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Everything posted by Weaselscribe

  1. BYOND key: Maltivus Discord name/id: Maltivus#1352 Borg / AI names: Scribe, I think I had others that were one offs but I can't recall the names. Ch4r1r is my pAI name, if that counts. Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yes Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I used to enjoy playing AI occasionally, more so than I do borg. Since it's whitelisted now on this server, I suppose I should make the effort to go through the process. Sometimes it's fun to just sort of oversee the events of the round while still having a minor role in it. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? It looks like I received a minor warning for 'meta communication' back in 2021, though I can't recall the circumstances surrounding it. Beyond that, nothing that I'm aware of. Edit: I thought about it for a bit, I think what happened was I was ghosting and LOOCed at an antag about how they were in real trouble with sec or something and got told off for it. Either way, I can see how I wasn't supposed to be doing that, I was excited about the intrigue of the round and said more than I should have. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yeah.
  2. There's some disabilities in the character creation menu, but nothing that really represents a character being elderly. Stuff like slower movement, needing a cane/staff, having your bones break more easily, being weaker etc, getting tired faster, having arthritis, etc. Some of this stuff can be roleplayed out, but others can't. I think it would be neat to support characters being old mechanically, as a voluntary debuff.
  3. Vegan lard...? 🤢
  4. Despite the fact that there are several recipes that require Schlorrgo on the server, there is no actual way to acquire one outside of having an admin spawn them. I was told that @Alberyk might have forgotten to add them to the Op's order menu? Maybe that can be fixed, if so. Someone could also just add a way for lard to be produced or ordered outside of having a schlorrgo to butcher, that's the main reason it's a problem that their missing, they're the only source of lard in the game (according to the mod I talked to, anyway) Edit: Apparently you can produce lard in the biogenerator. I don't know that this is a good 'only way' to acquire lard, as it implies we are all eating vegan lard. What about the meat eaters who want REAL lard?
  5. Resubmitting application after two weeks, per previous application here: BYOND Key: Maltivus Character Names: Rain Chevron Iskander Fields Makayla Paynter Ch4r1r (if pAI count) Distant Star Branching Into The Void Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Green Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've always found unathi to be one of the most interesting of the races available on this server. Not only are they a sort of mingling of the Klingon sort of alien race that is all about honor and combat, but they also are in the unique position of being both a cautionary tale about carelessly sharing advanced technology with a lower tech race that isn't ready to handle it. Normally in fiction this results in their extinction by some sort of global thermonuclear war, but unathi only destroyed part of their world, so they had the chance at least improve going forwards. And, I guess I'm also a sucker or the whole knightly/shinobi honor motif and shinto-esque ancestor worship. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Well, on a mechanical level unathi are slower, tougher, and stronger than humans, aside from their ability to sprint real fast for short periods. But it depends on which of the origins of Unathi people they come from. For a Moghes Hegemony unathi, you will tend to come from a honorbound, feudalistic society with defined gender roles and maybe a little bit of latent xenophobia coloring your behavior. Ouerean unathi have a less conservative mindset because they live within a representitive democracy, but I expect they'd still hold onto their spiritualism and gender roles, with less xenophobia in general. I'm not entirely sure what a wastelands unathi would be like if they managed to arrive on the Horizon, but I imagine the extremely stressful life they had to live on an irradiated wasteland would color their perceptions about things like free access to food and water. Dominian unathi probably are used to dressing much warmer and it seems that they have had some cultural pushback against their gender roles, so they might not consider that to be very important. Dominion unathi also seem to be less likely to follow the traditional unathi faiths that originally formed on Moghes, due to living in human communities. Character Name: Sithar Zass'ra Please provide a short backstory for this character: Sithar was born (hatched?) in a small township at the edge of the mountain bordering the wastelands southeast of Baandr in 2640, shortly after the beginning of the Contact War. While he was technically born to the the larger and more well respected Zass'kar clan, his parents were part of a schism that occurred within the Zass'kar clan a few months after his birth. The new branch, renaming themselves the Zass'ra clan, had increasingly little to do with their parent clan as he grew up. Sithar met his grandfather, whom he shared his name with, only once before he and much of the rest of the Zass'kar clan were annihilated at the end of the Contact War by one of many nuclear strikes