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- Birthday 30/11/1994
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Byond CKey
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But the important thing to note is that monkeys can totally crawl through vents and it's not a stretch to see a ling change into a monkey and assume "Oh, it can slip through vents rather easily.", no?
Unless this is some new thing that I'm missing, monkeys have always been able to crawl through vents.
Y'weren't in limbo. You were in the part of processing where we ask you questions and try to get explanations. As soon as I put the implant in you I was ready to move you to the brig. Also yes, knowing that you can change into a sufficiently small creature to move through the vents DOES mean we can assume you'll do so, especially when you've already proven you're intelligent enough to shift in reaction to confinement.
Hi, I'm CDB. I'll give a brief bit of my side of the story and point out that you left out some details in there. First, after the initial incident where in security were alerted, you escaped. You escaped with an officers ID, fled security and proceeded to sabotage a SMES, not unexpected for an antag but it did mark you out as especially problematic. Two, as for the repeated stunning that was largely due to you repeatedly using transform/monkey, et cetera to escape your binds, I'm not sure if you realize but tracking implants actually pop out when you turn into a monkey as you may have seen, yours was let on the floor. I figured most ling players knew this and counted on you two being left in the brig, alone and able to escape with your implants left behind. Instead you outed yourself as a hostile first contact. You were indeed taken to xenobio, both of the captured lings were though the other was dead on arrival. The only thing we knew about the lings was that they could transform, none of us had any idea to what extent that held. If one could transform into a monkey, or easily slip their cuffs. Why would the rest not be able to? I think that ultimately, you had an opportunity presented to you to remain incognito as your friend did for the longest time. Until you transformed security had no inkling that you were anything /but/ criminals and maybe terrorists(Who were just a little bit insane). That said, I do apologize for shutting down the standoff out of xenobio, the round had been wearing on and I was more than a bit tired and wanting to leave, but that's not really an adequate excuse for shutting down roleplay and taking actions which, in retrospect were dumb and dangerous, even given that I had the dermal implant on.
Then we should start on a higher alert. That's silly, being at code blue at all times would be disruptive to work. Cops, private security, mall cops all have to deal with the reality that "any" time you may be facing a potential threat, on average it wont happen but a stab-vest is the least amount of effort you can put into insuring yourself against such a thing. You don't elevate the security level as a pre-emptive "Maybe something will happen, I dunno" with no real reason beyond that speculation.
Reporting Personnel:Jane-Luc Price. Rank of Reporting Personnel:Head of Security. Personnel Involved:Victor Kaipov. Time of Incident: Location of Incident:N.S.S Aurora, escape wing. Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment [x]Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: Shortly following a bout of arguing over a detail of corporate regulations swiftly followed by a general sense of disrespect(implications that I was incompetent and the like), Officer Kaipov was given direct orders to 'not' speak unless spoken to, the order given as the most direct means of putting an end to his back talk, at which point he swiftly decided to state that he did not understand the order and then speaking over comms to the AI, requesting that it would message him(His idea of 'working around' the order) at which point he was charged with failure to execute an order. He refused to cooperate, quickly donning a gas mask and pulling out a large spray-bottle full of pepperspray, spraying me down with it and trying to cuff me before being disabled and cuffed himself, he was subsequently delivered to Odin PD. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: No. Additional notes: None.
Reporting Personnel:Jane-Luc Price. Rank of Reporting Personnel:Head of Security. Personnel Involved:Victor Kaipov. Time of Incident: Location of Incident:N.S.S Aurora, escape wing. Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment [x]Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: Shortly following a bout of arguing over a detail of corporate regulations swiftly followed by a general sense of disrespect(implications that I was incompetent and the like), Officer Kaipov was given direct orders to 'not' speak unless spoken to, the order given as the most direct means of putting an end to his back talk, at which point he swiftly decided to state that he did not understand the order and then speaking over comms to the AI, requesting that it would message him(His idea of 'working around' the order) at which point he was charged with failure to execute an order. He refused to cooperate, quickly donning a gas mask and pulling out a large spray-bottle full of pepperspray, spraying me down with it and trying to cuff me before being disabled and cuffed himself, he was subsequently delivered to Odin PD. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: No. Additional notes: None.
That's ridiculous to an extreme. If he is so arrogant to say outright "I will evade any IC action" then you should react accordingly. bugger the IC action and skip to ooc action, the degree of poor behavior from Mirkolio in just the instances mention is pretty excessive, not to mention my own experience with him consistently being a bit of a valid-seeker and racist to a degree that even I(Who REALLY WISH more people would not ignore the settings inherent racism and xenophobia) think is excessive and would lead to demotion/removal/etc.
It's not even necessarily a question of if the racism is allowed, it's whether or not IC behavior on the part of central, duty officers, etc(generally admin controlled things) falls in line with the lore itself. Which generally...isn't the case, at least from what I've seen.
Reporting Personnel:Jane-Luc Price. Rank of Reporting Personnel:Head of Security. Personnel Involved:Adam Hunter-Warden. Time of Incident: Location of Incident:Security Wing. Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: Though not strictly a 'singular' incident I'm writing this report regarding Cadet Phobos's overall behavior during the shift in question. While much of security were busy dealing with a particularly important murder investigation, cadet Phobos was making a nuisance of himself in the brig. Donned in a firesuit and gas mask, proclaiming himself as a "hero" and generally behaving in a way not in line with the standards for an employee of Nanotrasen, let alone a security cadet. Instances of this I witnessed were him skulking around the brig in the aforementioned outfit while carrying a potted plant and evidently "hiding" behind it. The behavior itself was brought to my attention by Adam Hunter, the brigs Warden at the time who requested he be demoted, a request that was eventually carried out after things had quieted down. non-the-less I feel as though Cadet Phobos's behavior was utterly unbecoming given the hectic state of the station during the shift in question. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: No. Additional notes:
That all said, learning to make new custom items aint the hardest thing. Though it can be especially time consuming if you're doing tooons of 'em, plus sprites.
I 'may' or 'may not' have gotten completely addicted to GTA recently, hence my disappearance for the past week or two
Is this even still active? Haven't heard anything from staff and it's been weeks.
I suppose I can see that, I will say in my defense that it seems like few officers(and even a few HoS's) don't seem to really...care, about upholding the little regs, things like "Get a warrant for arrests, don't just let crew have weapons without permits" etc and it feels like at least 'one' person should be pushing for these things to be adhered to.
don't suppose I could get you to be a tad more specific than "Jane is abuse"? any particular situation that strikes out against you? It's hard to address or work towards mending bad behavior when only given a very vague definition of what you've done wrong.