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  1. I feel that this thread fundamentally misunderstands how jobs work. It's not that an off-worlder can go up to NanoTrasen, ask for a Head of Security position and just be told "No, the company policy prohibits off-worlders being promoted". Rather, NanoTrasen has a limited amount of Heads of Security, Chief Engineers, Captains and the like. And it would be safe to say that there is a lot of people trying to get these positions. Therefore, NanoTrasen has to choose whom to employ in these roles. So, imagine that you, as an employer, are faced with a choice as to whom to appoint as a captain: A Biesellite human manager with dozens of years of experience. A grotesque-looking skeleton manager with dozens of years of experience. Is also disabled unless actively on medication or wearing suitable supports. Wouldn't the choice be fairly obvious? It is even more obvious for an Head of Security. It's not a completely level playing ground.
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