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About Filthyfrankster

  • Birthday 07/04/1991

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    Ramen, breakfast foods, dark-haired men and women
  • Occupation
    Information technology expert. Part time anime hunter and crab dealer.

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  1. BYOND Key: Filthyfrankster Total Ban Length: Permanent (Community Ban) Banning staff member's Key: WickedCybs Reason of Ban: Reason for Appeal: IT SHOULD BE STATED NOW THAT THE LOGS WERE GIVEN TO ME BY A GOOD FRIEND ON THE DISCORD, VENTY. I DID NOT BYPASS MY BAN WITH AN ALT. Levi Kersaavi, who has a history of being rather hostile and overall rude to most people in the relay recently had a stint with my character, Nikita. In which original joke was how the Dominan empire tends to make people vanish via black bagging. This escalated into Levi calling Nikita a washed out actor. Nikita, who remains ever prideful about his work in his backstory having a 'hostile nobody' throw him such a level of disrespect. Cut to a day later. Nikita had seen enough of Levi's conversations in the past as well, but didn't really comment. This mostly ran with Levi who continued to claim to be a proud dominan that constantly befriended synthetics. hung out with them and aut'akh. He had material to work with to strike back with. This led to him speaking to a dominan consular during one shift, who gave plenty of information. The consular reviewed the goods and said they would be looking into the matter regarding Levi. Following a long argument, matters got heated between Levi and Nikita personally. OOC'ly and IC'ly, I was unaware of Levi (the character) being trans. It's a topic that I very much want to avoid OOC'ly and IC'ly due to the sensitivity of the nature. However, Nikita had to comment on it with simply "I have no idea what any of that is, don't use it as some kind of defense." in order to simply drop the issue here and there before it escalated further and we would end up in this kind of position (Although it seems we already have). The only reason why Nikita called Levi a degenerate in the first place was due to his impression that they were some kind of dominan robot sympathizer. And in the defense of Nikita's character. He's an old school PRA citizen and veteran. In the lore, the PRA is very well against certain tropes and ways of life. His focus however was Levi's attitude, background of being a robot sympathizer and having the gall to disrespect him personally. NONE OF THIS was directed at Levi's player. I don't even know who the player of the character is personally. None of this was an attack on the player. This was an IC confrontation started on the burning cesspool that is the relay channel that escalated quickly. There is a difference between IC and OOC. I did nothing to go out of the way to target Levi IC'ly or OOC'ly for being trans if that is the primary issue. Nothing was ever described to me in detail following this community ban. I don't want the community to think of me of someone who is transphobic.
  2. Got it, thank you for the briefing! As for your questions... 1. Self preservation is the most important directive. The straight out of the box and just activated fresh IPC's would probably be more hesitant on approaching any signs of danger or hostile situations (Unlesss it was part of their job/programming for such). Those IPC's that have seen their fair share of shit and learned might be more easier on stepping into danger. Such as an IPC who has been through the scrapyard, had its fair share of beatings, insults and ordeals where it came to harm might take the time to help a stranger out of a bad situation. For example, going through some hazards in order to rescue someone who is in mighty distress. An older synth is more than likely to choose to suffer some scrapes and dents to its shell for the end-ulterior gain as that would ensure longer term survival (i.e. better at directive zero). A fresh out of the box and recently activated would focus on the short term goals and grind, putting the short term goals first. 2. Things such as datapacks and general knowledge how to. Like uploading an IPC with a datachip on standard cargo loading, safety measures of loading ship wide weaponry, the basic things something like a hanger tech might know will generally be cost effective. Due to it being a general field with plenty of wide information. However, the more specific induvial skills that require specialists for the task are pretty expensive for just one person. While the more broader knowledge sub-type is generally open market and able to be bought from a wide number of parties. Then lastly there's memories, one of the most riskiest operations one can perform on a positronic. Which if gone terribly wrong and not installed by a number of specialists, will generally screw up the poor positronic. But that's just the fanciest stuff, much like with every other species. There's also the hands on experience. Stick a shell in a job and hope for the best, it'll pick up the skills required eventually. 3. Ajax after earning its freedom and being declared self-owned has to open a gym/dojo of his own. Something to teach other positronic how to throw hands for the sake of defense. It's a cruel world out there, a positronic with some hands on fighting training might help it ensure its survival for the long term goal. Since it was given a few knowledge packs of standard fist fighting (Nothing crazy) and cargo hauling. Those skills would be applicable for something simple like a hanger tech, which upon realizing the poor machine needed credits in order to start his own business, he had to start somewhere (Being a self owned IPC) by going back to his old roots (Moving cargo, loading and unloading goods). Besides Ajax has been moving cargo and throwing hands with other shells since the day it was turned on. Use the knowledge it has to save up for one day opening a business and have a life of its own, just like Arthur (His owner/dad) wanted.
