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Everything posted by Sarko

  1. Hi all. Sorry for take my time to respond but i was disconnected like two days cause i was busy in real life. At first i want to apologize for my bad english, probably most of you have suffered it in game and now also here but trust me i have always a dictionary opened and try my best writing. I already know almost all the people do their best to understand me so thanks. Well, i will refer only to the event that bring us here. I asked a bit around but was imposible for me to discover who you was ( Pacmandevil) in that round our at least your job. I can remembr that round very well cause was the last i played. Could you please give me more information of who you was and explain in much more detail the events. For example where you was,where i was, what from your point of view happened,etc?¿? When i know more exactly that information i will respond giving my point of view. And from here want to tell pardon to allpersons that in any moments felt unhappy with my actions, was never my intention to make you sad but remember. That is your point of view, perhaps is you the one who is making my game and the plays of much more people unhappy. Thanks.
  2. So, you admit this is how you always act as an AI, and that this is how you intend to continue acting as an AI? Im always learning on this game and usually adding interesting things to my gameplay, obiusly if i recive constant imput about something im doing is not well recived for the rest of the players is clear that im not doing something well and i need to change that point. The more interesting thing for me said here is that if an AI take down all the antags too early the round goes to a extended and that is clearly not what people voted and wanted. I will try to dont make things as difficult as i was doing but remember, i also want to be rolplayed, try to do something about the AI. In any case i will try to avoid AI for some time, is not funny for me to get always a complain and not funny for the people that need to complain. But in this case and thinking it, i was wrong, i was acting too fast just bolting you there and calling security, perhaps i should asked you what are you doing and let you trick me with the answer, not just bolting and cutting the gameplay... Thanks too make me see it
  3. Or you could try notifying Security of the minor crimes being committed first, which were Vandalism and Trespassing, and see what they order you to do. Note that I said minor crimes. You wouldn't waste time notifying anyone if the suspect was priming a bomb, or something similar. He was just trespassing and breaking a light. In my opinion, what you did was powergamey. As for the actions of the Medbay people, why are you so prone to taking one of the few antags out of the game? Not only are your characters not giving fucks about their immediate well-being, which is also powergamey, but you are turning the round into extended. This is why my sighing intensifies every time Security chases after antags like they are taking in personal when they know there is only one or two antags in the round. Try give them the chance to make the round interesting by giving them some leeway. SS13 Antags don't have the time neither the plot conveniences movie antags do. And a movie would be pretty boring if the bad guy got locked up/killed halfway through the story. I'm pretty sure most of you see the game as a story as well, right? Wouldn't you like to make it an interesting one? This comentary was interesting and constructive . As and AI i want the antags to try to trick me, distract me, disable me. Is really sad their best chance is just the AI looking to another place intentionally...
  4. I was the AI again, you was tresspasing into RD and after that in medbay restricted ares, also breaking station property so as i always do, a security call to your location and bolting you down to prevent scape like any other criminal. Its difficult to be an antag while an AI is active, but dont blame the player, blame the game.
  5. Captain was Zoom or something like that. Im completly sure the the mutiner lead was CE Lori. HoS was Vira, also a mutineer. Interim HOS was Carlson Woods( yeah there was and interm fight on security team ) I cant remember much more. In any case. Sometimes i make errors like all and i dont have problem to admit it and accept a punishment if needed but this not the case. The only point that make me think is the shypon on scape but as i see it. Shypon and area from normal pressure to just 95 is not the same thing that killing people sofocating them, it was just to scary the people and try to make them to not board the shuttle but as i said nobody was injured,. Wathever, if you think i ruin your gameplay i will say pardon to you it was never my objective.
  6. First of all. Pardon me for my really bad english, i do my best. Lest go to the matter. Well, some contradiction here cause are just my laws the ones that force me to follow captain orders. Only two or three persons where bolted and it was in brig area and brig acces and all of them were part of the sec team, again according to capatain orders. I informed him that some security guys were running out of brig with riot here while he was haunting and for his security he ordered me to bolt them there This doesnt happened as you say at all. As i asked at the end of the round, tell me the name of just one person that died and it was my fault, you couldnt in that moment at also not now, cause that never happened. I invite the persons who died and was my fault to post here and explain how it happened. And nothing happened there, and againg faulting to the truth, im pretty sure than in a high attendance hour of the server there were much more than one staffmember online... Not wathever reason, they are my laws, sorry if you dont like it, sometimes i also dont like it but i need to play according to them. The same again, it was captain orders and i was a good boy and when the air alarm got to yellow i stopped it just to dont hurt people, you saw someone with his oxygen mask? or someone suffocating? No. And also i mentioned on public radio that the captain gave me that orders minutes before doing it just to prevent the people, but you forget to mention that in your post and some other important things. In resume, nobody dies. All the people that died was for the firefights cause lot of people got guns and all the sutff. I strictly followed my laws and not much more to say, well perhaps something. Playing AI is extremely difficult and stresfull and more in a round like that. This describes you very well to dont respect me and run here just to complain when you finished playing without thinking first just cuse you think you didnt win or things doesnt happened as you wanted. And to the end one bet, you was playing as Vira? or the HoP? let me know....
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