content creator, The NCSS Horizon. What do you like about this character? I really like the concept of a diona seeing all the injustices in the world, And instead of starting a political campaign or something, They become an influencer, To start a massive campaign to free dionas across the galaxy from the injustices faced. Via peaceful protest and donation to charities. I also really love the idea of a diona gestalt going around and taking pictures of the ship, Reporting on stories to highlight the good of the world (and of course to campaign for diona freedom) How would you rate your role-playing ability? I wouldnt say im the best at it, But im capable and i can pretend i am a plant fairly efficiently. Notes: "Chirp chirp. We are an existential threat, we will devour all biomass we can obtain, we will drain all sources of energy and we will grow to the size of a planet, We will attain singularit-" - Diona gestalt "Gary" shortly before being euthanized by the skrell military
  4. Bad idea. Having all comms compromised makes people HAVE to speak in person, And it allows mercs to do some fun counterplay against security.
  5. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: IPC's have a completley different tought process than humans, In that they tend to be very logical and to the point in their tought and speech patterns. An IPC's highest directive is self preservation, Wich fits with their logical tought process. They tend to be heavily discriminated against due to their odd nature. They also tend to stick to the job they were made for, Since they have such a linear tought process. They dont tend to be affected by emotions as much. Please provide a short backstory for this character : Roman started life at Hephaestus Production Station Sidirourgeío as any other baseline chassis would, He was assigned the Tag "Roman-882" and was sold of to a small clinic, Over the years he was shipped between several small hospitals and clinics, Spending time working as a surgeon and a doctor. After three years of working between different clinics and hospitals he was sold off to Mendell city Central hospital, He worked at the hospital for several years, Becoming more bitter and sarcastic over the years due to the mistreatment from staff he recived, after a few months of doing odd jobs here and there for patients, Such as getting candy or buying something from the store. And when word got out that he was trying to save up money for freedom he was approached by some less than reputable individuals who asked if he wanted to borrow some money for buying freedom, Roman of course agreed to borrow some money, He had just enough money for legal fees and his own fees, About 1.5 million credits, and when he finally managed to get free he owed 1.6 million credits to the people he borrowed money from, So the recently freed roman set off to work on the NSS aurora, Where he is still to this day trying to work of his debt.
  6. -->Please forgive bad spelling, English is not my native langauge.<-- BYOND Key: SunoPerson Character Names: S.Y.S.T.E.M (Borg/AI character), Tony York (Security officer), Chris Glover (Engineer/Miner), Elena Beach (phsyciatrist), Olivia Cook, (Biochemist/Cook) Species you are applying to play: IPC/Integrated Positronic Chassis What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A. Im applying for IPC Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, How else would i know how cool IPC lore was? Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Im sure has been said one hundred times in these applications but I love roleplaying robotic charracters and synths. And I think the roleplay opportunities while playing IPC which could provide for some fun roleplay for me and others, and their backstory and interesting place in society are interesting to me. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Firstly their cold and calculating nature. They have a completley different way of thinking than humans, They think mostly logically and dont tend to be affected by emotions as much. And of course their robotic anatomy, With servos and motors instead of muscles and tendons, Which could provide for some unique challenges while on EVA. Character Name: Roman-882 Please provide a short backstory for this character Roman was originally built for a busy central hospital as a surgeon IPC. Roman wasnt very happy with his job, Altough he liked the work the employees there were treating him like a glorified roomba, Roman quite frankly was fed up, He began becoming more and more bitter to humans altough he didnt show it due to fear of dismantling. After a few years of saving and a few "Small" loans he managed to buy his own freedom and amount a small debt to some less than reputable individuals. He started working for NT almost immediatley to pay off his debts, Adopting a cynical and sarcastic personality, Much to the dismay of his patients. What do you like about this character? I enjoy the rags to riches story, And the fact that he quite possibly has a few debts to some shady people. And of course his sarcastic and cynical personality, I find it quite funny. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I wouldnt say im the best roleplayer, but i wouldnt call my roleplay "bad" I'd say between 6/10 to 7/10 Notes: I plan to make several IPC characters for different jobs. Such as one for robotics.
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