First of all. Pardon me for my really bad english, i do my best. Lest go to the matter.
Well, some contradiction here cause are just my laws the ones that force me to follow captain orders.
Only two or three persons where bolted and it was in brig area and brig acces and all of them were part of the sec team, again according to capatain orders. I informed him that some security guys were running out of brig with riot here while he was haunting and for his security he ordered me to bolt them there This doesnt happened as you say at all.
As i asked at the end of the round, tell me the name of just one person that died and it was my fault, you couldnt in that moment at also not now, cause that never happened. I invite the persons who died and was my fault to post here and explain how it happened.
And nothing happened there, and againg faulting to the truth, im pretty sure than in a high attendance hour of the server there were much more than one staffmember online...
Not wathever reason, they are my laws, sorry if you dont like it, sometimes i also dont like it but i need to play according to them.
The same again, it was captain orders and i was a good boy and when the air alarm got to yellow i stopped it just to dont hurt people, you saw someone with his oxygen mask? or someone suffocating? No. And also i mentioned on public radio that the captain gave me that orders minutes before doing it just to prevent the people, but you forget to mention that in your post and some other important things.
In resume, nobody dies. All the people that died was for the firefights cause lot of people got guns and all the sutff. I strictly followed my laws and not much more to say, well perhaps something. Playing AI is extremely difficult and stresfull and more in a round like that. This describes you very well to dont respect me and run here just to complain when you finished playing without thinking first just cuse you think you didnt win or things doesnt happened as you wanted. And to the end one bet, you was playing as Vira? or the HoP? let me know....