BYOND Key: Cakebatter
Player Byond Key: Suethecake
Reason for complaint: being overly aggressive as security
Approximate Date/Time: 4/14/2015 @ 6:10PM EST
I've been a lurker on these forums for a while now, never posting but always paying attention to what goes on here. I finally went ahead and created an account because I believe this needs to be addressed.
Here's what happened:
It was close to the end of the round and I was in escape with most of the crew, sitting around waiting for the evac shuttle to arrive. There was a cargo tug parked near where I was sitting, and I hopped on and was sitting on it out of curiosity. That's when Ana Roh'hi'tin came in and started ordering me to get off of the tug. Even Centurion said "I see no harm." But she was adamant, and did not hesitate to grab my character and pull her off of the tug by force. I walked to the other side of glass, where she proceeded to call me a "stupid fucfking bitch." In response I called her a furball, and that's when she told another officer to arrest me for "insulting an officer." Here are the logs for this: (Note: my character is Mikayla Newbern)
After that, I couldn't believe she was serious about having me arrested for insulting her so I ran to the other side of escape. Ana Roh'hi'tin personally started chasing after me, accompanied by 3 other officers. One of the officers took out a baton, ran at me, and I knocked it out of his hand. That's when Ana Roh'hi'tin picked it up. With 4 officers chasing after me I was cornered, and then beaten with the stunbaton by Ana. She beat me until my ribs were broken. Here are the logs for this, accompanied by fellow officers telling her to, y'know, stop BEATING ME TO DEATH.
Now, this to me is classic shitcurity--I don't know if this sort of thing usually flies here but on every server I've ever played on it's not OK for a sec officer to use a harmbaton on an unarmed person. I'm still not even sure 'insulting an officer' is an arrestable offense, and certainly not one to warrant breaking my goddamn character's ribs over. Especially when she was the one who started with the insults. Her character really needs to tone it down a few dozen notches.