in what is now part of the Wasteland. He developed into his adolescence watching the formation and ascent of the Izweski Hegemony, but his clan maintained a political distance with the Hegemony for many years largely on the principle that they disagreed with establishment of the Sh'akh church as a state religion. Having been raised as a devout Th'akh follower by their clan's shaman and insulated by their distance from the capital, Sithar had little reason to doubt that pledging fealty to S'kresti was not an option. Following S'kresti Izweski's coma and the turmoil that followed when Not'zar assumed regency and was then almost deposed by the his father when he reawoke and converted to the Si'akh faith - and was subsequently assassinated - his clan had a change of heart about Not'zar's value as a leader. While they did not precisely agree with the Sh'akh church, at least it was not openly heretical like like 'those wasteland Si'akh savages'. The fact that the Sh'akh church was on the decline now also helped with the change of opinion. As a result, his father, Sasslar, entered into service Zo’saa when Sithar was in his 20's. His father's ability as a warrior was only barely above mediocre, and he often struggled to maintain the conduct expected of a Karaphract, though he persevered for two years, determined to honor the rest of his clan with his appointment to such a prestigious order. Sithar attended the final trial of his father to be appointed as a full Kataphract, fully intending to enter Zo'saa service after his father succeeded in the trail of combat. He had even submitted the formal request and had been accepted into the next season's recruitment batch. Instead, he and the rest of his clan were shamed when it was discovered in the middle of the trial that Sasslar, afraid that he might fail this final test, had secretly poisoned his weapon in an attempt to gain an edge over his opponent. The disgraceful conduct resulted in his immediate expulsion from his status as a Hopeful, and it was only through his clan calling in every political favor that they had that Sasslar narrowly avoided being branded guwan. Nevertheless, their reputation and standing suffered greatly, and it would take years for their clan to recover. Disillusioned by his father's behavior, Sithar retracted his request to join as a Hopeful, and grew distant with his clan, attempting to find some form of acceptance with other unathi his age from other clans that were less dishonored. He met with little success in this venture, as the brand of shame was too recent of a scandal, and eventually he made arrangements to depart from Moghes, finding his way eventually to human space, where there were less of his people who knew about his clan's status, and ended up on the Horizon. What do you like about this character? I don't see many people that utilize much of Moghes contemporary culture on the station, and I wanted to do someone with that. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Very good.
  6. BYOND Key: Maltivus Character Names: Rain Chevron Iskander Fields (Only in one round, probably will drop them due to disinterest) Makayla Paynter Ch4r1r (if pAI count) Species you are applying to play: Diona What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Very dark greenish-brown Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Almost entirely due to interactions with a specific diona player as rain. Up until then, I largely considered them to be kind of a dull concept for a race that sort of sits around and creaks or something, except when their nymphs run around being pests (which is to say, I knew very little). Now that I have seen the potential for interesting character concepts, I'm really excited to try the ability to split off nymphs in particular, this has given me a lot of fun ideas for (a) character(s). Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: A whole lot! For a star, they're not an individual creature with a centralized brain, but rather a mass of smaller nymphs that bond together and create something cognitively greater than the individual parts. They live for an indefinite period of time (possibly forever? bit vague on that, but I suppose if they kept replacing nymphs it'd be a diona of Theseus question) and probably experience time at a different scale than most other sapient species. Depending on their age, they can be incredibly pacifist due to fear of pain due to the 'echo chamber' effect, or be very slow and unwieldly instead, due to their bark having grown and hardened enough that they have effectively matured. They can also be a dumb nymph as smart as a child, but people don't really join as a nymph to be that for their character, unless it's split off their main mass. They can also apparently consume dead creatures and gain some level of their memories, living inside the remains, which is pretty funky. I might at some point poke at the concept of a mourning mass, but that's not currently my interest at the time. Character Name: Distant Star Branching Into The Void Please provide a short backstory for this character: Distant Star Branching Into The Void grew on a nearly barren, unnamed world orbiting a binary star system. Some many centuries before they descended through the atmosphere of the planet, one of the stars in this system collapsed in on itself and became a neutron star. Over the following centuries, they consumed mass from their stellar sibling, eventually accruing enough mass to collapse into a black hole. During