I'm new to SS13 and to Aurora. I've spent a considerable amount playing HRP with you guys. I'm starting to remember names ingame and outgame.
But so far it hasn't been possible for me to talk with the people in the community outside the game about what is happening or how to grow into the community.
For sure I got the answer "Just spend more time here" which is not helping at this point.
I've created already a well ignored Character Feedback post.
I usually paste it at the end of the round like I learned it from WhatsUpBrotendo, which is also my department Chief Imran Zadeh ingame. I think this is a good practice and I like that someone cares about feedback or contact outside the round.
The Forum is mostly dead since in this board the last new Thread is almost 1 month old. But other parts of the forum doesn't seem more active.
Discord is also not that much visited, especially since I always get the answer that I can't expect to meet everyone there. Also the last time I tried to talk seriously about a topic everyone just threw in tangent topics and I couldn't follow my own topic anymore. Also I almost never find anyone from ingame on the Discord - for example when I give a shoutout after the round to see who I played with.
I'm not a big fan of OOC talk while the round since it's distracting and could contain spoilers. At the end of the round there is often not enough time to talk about anything. And there is never any time to talk about the round or general, deeper feedback.
I don't know how to catch you guys.
I like playing with you guys but I want to also see some work on the community. But it seems that there is not much care for a new player experience.
So far I think I never had any feedback about the RP aspect. I would like to learn and grow. But without any feedback that's not easy to do.
So what I am supposed to do?