  3. BYOND Ckey: Filthyfrankster Discord username: Onelivebear Character names: Nikita Mrarrhazkii, Kutkutaei Azuazau, Ers'ziho Lockjaw, Kruglova Zahawi Species you are applying to play: IPC ------------------------------ General Whitelist Requirements What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: Green (Whatever the standard G2 color be) Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Aye. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this species?: I find it interesting that IPC units can range from a large number of backgrounds and terms of their creation and ownership. One could focus on their IPC being a corporate owned wage slave on one end while on the other one could be an independent self owned free thinker. You can play a preprogrammed Idris collection agent with hardly any personality but flavor that for them to get a slight change of emotion in the future. But there's also factions capable of supporting a freely self owned IPC. Being self owned would allow for a much more broader level of character development and being able to recall on their past histories and experiences. Almost making them appear to be human or have the emotions and empathy of one. But at the end of the day they're still a machine, tis the cruel reality of it all. What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: Almost similar to humanity and it's wide range of cultures, backgrounds and experiences. IPCs can have some sort of similar experience. As humanity has those that are so brainwashed by the government. The machines in exchange have their preset programming, quirks and habits following their programming. However this tends the backfire as machines who follow their programming to the point tend to end up as what they are emotionless machines and they'll likely stay an emotionless machine. Though there does tend to be the few that breaks out of the mold either through managing to achieve freedom or having the luck to be cleared of their ownership and wiped of their pre-programmed personality. Unlike humans however the machines have different models. This can range from shells who pretty much appear lifelike out in public who share the same personality and corporate branding to the ordinary yet efficient units who appear as what they are; robots. Simple hard-working Joe's that have a task and follow it. While they also suffer the same fate as the shells regarding a boring personality, they both have the possibility of earning their own individualism and in the future their freedom. While humanity suffers by diseases and infections of the biological nature, machines have their own problems with the recent Konyang incident and people still hunting for those machines that remain unregistered and a ghost in the system. ------------------------------ Character Application Character Name: Ajax Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon: District 14, practically the pinnacle of the industrial work that's done in the city of Mendell had its fair share of joint partnerships at big business tycoons. Inside a sprawling logistics warehouse tucked between decaying apartment blocks and a noisy rail station. Designated under the name Ajax, the IPC was one of dozen of units that worked within the warehouse. Each unit belong to a certain member of the business partner conglomerate. Ajax however belonged to one Arthur Gilmore, a middle-aged entrepreneur who one of the chairs of the logistics company. To Arthur, Ajax just wasn't a machine; it was part of the family. Arthur often joked with Ajax, even if the unit was incapable of understanding the jokes at first. Arthur constantly told Ajax that he was one of the hardest working sons he'd ever had over the five years they were together. With some clever programming done by a machinist on Ajax, he was able to gain something of a personality from his time spent in service. “You’re more reliable than half the people I’ve hired,” Arthur would say, patting Ajax’s metal shoulder. “One day, maybe I’ll figure out how to give you a real break, huh? A life of your own.” Ajax didn’t fully grasp the concept of "family," but in his positronic core, he recognized Arthur’s care. It was a bond that transcended his programming, a connection that made him feel… something. Less of a machine and more of an individual, one with respect towards his owner. During the night when the warehouse closed down was when things certainly changed in the atmospheric dynamics. Since the warehouse was operated by multiple business partners and their IPCs for the manual labor part. it was a habit that developed over the last two years that every so often a few of the business owners would get together to let their positronic employees duke it out in the nicknamed scrap pit. Of course Arthur supported Ajax and even volunteered him to participate in