this time, the unnamed planet began forming the rudimentary elements of early life, but due to the constant powerful radiation emissions of the neutron star (and later black hole) as it devoured it's twin, progress was difficult beyond monocellular life that adapted to weather the cosmic rays. As such, the rain of diona seeds that fell upon the the planet, drawn into stellar orbit of the black hole, found little in the way of competition beyond moss and bacterial life in this environment that was ideal for their growth. Bombarded by intense radiation that would have killed unprotected humans, the colony of diona flourished, growing over centuries into a number of scattered gestalt collections across the world - due to the complete lack of competition on the planet and the delicious high energy cosmic rays bombarding their world constantly, their tendency towards gestalt unification was reduced, so as they grew in intelligence and abundance of nymphs, they separated into communities of like minded gestalts that very rarely reached argus size or larger for many centuries The primary focus of much of their contemplation was the arresting sight of the red giant being slowly swallowed away into a disk by it's more massive twin. The knowledge that destruction on such a cosmic scale was not only possible but was responsible for feeding their growth eventually developed into an almost religious social consciousness. Due to their long life spans, they eventually came to the conclusion through observation that the red giant was eventually going to lose enough mass to be consumed entirely by the black hole, and its light would die, and then so, eventually, would the emissions of the black hole. Lacking the ability to leave the world - or even the concept that space travel was possible - their civilization, too, would wither away, assuming the planet was not consumed by the black hole first. When the planet was discovered by a deep space exploration vessel that had come to the system to observe the unusual binary system in 2453, the diona communities on the planet had long since come to the fatalistic conclusion that their time existence was limited by the dwindling mass of their red giant, and had become more insular, many of them gravitating together into several large gestalts whose component parts hade decided that it was better to be together to more deeply contemplate the mysteries of the cosmos with what time they had left. Communication with the human explorers revealed that there was a larger scope to the universe than they previously suspected, but their beliefs had become stratified by many decades of accepting that their lives were finite as they bonded together into increasingly large gestalts on the planet's surface, and there was a heavy ideological resistance to changing course. The overwhelming sentiment was of disinterest - what could these tiny, soft creatures that could not even bond together or survive outside their radiation shielding teach them that they wouldn't figure out by themselves? It was only after some determined negotiations between the human scientists (and several visits) and some of the those gestalts remaining who were still small enough to enter a ship that three of the colossi agreed to break off some of their mass into a cyclops form, to gain experience of the rest of the galaxy, then return to bring that information back, at which point they would make a decision on whether to remain on the planet and wither away or migrate elsewhere. Distant Star Branching Into The Void was one of these gestalt, and it has been nearly ten years since they left their world and the larger mass they were part of. They chose their name largely in memory of their home and the purpose of their journey. While they have seen much that has expanded their view in that time, it has been difficult for them to acclimate to the cultures of humans and other races. Many found their casual acceptance of the inevitability of death and nihilistic viewpoint of the universe to be unsettling, though they have warmed slightly over the years, or at the very least, learned not to say certain things that upset non-diona around them, and they find the behaviors of humans and other races fascinating. Their mindset has developed into a personality that is completely disinterested in violence (even for self defense) while at the same time unafraid of splitting themselves apart multiple times to maximize their ability to observe their surroundings before rejoining later. What do you like about this character? I've seen a few diona on the station, but most of them seem to be concerned on the whole with the nuances of a specific cultural viewpoint, like being raised by unathi. As a species that can live in a vacuum and while in radioactive conditions that would kill any other multicellular life, I wanted to explore the idea of a gestalt whose mindset was a bit more alien. Not wanting to think about the end of your existence is one of the universal constants of almost all sentient life, and having a diona community who had looked it head on and decided 'okay. whatever.' seemed very interesting to me. Also, I intend to play them as a visitor/passenger rather than a proper crew role, if anyone was curious. I might change that at some point if they develop an interest an an actual practice, but since they're primarily here to 'observe' it feels weird giving them a job for the outset. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Still very good.
