Hi. Sorry it took so long to respond. Didn't know about this forum, let alone this post. To start off, I would like to let you all know that this was my first nuke round, and I admit that I was jumpy. For the first issue, which was the Jade and Nasir thing, I had a copy pasta "Drop down to the floor and comply with my demands. If you do not, I will not hesitate to kill you" thing ready to cmd-v if I had approached someone. Jade was literally the first person that I saw. As I was trying to search in my notes for the copy pasta and cmd-v it. I see her start moving left away from the Bridge. I decided to fire at her in the leg. As I am reading her response on this thread at the moment, it mentioned how it put her into crit. That was a boo-boo on my part. I had vastly underestimated the ability to kill and take down people with the SMG. I figured the firing system was something equivalent of COD where it takes a clip to take someone down, usually. From my vast underestimation, I had toggled the SMG to burst-fire with the previous statement in mind. But in Jade's particular case, she managed to keep going along with Nasir, which only reinforced my false suspicions that the weapons were weak. If I remember correctly, I only had burst-fired at her once, in the leg, as she was trying to flee. The second, possibly third if you put them together, was the CMO incident. Prior to the CMO's encounter, I saw two people, to which I decided to just say DOWN, as it was far easier than my original copy-pasta. I handcuffed both of them, and it was no issue whatsoever. I even tried putting the stamped paper back into the guy's pocket as he had asked me kindly. I then see the CMO. From my prior engagement with Jade, I told myself "No, I'm not dealing with another runner or am intending on getting hyposprayed". As he drew closer to the hostages while I was fumbling around with the stamped paper, I fired a single shot (which was probably like three because of the burst-fire) at his leg, again. He went down instantly. I went out for my handcuffs to have him subdued as well, when he asked me to bandage himself. I admit the "yeah, no" is by far the cringiest thing I have ever done in my life, now that I see it from a different mindset from the one I had in the game. But in my head at the moment, I figured he didn't need any bandages as Jade was doing just fine.
No, I didn't know that Jade was in critical, as evidenced by the player's testament on this thread. She was still moving when she fled and I abandoned my attempts to pursue her. In my head, Jade was just fine as she was up and about. My misguided suspicions involving her health, how much it took to kill someone, and the CMO's health that I disregarded his plea to help himself.
He died about five seconds later, to which I responded in LOOC, "what the fuck", or something similar to that. I had no intentions on killing my hostages. I was not a grey-suited welder bombing idiot. My objective was to make noise and get as much hostages as possible. When he died, it was a significant surprise. As I scanned about the Medical Bay even more, I saw one other person in the lobby, that upon seeing me, ran off as fast as she (I think it was a girl) could. I also saw some Security people checking me out through the Morgue which is why I called for back-up multiple times. Doomberg (Dragon, I think?) came to my rescue. I was pretty much idling and checking out the condition of my hostages when he arrives. Some more time passes and I see a Security cyborg. It was just standing there, as the player's testament mentioned in this thread as well. I asked for confirmation if the cyborg was emagged or not, to help us with our endeavor. No one responded. Doomberg was also outside of my viewing window. From what I am reading from the thread, he was down south by the cyborg, just outside my viewing area. Finally, I don't remember who tells me to take it out. Someone can go search the logs and check for that, but somebody told me to take the cyborg out. I think I said something to the sort of "are you sure you want me to take it out", but I may be wrong. I scanned through my inventory and found nothing that could be used to effectively take out a cyborg, with the exception of a bomb. I prime the bomb and throw it.
Once again, I am not a grey-suited welder bombing idiot. I didn't have any malicious intent to harm or disturb other people's roleplay at the time of this gamemode. I was given orders to take it out, so I did. As I also mentioned before, I had no intentions on killing my hostages, so I quickly moved them to Chemistry before the bomb detonated. Someone can check the logs, but from what I could tell, they were both fine in Chemistry.
It was at this point when I heard Doomberg shout, "Who threw a bomb at me?" and I thought, "Fuck me..". The bomb went off, effectively gibbing Doomberg, and destroying the other cyborg. The other guy, who told me to take out the cyborg, said, "They killed Doomberg? Kill all the hostages". In his defense, he probably thought a Security guy did it, and did not know it was me. And as I have been saying, I had NO INTENTIONS on killing the hostages. I shouted out that I would just leave them in Chemistry, because I was not going to be responsible for killing two people who actually cooperated with me in getting down and allowing me to handcuff them.
I quickly made my way back through Cargo, and boarded the Syndicate shuttle. I spent maybe about five minutes talking to the pilot about what the hell we were going to do, when I heard the "ERT has been called, etc etc". I told the last surviving member, who I think was Kat, to arm the nuke and get the fuck out of there. My internet connection starting getting real fluky after that and I was forced to DC.
The only person who was unfortunately fucked from the beginning of the arrival of the nuclear operatives was the janitor. I shouted DOWN like I did to everyone else, to which he complied. As I was handcuffing him, someone told me that janitors didn't make good hostages, and that I should kill him. As much as I felt bad for him and his position, the order was an order. It was also my first time as an operative and I just assumed that one was supposed to follow the orders, no matter how ridiculous, to which I ended the janitor's life with a few shots to the head.