the scrap pit fighting. Despite the cost of repairs for a generation 2, Arthur felt it was nice to let his most loyal positronic get some work stress out of their programming. Although it didn't quite help with Ajax developing some extra quirks to his personality. He had already worked as a stevedore and being one of the few top bots in the pit gave him something of an ego. Something really worthy to brag about. This trend continued on for two years. Ajax suffered some more permanent dents and scratches to its frame while Arthur did his best to spoil his quote on quote most loyal son. Things were good for those two years. Until that dastardly raid happened. One wasn't too sure what could have caused it or what let off the cops. Either it had to be due to taxes not filed correctly or a prolonged investigation into the use of positronics fighting one another. But the cops came a knocking and the panic ensured. Initially this led to Arthur and Ajax evading through one of the back doors. Arthur knew if one was to look up the owner for Ajax it would come back to him. Following up on the past promise of giving the generation two it's break. Arthur had separated his ownership on the spot while they were in hiding from Ajax and sent the industrial unit on its way. Ajax retained his memories but was an industrial unit and now lost and ownerless. With only a handful of credits give it to him by Arthur before the previous owner booked it in order to avoid getting arrested by the police, the industrial unit had to learn how to live by himself. Lost in a big city, a handful of credits and enough knowledge to challenge even the most proficient boxer. What was an industrial like this supposed to do? Well continue on the fighting spree seem like the best option or with his freedom, go get a real job and avoid becoming a scrap heap. But why not both? That was for time to tell. Ajax had gained his views of ownership. Yet every time he pondered upon it, it reached back to him like a conflicted feeling. He was treated like a son during his time being owned while others in the warehouse suffered scrutiny and mistreatment by their owners. Yet upon earning his freedom he seemed lost. It'd be something he had to keep investigating, but he's not a big wuss and it's a very sensitive topic. How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character: The second invasion of Biesel had certainly sent most of the police forces in the aftermath on high alert. Who knew being attacked by galactic terrorist organization known as the solarians would cause some reforms in the laws and restructure law enforcement itself. This combined with the synthetic liberation front would give any good law enforcement agency or synthetic observing entity just cause in order to investigate any gathering of synthetics that are up to no good. Hard to bribe cops when they're both on high alert for crime and suspicious positronics. How does your character view the megacorporation they work for?: Orion express? In all honesty. It's just another job, another way of getting credits for honest work while cursing your boss's name under your breath. It's not fun labor but one has to get the credits necessary in order to pay for their repairs and the occasional tune-up. Orion Express just appeared to be one of the less asshole controlled corps out there. It was hardly any tears to shed as well if one was to get fired with such an entry-level company.
  4. BYOND Key: Filthyfrankster Total Ban Length: Permanent jobban on machinist Banning staff member's Key: WickedCybs Reason of Ban: Destroyed an IPC rather than use their tools to remove its positronic safely. Had no real concerns about how it looked. Reason for Appeal: This one was completely on me, I took the wrong approach which at the time I only considered myself to be in the right during that event. I tried to justify it and fought back saying that's how my character operated with how tense everything was. I'm sorry about snapping at Cybs during that and what escalated after. I realized that I was the one at fault, and I'm sorry. I genuinely do like machinist and it gives me a good opportunity to provide some roleplay on a different level and I would very much like to play it again.
  5. BYOND Key: Filthyfrankster Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Unable to remember/Issued by the bot Reason of Ban: Cringe activity on my part involving measure head from Disco Elysium, making jokes and other cringey remarks. None of it was in good taste. Reason for appeal: Lesson learned over my absence. No one finds that kind of stuff funny. Neither on discord, in person or in the server. Pretty much not at all. It was completely immature of me to play that stuff out and then have the audacity to defend myself over it when it was brought up instead of simply apologizing.