  7. 1) Well, for the most part I kind of want to play him as a 'fish out of water', confused and somewhat frustrated with the social behavior on a human station. However, I also never imagined him to be super aggressive about it - he's kind of learned in the time of being part of persona non grata clan in unathi society that his opinions on matters aren't highly valued. His culture viewpoint will be more of a quiet struggle that only comes up during extreme duress or someone befriending him. Which brings us to: 2) I never imagined him joining the horizon to find a more complacent society so much seeing it as a way to get far away from his extremely embarrassing clan situation and his father, who probably spends a lot of time sulking and drinking butanol wine in dark rooms because every time he goes outside unathi do whatever the equivalent is of spitting on him. To me, the only reason his father is not guwan at this point is because it would be marginally less shameful for the clan for everyone to just hate him for a while than be permanently branded as an exile. This is one point that I think humans and unathi can probably both agree on - even if a member of your family did something terrible, you'd rather see them free and repentant than living in a crime filled ghetto with no future prospects. So, Slithar came to human space because he didn't want to have to deal with the repercussions of what his father did, but he's also not here to overcompensate and prove to everyone what a righteous and honorable and strong lizard boy he is - his father did that for 2 years, and then it turned out it as all just a bullshit front. I think from Slithar's point of view, he would view anyone who is a little too loud and open about how they follow the Warrior's code with suspicion - what are they hiding? Why do they need to tell everyone how honorable they are if they're not pretending? A real warrior shouldn't have to constantly remind everyone of their courage and loyalty or whatever. (Or the whole thing is a sham entirely and no unathi actually follows the code but if he starts thinking like that he ends up in dark rooms, drinking wine like his father) 3) I actually wasn't thinking of putting him in security, at least at first. For the moment, at least, I think he has internalized the idea that he doesn't deserve to be a knight or culturally adjacent knight analogue until he's figured his shit out and how to be a better person than his father. My first thought was Operations, a position that is out of the way and doesn't put at spotlight on him because they don't tend to do anything important. Depending on how things develop for him on the Horizon, he may move to another department, though that would be something I roleplay out. This is unfortunately seems to be a problem with enabling antagonist roles on this specific server - it seems that this server in particularly has a very small pool of people who opt into every antag role (except for rev/loyalit, because I don't like that one much) so this ends with me becoming an antagonist in at least 75% of every round I join. I am well aware of how I seem to always be the bad guy as Rain Chevron, but this was not my intention when I made the character. I think that with Slithar (and Rain if need be), I'm going to be reducing the antag roles I opt into to only my favorites, so that this doesn't keep happening. I'm actually getting bored of being an antagonist, something I didn't think was possible. I will make another confession, though. I made Rain Chevron almost entirely because I needed to play someone on the server to demonstrate my ability to string sentences together and roleplay in the setting in order to get to, what were for me, the more fun things, like playing unathi or skrell (though I'm taking this one app at a time). The idea of playing a nonhuman has always been the most interesting part of scifi or fantasy roleplay for me. So, unlike with situations like Slithar here, where I go in with careful consideration about the character's backstory and motivation, Rain Chevron, as a first character, was just kind of a wing it sort of character. Even now I've been developing a personality based on vibes from interactions I have with other crew members. I made him largely PMCG because I didn't want to be part of the SCC, and I had a very interesting interaction recently with a very snooty Idris rep that made me come up with the idea that he joined the PMCG because of a lack of options after Idris denied him a business loan. That wasn't there when I made the character, but it's a thing that I decided was part of his lore now. That sort of interaction is mostly how Rain Chevron has been forming as a character. So if he feels kind of like a blank slate when I'm not antagging, it's kinda because... he is, to some extent? He's the first character I've made beyond some generic unmemorable borg personas. Surely not everyone who joins your server makes their first character with an entire backstory prefabricated from mountains of wiki lore. And one other thing... What do you mean? The 'mainstream' church with their nonsense about a three faced god are the heretics Our ancestors don't merge into one entity, preposterous...
