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Station Engineer

Station Engineer (8/37)

  1. Yeah, it'd also be useful for telescience in theory.
  2. Reporting Personnel: OBJECT, Self-owned IPC Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Miner Game ID: cod-bOHx Personnel Involved: Offender - Mikhaea Marston, Scientist Witness/potential offender - Aquila, Engineer Secondary Witnesses: None Real Time: 2465-6-8 - 12pm GMT Location of Incident: Warehouse and Science lab Nature of Incident: [x] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [x] - Destruction of Property [x] - Neglect of Duty [x] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [x] - Misconduct [x] - Other, Threats of violence Overview of the Incident: (General description of the incident, to include as much detail as is deemed necessary) At shift start, scientist asked for access too warehouse, was denied, asked for "wierd stuff" delivered materials, Several KA parts and a few circuitboards, Crates were closed up after checking and monitoring contents. He once against asked if he could access the warehouse, Refusal, engineer offered to help, Refusal, departed to mine. Return from mining, Items missing from crates and back table, missing items included, NT briefcase, Voidhelmet - Military armor plating - Contraband, Vague cash marked bag. Checking ducts i find both the briefcase and bag, Took photo for evidence, included below, informed the only two crewman i would be reporting to CCIAA due to lack of security personel, things escilated as i recieved a message from the engineer informing me that the scientist was planning something to happen too me or rather, informing that he might harm me, Evidence below. The engineer then went below deck, and the Scientist began trying to get me to come too science where my access would be restricted, when that failed, he tried to appeal too my emotions. Returning too the asteroid to avoid escilation, he tried to stop me one last time, before going to cryo. Submitted Evidence: Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [x] - Yes if required [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: None present Actions taken: No authorities to report too. Additional Notes: I would consent to having my data scanned if needed provided a Posibrain specialist is accessable.
  3. I may be wrong, we'd need other miners feed back, but once again, it'd only allow a single person to do so, and they'd be doing it on the exterior, most likely while moving, generally we don't let people ride the exterior without being buckled due to safety, it also does not address the long periods of just nothing for two of the three miners, plus any guests (rookie xenoarchs for example often ask to join spark) I get you don't want to minimize interaction with the rest of the crew, but honestly thats why we want the ability to handle this stuff in transit, assuming that a little more self sufficancy would lead to less interaction is not putting enough faith in the miners who are like every other player, here to roleplay, its why we try to min-max to get back to interact.
  4. Only real problem with your design there is that there is only one refinery, which would force all the miners point/ore reports into a single pool, plus, Items on the exterior of the shuttle generally need to be inside a crate or they risk yeeting themselves into the void, and while they don't need to be "self sufficient" they do need stuff to do, given your avarage mining (mining specialist mains aside, we're not your avarage miners, we've min max'd out strats) will take upwards of an hour twenty, alot of which is spent buckled into a small space.
  5. Yeah thats why with the little blueprint i outlined i tried to not expand too much left or right, and remained in the hanger area, its not as spacious as your version, but it'd require less fucking with the horizon
  6. Fluffy Ghost asked me to expand on the blueprint some, this is what i figure for the more complicated parts (refinery, engine fueling area and power) One again, dark blue are walls/windows of the shuttle hull As are lightblue outlines are horizon hull/windows Red filled with solid grey is airlocks for docking Red outline with pale yellow is storage Green filled with yellow is piloting Black filled with brown, is fueling, power ect Black filled purple, is thrusters Orange filled with grey is both airtightflaps and mining crates on one tile, allowing mining to unload while cycling in by pushing crates into position from exterior White filled with grey is unloaders Black filled with grey is conveyors, the first one on the left is left too right, three of them, keeping mining resources seperated for the sake of mining points, the one of the right, is a single conveyor, moving up at this point merging the output of all three lines as points are handled before this point. Yellow filled with grey is smelters, three of them for the sake of seperating mining points Black filled with yellow is a sheetstacker that collects the outputs of all three smelters Black filled with green is mining points terminals, in line with they're smelters Yellow lines without fill are a hallway bypass, it comes out next too the teleporter door in line with the corridor Note one of the airlocks is larger for cycling in misc loot/salvage, and there is one smaller airlock for quicker in and out type cycling. There is alot of room unused right now upfront for stuff like a stabalisation bay/lounge or some such, but i don't know what would be required for that sorta stuff but i don't know what'd be required for any additions there so i can't exactly work out they're maping, since i main mining only.
  7. You mean on the horizon? or on the interior of the shuttle? on the horizon, it would be via going up stairs and across to cargo, since the only people who should be using that hanger as a through line is miners anyway, interior? thats up too the specific mapper that picks it up
  8. The general mining area would be moved into the shuttle (ideally), and if we move refinery and lockers into the shuttle, that leaves a large amount of space, there is also two large empty spaces in maint behind where the refinery currently is.
  9. Right, so we all know theres alot of... filler work in mining that even when mining returns, keeps them from interacting with the crew, and the amount of time out flying, and when out flying, other the pilot, the remaining miners/guests just... sit around, for the 20 odd minutes of airtime, so thus, i recommend this, a mining overhaul, Rather then spark, im tentatively calling this the Owl, in line with the canarys name, a much larger shuttle combining the foundery with the shuttle, so that the non piloting miners can process the resources on the way back and thus, have materials on hand, making them a more tempting target for ghost role ships (lets be real, they have no use for raw ore) it also gives us alot more space to work with to improve atmospherics (the current piping is super cramped). this would allow the mapper who works on the shuttle to add features they think would be cool, small lounge? locker room? stabalization room for dying miners? Thus, this is a tentative veiw at what i figured would be a nice idea, light blue being new horizon hull, the dark blue, shuttle hull, red being airlocks, orange refinery (preferably that automatically unloads processed ore on docking into the warehouse) dark red being airtight flaps, allowing the mining crates to beloaded on the exterior, and unload the ore from the exterior into the interior while cycling. I would also suggest duel pilot seats that can access all the control console, similiar too and keeping in line with the new canary. Last time i did a thread like this i didnt understand much about atmospherics or wiring so i was alot more... busy and involved with my suggestions, this time im leaving alot to whatever the mappers want to try.
