BYOND Key: Missfox (Myself) and hatias (The other person this evolves around)
Staff BYOND Key: TG_Griffin (But this also as a whole for a clarification of rules)
Game ID: b8i-dnNu
Reason for complaint:
We were warned by TG_Griffin for borderline ERP. but what we have been doing is not ERP by the server rules.
ERP, also known as Erotic RolePlay, is not allowed on the server. While displays of romantic affection and romantic scenes are acceptable, scenes of a clearly sexual intent will be broken up. (Again, use common sense for this. Sexual tension up to a point is acceptable - sexual acts in themselves are not.)
This post is both a complaint about what I feel is an abuse of power by TG_Griffin not explaining themself when asked how they define the act of IC Hugging and kissing as ERP and then saying we have notes that show us being warned of this a few times but then warning me and closing the ticket without responding to the question I asked.
We have never gone any further than displaying affection. and when people IC seem off put by it, we either stop or move away.
TG_Griffin, said that we should keep it to disney levels of affection, I'd then like to point out that Disney itself has been known for very explicit scenes of romance that go beyond anything we have ever done.
When I said that his view of Hugging and kissing is what they think to be not clean, they warned me and then closed the ticket with no way other than this complain to resolve the issue. They were not willing to explain themselves nor listen to my side.
I think most people would say that "yumako gasps into the kiss. working her hand into yukari's hair behind her head and hugging her by her waist" is not ERP but just more clearly explaining the actions that were taking place. IC we were waiting for some plants to grow, so Yumako and Yukari decided to have a little bit of workplace kissing, again not in view of other people, like you would IRL in a work place.
Hugging itself is a very situational act, It can be emotional, Sexual, both or neither. I would understand if one of us started writing stuff like "She groped her breasts" that would be ERP, that would be explicit. but pulling someone by the waist to kiss them.. that is describing a moment about a very non explicit act. "ME" is treated as an explanation of a physical emote that is going on. Like a stage direction, if you were to read a story board for one of the disney movies with romance scenes would would find the same level of detail. You have to explain action for the other person to imagine it, thats the art of Roleplay.
The server has very adult views on Racism, Homophobia, drugs, alcohol and death. but Hugging and kissing is seen as too much.
I fully understand why you would not want Full ERP lewdness on the server as it more often than not gets in the way of good serious RP, and brings the wrong kind of crowd.
Ether the Rule needs to be more clearly defined, or TG_Griffen needs to be given a better understanding of the rule. If you see every act of hugging and kissing as borderline sex, then it's not the rule that is the issue. but the person.
To warn us both, without explaining why they deem that act as ERP nor listen to the other side, is power abuse, and a poor understanding of the rules.
See attached HTML log for that game session
Additional remarks:
I tried to word this in the best way i can, not for it to be a personal attack on anyone. So sorry if it reads anything like that, It is not my intention. I only want clafcation of the rules
log 2020-07-25 (12 43 am).htm