  8. I've had only one direct interaction with Sasha so far, and I have mixed feelings about it. The situation in question was one in which I was an antagonist, so there is some uncertainty, but Sasha did not know in character that I was yet. The situation involved a perceived abuse by one of the security officers. The situation presented to Sasha was one where an officer was accused of refusing me medical treatment for a broken leg, and disregarding an assault that they personally witnessed on my person in the course of arresting me. Sasha is not a head of security, it is true, but she was also the only head of staff on station at the time, so they had to do something, and I was not terribly impressed with what they did do. Essentially, they blew off the entire matter (though I did see them at the tail end of what looked like scolding said officer) and foisted responsibility for the matter of the assault on my character off to the operations chief, because the offending party was in operations. The operations chief naturally had no idea what to do about it, as this was clearly a security matter, and security was blowing us off. This didn't strike me as a particularly responsible use of a command position. Not being omniscient, I can't say that I know all details of Sashas actions, but is the only present command authority figure, it seems to me that they had a responsibility to take command of the situation and they simply did not because they didn't want to be bothered by it. It's a problem when non antag security officers aren't doing thier job correctly, and people seem a little too quick to just blow off this sort of issue with the phrase "file an incident report" (which is what I was told after about 20 minutes of trying to get the assault charge acted on in vain) because there was no head of staff around who could be bothered to get security to act. Incident reports are only helpful if the situation doesn't involve an antagonist, so you can understand how it would be frustrating to experience unilateral non cooperation. This post is neither a +1 or -1 towards this whitelist, because it was a single interaction and I don't feel like I have the full details. However, it is my hope that it gives 50_n00b some things to consider in the future if they happen to find themselves as the only command officer on the station again and something needs their attention out of department.
  9. BYOND Key: Maltivus Character Names: Rain Chevron Iskander Fields (Recently made, so added to this application) Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Green Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've always found unathi to be one of the most interesting of the races available on this server. Not only are they a sort of mingling of the Klingon sort of alien race that is all about honor and combat, but they also are in the unique position of being both a cautionary tale about carelessly sharing advanced technology with a lower tech race that isn't ready to handle it. Normally in fiction this results in their extinction by some sort of global thermonuclear war, but unathi only destroyed part of their world, so they had the chance at least improve going forwards. And, I guess I'm also a sucker or the whole knightly/shinobi honor motif and shinto-esque ancestor worship. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Well, on a mechanical level unathi are slower, tougher, and stronger than humans, aside from their ability to sprint real fast for short periods. But it depends on which of the origins of Unathi people they come from. For a Moghes Hegemony unathi, you will tend to come from a honorbound, feudalistic society with defined gender roles and maybe a little bit of latent xenophobia coloring your behavior. Ouerean unathi have a less conservative mindset because they live within a representitive democracy, but I expect they'd still hold onto their spiritualism and gender roles, with less xenophobia in general. I'm not entirely sure what a wastelands unathi would be like if they managed to arrive on the Horizon, but I imagine the extremely stressful life they had to live on an irradiated wasteland would color their perceptions about things like free access to food and water. Dominian unathi probably are used to dressing much warmer and it seems that they have had some cultural pushback against their gender roles, so they might not consider that to be very important. Dominion unathi also seem to be less likely to follow the traditional unathi faiths that originally formed on Moghes, due to living in human communities. Character Name: Sithar Zass'ra Please provide a short backstory for this character: Sithar was born (hatched?) in a small township at the edge of the mountain bordering the wastelands southeast of Baandr in 2640, shortly after the beginning of the Contact War. While he was technically born to the the larger and more well respected Zass'kar clan, his parents were part of a schism that occurred within the Zass'kar clan a few months after his birth. The new branch, renaming themselves the Zass'ra clan, had increasingly little to do with their parent clan as he grew up. Sithar met his grandfather, whom he shared his name with, only once before he and much of the rest of the Zass'kar clan were annihilated at the end of the Contact War by one of many nuclear strikes