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  1. Sucks for who, exactly? From what I've seen so far, a large number of players have come out of the woodwork to speak out about the same issue. I've never seen someone go at such lengths to dismiss an issue as you have. You've replied to nearly every single post. Now I really admire your dedication...I do. But here's the thing. You pretend to be unbiased and objective, but anyone with sense can see that's not so. I just wanted to point that out, because when so many members of a community clearly want to continue having a discussion, and staff keeps trying to silence them, it doesn't look good. Perhaps opening a separate thread to discuss the issue properly is in order? Instead of this game of going back and forth at one another that we have going on right now. There is clearly a problem, whether you want to deny it or not. There wouldn't be this many people complaining about it if there wasn't. Just my 2 cents.
  2. So Sue claims, but my story is a bit different. I'm not going to go into that however. It really doesn't matter. What you can't ignore is the fact that she broke my character's ribs over a conflict she herself started, as HoS. I don't care if the harmbaton was an accident or not because there is no way of proving that. She shouldn't have been using lethal force, period. She had ample ways to stun me, not to mention 3 officers wielding stun weapons to back her up. If anything I would think surviving an explosion would make her character show a softer side. You know, what with being thankful for not being blown to bits and all...but that's all subjective, and a pitiful excuse for what she did. Look, we can keep going back and forth like this but the bottom line is that security's job is to diffuse conflict and ensure the safety of the crew. If an officer is actively creating and then escalating conflict...well do you see the problem? What would you do to a janitor who slips floors and creates messes?
  3. Again you try to excuse Ana from her actions. Why? Security chose to chase me because Ana ordered them to. My character's decision to run from them was because she was afraid, not because she was a "acting like a shit". The HoS had just verbally abused her after treating her like shit, and then ordered her arrest for "insulting" her. If four officers start chasing you with weapons in hand after this occurred, of course you'd be shocked and the natural response would be to flee. As Cassie pointed out, the round was ending. I fail to see how the decision to harmbaton created an interesting situation for anyone other than Sue. After it happened I was dragged to the shuttle brig, still bleeding, and that was it. Furthermore while I agree that we shouldn't be evaluating how good people would be if they were real cops, this server still expects a certain degree of realism in the interactions that take place here. We all know this, and I don't see why a scientist who turns himself into a slime should have to face repercussions yet Ana always seems to slip away from the consequences of her aggressive behavior as sec.
  4. Even if you two have a history together, Chaz is right. This was my character's first interaction with yours, and honestly it was, as he put it, absolutely ridiculous. Your character created a situation where there didn't even have to be one, and then escalated it by hurling insults at my character. The way that it ended--your character beating my unarmed character with a stunbaton until her ribs cracked when there were 3 officers standing by to back you up--was completely inappropriate and unjustifiable. This is not how security is supposed to act, period. On any other server you would get a jobban from security for something like this. Like someone said earlier, the way a competent security officer would handle this situation (apart from not causing it in the first place) would be to use a flash. Oh, she was wearing sunglasses? Then use a taser, or a baton. Don't set your intent to harm and then beat them with it. The only legit justification you've provided is that your character was 'under stress' that round, which is a weak attempt at justification at best. Just look at how police brutality plays out in real life. From my experience the other night your character is not very difficult to piss off. You seem to think it's completely fine for your character to harass other players, baiting them into retaliating and then arresting them for it. This is a very "I am the law" way of looking at things, and is typical shitcurity behavior. That's my main gripe with how Ana conducted herself, which you still haven't really addressed besides telling us that Ana is not a nice person. Hardass she may be, but she is not above the law.
  5. I believe she was Head of Security, actually.
  6. BYOND Key: Cakebatter Player Byond Key: Suethecake Reason for complaint: being overly aggressive as security Approximate Date/Time: 4/14/2015 @ 6:10PM EST I've been a lurker on these forums for a while now, never posting but always paying attention to what goes on here. I finally went ahead and created an account because I believe this needs to be addressed. Here's what happened: It was close to the end of the round and I was in escape with most of the crew, sitting around waiting for the evac shuttle to arrive. There was a cargo tug parked near where I was sitting, and I hopped on and was sitting on it out of curiosity. That's when Ana Roh'hi'tin came in and started ordering me to get off of the tug. Even Centurion said "I see no harm." But she was adamant, and did not hesitate to grab my character and pull her off of the tug by force. I walked to the other side of glass, where she proceeded to call me a "stupid fucfking bitch." In response I called her a furball, and that's when she told another officer to arrest me for "insulting an officer." Here are the logs for this: (Note: my character is Mikayla Newbern) After that, I couldn't believe she was serious about having me arrested for insulting her so I ran to the other side of escape. Ana Roh'hi'tin personally started chasing after me, accompanied by 3 other officers. One of the officers took out a baton, ran at me, and I knocked it out of his hand. That's when Ana Roh'hi'tin picked it up. With 4 officers chasing after me I was cornered, and then beaten with the stunbaton by Ana. She beat me until my ribs were broken. Here are the logs for this, accompanied by fellow officers telling her to, y'know, stop BEATING ME TO DEATH. Now, this to me is classic shitcurity--I don't know if this sort of thing usually flies here but on every server I've ever played on it's not OK for a sec officer to use a harmbaton on an unarmed person. I'm still not even sure 'insulting an officer' is an arrestable offense, and certainly not one to warrant breaking my goddamn character's ribs over. Especially when she was the one who started with the insults. Her character really needs to tone it down a few dozen notches.
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