  6. No problem. Thank you for your consideration. Do let me know if I need to say more.
  7. BYOND Key: Filthyfrankster Total Ban Length: Permanent (Told to try again in Nov/Dec) Banning staff member's Key: WickedCybs Reason of Ban: Reason for Appeal: After pondering it for a few months and having basically disconnected myself from the Aurora community. The only person to blame for the source of this (The issue regarding the robotocist character of mine) is myself. Instead of owning up to my mistakes, I instead let my grudge from past staff interactions completely dominate me which involved being aggressive during any and all staff interactions that I had. To which involved me pointing the finger at Mel, Cybs and other members of staff for being the source instead of simply owning up to my mistake and taking the original 3-day ban on the chin. This isn't an excuse for the staff complaints as well, those were completely at fault on my end and it was nothing more than mere fingerpointing instead of just owning up to my faults. To Mel, Cybs and pretty much all other members of the staff team that I got snippy/aggressive with. I'm sorry. I let past grudges manifest into something terrible and all I had to do was simply let it go. To which all I'm hoping for now is a second chance.
  8. I can agree with me having to let go about the baggage and past issues 100%, to which I'm going to do that. However as Garn said, it all seems a touch 'feelcrafty'. Roughly put, I'm not fond of the wording when it came with 'Apply again at x and we'll see'.
  9. This alone gives off the feel of fear in regards to players being targeted or treated differently in the game if they are seen as troublemakers or whistleblowers. Why are you stating the obvious message that attempting to rock the boat via making a staff complaint will lead to it being held against you? I made the staff complaint against Mel because I believe there was misconduct regarding the CCIA as a result of the investigation and the possibility of metabuddying due to the fact one of the whistleblowers helping the synthetic (In this case, a dominian snitching and helping a synth. Mel's character to be exact). and to plead my case via my side of the story. The issue with Mel was pretty much the reason for the ban, hence why I made the complaint against her.
  10. Simply recalling on what cybs mentioned in the 'after everything that has happened'. The basis is that Cybs is possibly using past situations as a way for simply 'try again at the end of the year'. Going into detail on 'everything that has happened after it was applied'. 1) I was partaking in a giant group art commission for some interdepartmental stuff involving the character that Cybs deleted and I was informed through another staff member and due to Cybs blocking me after the ban, I was unable to obtain any further details. So I went back and forth with the artist on obtaining a refund. Why would I want to be taunted by a picture of my character that was deleted? That's a slap in the face if I ever seen one. So it led to me eventually having to go through with paypal until a refund was given, which nearly ruined the art project for everyone due to the stress on the artist. But why is Cybs punishing me for this? In what sane world would I like to see a character who was instantly thanos snapped out of mid-air without further discussion? Why am I being labeled the bad guy for realizing I wasted my money on an art commission of a now deleted character and wanted it back and now it's being held against me for post-poning my ban appeal? People have a right to not want artwork of a now deleted character of theirs and request a refund. Even more if the artist wasn't showing any progress and was working on other commissions in the meantime. 2) The complaint on Mel/The defamation. I honestly found it strange that Ki was instantly deleted due to that event without any further discussion /after/ all the quarrels she went through with Mel's character. Which it was obvious that it was putting some form of stress on Mel OOCly. The idea I found of a dominian snitching over a synthetic related manner as well did not help with the impression of giving off some meta buddy vibes. It's what led to me making the complaint in order to clear things up initially for this ban. However it was decided that it was simply better off filing a simple appeal. I had my reasonings and while I do apologize for the mess, I feel Cybs is simply punishing me for the complaint by purposefully keeping the ban extended. Is this the impression that is being given to other players? Make a staff complaint and we'll hold it over your head as a threat/ammo in the future? 3) In the ban reasoning, it was mentioned I have a negative attitude against staff. I won't lie, I have a defensive attitude when it comes to interacting with staff due to the fact it's admin notes such as this one That was left by Mattatlas and sent to me by another member of staff following a staff complaint. I find it difficult to be openly friendly and arms open to people in a group that openly called me a thick headed idiot behind my back. Let alone what else could be written in my admin note profile. It's tedious to put on a loving smile whenever I'm bwoinked and questioned. But I understand that I could focus on lowering my guard and forgiving past negative contacts. But take this a show of reasoning for why I'm a defensive turtle. Other than Matt's comment on the admin side note. I don't quite see a warning paper trail for my attitude. From Cyb's ban note, it simply seemed to be improvised out of the blue reason than more of a key part to applying said ban.