in what is now part of the Wasteland. He developed into his adolescence watching the formation and ascent of the Izweski Hegemony, but his clan maintained a political distance with the Hegemony for many years largely on the principle that they disagreed with establishment of the Sh'akh church as a state religion. Having been raised as a devout Th'akh follower by their clan's shaman and insulated by their distance from the capital, Sithar had little reason to doubt that pledging fealty to S'kresti was not an option. Following S'kresti Izweski's coma and the turmoil that followed when Not'zar assumed regency and was then almost deposed by the his father when he reawoke and converted to the Si'akh faith - and was subsequently assassinated - his clan had a change of heart about Not'zar's value as a leader. While they did not precisely agree with the Sh'akh church, at least it was not openly heretical like like 'those wasteland Si'akh savages'. The fact that the Sh'akh church was on the decline now also helped with the change of opinion. As a result, his father, Sasslar, entered into service Zo’saa when Sithar was in his 20's. His father's ability as a warrior was only barely above mediocre, and he often struggled to maintain the conduct expected of a Karaphract, though he persevered for two years, determined to honor the rest of his clan with his appointment to such a prestigious order. Sithar attended the final trial of his father to be appointed as a full Kataphract, fully intending to enter Zo'saa service after his father succeeded in the trail of combat. He had even submitted the formal request and had been accepted into the next season's recruitment batch. Instead, he and the rest of his clan were shamed when it was discovered in the middle of the trial that Sasslar, afraid that he might fail this final test, had secretly poisoned his weapon in an attempt to gain an edge over his opponent. The disgraceful conduct resulted in his immediate expulsion from his status as a Hopeful, and it was only through his clan calling in every political favor that they had that Sasslar narrowly avoided being branded guwan. Nevertheless, their reputation and standing suffered greatly, and it would take years for their clan to recover. Disillusioned by his father's behavior, Sithar retracted his request to join as a Hopeful, and grew distant with his clan, attempting to find some form of acceptance with other unathi his age from other clans that were less dishonored. He met with little success in this venture, as the brand of shame was too recent of a scandal, and eventually he made arrangements to depart from Moghes, finding his way eventually to human space, where there were less of his people who knew about his clan's status, and ended up on the Horizon. What do you like about this character? I don't see many people that utilize much of Moghes contemporary culture on the station, and I wanted to do someone with that. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Very good.
  10. Reporting Personnel: Iskander Fields Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Surgeon Game ID: b8t-aBJz Personnel Involved: Eris Heydar'Fayez, Paramedic, and Ruby Lotami, Physician Secondary Witnesses: N/A Time of Incident: Real Time: 11:40ish pm 8/3/2020 Location of Incident: Medical bay Nature of Incident: [x] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [x] - Neglect of Duty [x] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [ ] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: Eris Heydar'Fayez Following an incident where a hostile xenofauna ran lose in the medical department, it was left in disarray, with blood and bullet casings left strewn around, and the corpse of the creature itself left abandoned on the floor. As part of departmental procedure in the lack of a present janitor, I begin the task of returning the medical facilities to a sanitary conditions. Eris Heydar'Fayez stood and chatted with another tajara member of the medical team while I did this, and when I suggested that perhaps they help with cleaning, they complained that that they had recently injured and were unable to help with cleaning. This began a dispute on workplace responsibilities where they generally acted like a spoiled child who used arbitrary reasons to justify their inability to clean up their own workplace ranging from recent minor trauma to 'me being mean to them'. This passive aggressive behavior continued throughout the shift, with Eris repeatedly referring to me obliquely as 'the doctor who does nothing'. Ruby Lotami Th physician in question brought a live rodent into the medical bay. Upon being asked to remove it from the medical bay, they insisted that the rat was tame and continued to carry it around in their pocket, showing it to people who came into the medical bay. This is a health code violation - tame or not, live animals do not belong in the medical bay. Submitted Evidence: Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Dalask Caladius, Head of Personnel Actions taken: No actions were taken, I was asked to file an IR due to Eris expressing a desire to file their own complaint, and because the Personnel Head was leaving. Additional Notes: Contacting me by the forums (or in game if I happen to be there) is the best way to reach me
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