  10. Oh my only complaint was i didnt feel a warning was justified given we had no intention of taking that way out, until it was literally our only option, atleast without clarification in the notes that it was our last option (i presumed it went in the notes since it was a warning bwionk) the topic came about because you asked me to bring it too a staff complaint to continue contesting it. If you feel this is settled, feel free to close.
  11. I think we should all chill out and let someone outside the situation take a look.
  12. BYOND Key: DahBunny Staff BYOND Key: Peppermint96 Game ID: cnY-ckWu Reason for complaint: Requested by peppermint due to contested veiwpoints Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: Simply unsure what else logically we were meant to do, we were completely unarmed, we were surrounded by and out numbered by security, they were breaking into our shuttle despite us complying, We had two options, turn it hostile, which would lead too a very short engagement and then nothing for the rest of the round, or flee, which would be alot more logical, so we chose to flee, i thought we were meant to act like actual people when in situations not unhinged folks. Quick edit, its not like were hiding near or planning the use of our shuttle, we were marched too it by security.
  13. From what i understand from the wiki is its a mix of both learned "memories" and programmed "knowledge" admittedly this part confused me but i think i have a handle on it. IPC's can learn have the know how on preforming a task, as an example, seekers inbuilt ability to pilot a shuttle, but can improve upon that overtime due to experience (memories) but can also learn skills like seekers ability to communicate and relay between the main vessel and awayteams in a functional, consistant and understanding way. another example being, knowing you must relay specific information in a certain situation, but an IPC taking the inititive to relay additional information it thinks might be condusive to the situation would be the "memories" part of that situation as they now understand the context behind the knowledge packets they were provided. A mining IPC may know that it must drill a rock wall, but an older IPC will have developed the best way to do so? Apprently you can also buy datapacks, to increase an IPC's built in skills, but the facility to install such are rare and expensives (i do not believe the horizon would have such facilites) with the more broad packs of data, such as ship layouts, technical specs ect, being more expensive then a simple engineering pack that would allow them to do the same work, but would require more "memories" to fill in the gaps of learning how to use the skills gained.
  14. "How old is Seeker? Where was Seeker constructed? Where did they participate in expeditions? These things will have a big impact on how the character behaves." While the wiki doesnt say exactly how many Zeng pharma MM ipc's were produced in the early years i'd like to say around 2432 roughly three years after the model rollout 2429, in the Mendell city branch is where seeker was constructed, making him 33, the first decade of which was rare spent outside of the landers cockpit. Expeditions were scattered and varied, normally to unexplored but known lifebearing worlds to catalogue and retreve DNA and Samples from local fauna for continued medical and genetic research by zeng-hu staff, these were generally not considered high risk operations, but having a MM on standby to coordinate between larger expedition ships and awayteams was considered the most reliable option just incase retrieval was required. This has led to a situation where seeker in his persuit of both perfection and completing objectives given, will often recommend over preparing but never missing departure times, as data is only as good as the variables allow. "Why would Seeker seem offended? In some cultures, an IPC can show offense, while in others, speaking out against a human would be a death sentence." Inside the keiretsu, atleast, what seeker has experienced of it, perfection is the one and true goal of zeng-hu, if not existance in general, the idea that people, perticularly organics as fragile as they are naturally, would not seek to improve upon themselves physically, and that his concern for they're improvement would be rebuked, is what seeker would seem offended by, i say seem, as its mostly a learned behavior from previous experience in the keiretsu where suggestion that seeking perfection was not someones goal was in and of itself, offensive, and generally only seen by less intergrated members of the company, Zeng hu is egalitarian towards its IPC's provided they preform they're assigned duties efficantly and this has lead to seeker being sheltered in terms of the wider populace outside of the keiretsu. the idea that seeming offended could affect his life expectancy in other enviroments likely was not even taken into consideration. "Could you expand on this section? In particular, please expand on their treatment in the Spur, as well as what might constitute as logical behavior? Additionally, could you talk about Self Preservation? Please talk about how the positronic brain works as well." IPC treat varies greatly from what i know, from zavodskios tendancy to wipe IPC's frequently to stop them developing personalities and attachments to zeng-hu's more egalitarian showboating where as long as an IPC is preforming at peak, they're allowed to voice opinions and develope friendships, that said on a wider stage IPCs are often just seen as tools, with questionable sentience that alot of culture just consider meer mimicry, leading to IPC's that achive some form of freedom (not nessisarily self ownership) to band together in vast ghetto's not condusive to organic life, which in and of itself is likely a form of self presevation. when it comes to self preseravation is varies between model and indiviual IPC's for example seekers early tendancy to stay inside the lander where everything he needs is withing easy reach, or that zeng hu's presure to preform efficantly to gain more self determination and thus more ability to preserve oneself, developing into seekers own deep rooted need to seek perfection. while every IPC's main goal to survive is universal, how they achive that could take nearly any form, best example in my opinion is zavodskois Shell ipc's that look human, where out of self presevation some IPC's choose to flee and hide pretending to be organic to preserve the "self" in terms of personality, where as oftens stay with zavodskoi not attempting to flee because they veiw self preservation as making sure no damage comes to they're posibrain physically, making fleeing a risk they do not wish to take. I would be interested in the wider context to know if these repeated wipes would lead to they're veiws on self preservation change or if that is somehow ingrained on the posibrain on a deeper level.
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