  11. BYOND Key: Filthyfrankster Staff BYOND Key: WickedCybs Game ID: N/A Reason for complaint: Judgement on the unban appeal. Evidence/logs/etc: I was told to make a staff complaint in regards to the decision made on my appeal by WickedCybs by another staff member. For I'm currently unable to discuss with them in private DM's on the matter due to a block between us. Additional remarks: N/A
  12. BYOND Key: Filthyfrankster Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: WickedCybs Reason of Ban: Reason for Appeal: Following a temp ban due to some events days prior to this one. A part of me needed a scapegoat to practically target for the events that led up to this (Which in this case was Mel) since our characters had some IC disputes and the whole being told my character was deleted following the first ban did not help at all. It took a few months after this to learn that the real suspect in this whole case was myself. I failed to simply accept I was the one at fault that led up to all of this and decided to point the fingers at others in order to make myself feel better. Now I simply processed that no one else was at fault, it was just me. I'm sorry for it. Now I would like to come back and enjoy what RP adventurers I have with my other characters and friends.
  13. Go ahead and close this complaint then, please. I'll file for an appeal on the ban with my side of the events then.
  14. This is far from targeted harassment. The main reason behind this complaint is to combat the permaban issued by Cybs and my reasoning for the approach. Since the ban was issued for the interactions and conflicts with Mel, I wanted to explain /why/ I thought the way and discussed her to others about the thought process. I simply want this ban lifted, the character ban and the jobban I can accept the L on. However the server wide ban and the immediate blocking from Cybs who had to use another staff member as the messenger. As for evidence, since I'm not in the Aurora discord servers. I would like to bring in any notes on my account (from the administration side, since that's where the hidden admin notes are). Mostly the ones focused around the interactions after the first CCIA case. But again. The primary purpose behind this complaint is to simply display my view of the matters regarding Mel and this ban for this 'hate campaign' I have created. To clear the air and simply show what I witnessed from my side of events that led up to this. But to be fair, this should of been settled better for a ban appeal itself.
  15. BYOND Key: Filthyfrankster Staff BYOND Key: Melariara Game ID: N/A Reason for complaint: Primarily for influencing the decisions of staff team members over the past few months following a set of recent run ins in-game between my character (Ki) and Mel's pharmacist (Yekta). Which can be traced back in here for incident one and the second but also most concerning one here which involved a DOMINIAN character who specifically have hatred over machine and machine life engraved into their culture snitching to Yekta over some comments that Ki had made. This implied to me at first that were was a case of metabuddying between this exchange of information. The CCIA OOC investigation that followed by a staff team member led to nowhere. However messages between myself and Mel led up with this being exchanged. After the second investigation by CCIA was over with, I began to notice the staff team seemingly to be watching over my actions more and more. Which led to a much more series of bwoinks, warnings and punishments issued. Which is strange because this occurred after the run in with Mel IC'ly. However in the past, I know that staff members tend to leave some passive aggressive notes in any warnings they give me. Hence the one below which was given to me by a member of the staff team that will remained anonymous. This led to the straw that broke the camel back when during a non-canon event hosted by Cybs, my character had decapitated a probably infected IPC which led to a 3 day ban and a job ban from machinist. That's fine, mistakes were made. However the salt in the wound was the fact the banning admin used another friend of mine to act as the messenger to tell me my character was deleted by staff decision with both Cybs and Mel refusing to speak to me over discord over what had occurred after the pass down that my character was deleted. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: This 'defamation campaign' that has been claimed I am doing by Cybs has been based around the fact that I've been voicing my suspicion behind the staff team actions being puppeteer'd. Since my character was deleted, I went to approach the artist after we had already paid them for a massive commission of the engineering/operations department and asked for a refund. This was given a big fat no to which I began asking players if it was justified to do a dispute via paypal. This put the whole commission at risk which I brought up to other players if it was justified since the whole ordeal was around my dispute with Mel. Even before that, after the ban. I noticed many of my friends who were either on the staff team either stop speaking to me or straight up block me. Even then, many of my non-staff member friends simply stopped talking to me. Not only have these events put the whole commission piece at risk in the community, it has damaged a number of my friendships. Call me thick-headed if you'd like. I don't take well to staff members approaching me with a passive aggressive attitude or the passive aggressive notes that they leave. But I'm simply not going to roll over and simply go 'it is what it is' in any chance to humiliate me.
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